ITT lies about the world we were told growing up (95)

57 Name: Citizen : 2008-11-19 08:05 ID:PTx0TbaH

It is. There's just a difference between freedom and power. You can say or think anything you like here, and do most anything that doesn't endanger yourself or others around you; the fact that you have no direct governmental power is one of the many safety features our founding fathers put into the Constitution to protect this nation from what Jefferson called "tyranny of the majority."
Face it, most people are really, REALLY dumb--that's why the system was designed to make sure that, while their interests and attitudes were reflected in their government, power was kept out of the hands of the mob at all costs. And the day that that ceased to be the case--the day that the electoral college started going with the majority opinion rather than exercising their own judgment--was the day that politics became a dog and pony show. Granted, things are better than they were fifty years ago in that respect--if only because we're a little better educated now--but frankly, if the nation just listened to its best and brightest rather than being swept up in mindless pageantry, we wouldn't be in this mess. And by "this mess," I mean "basically every problem facing this nation right now." The intellectuals predicted the recession, spoke out against the war, voted Gore in 2000, and could have told you that bin Laden fellow was bad news from the moment we started funding him. Hell, if Europe had listened to its collective brain instead of its collective penis and said "You know, fuck these treaties, we're not going to go to war over some Archduke Fuckwad, and Serbia can kiss our bourgeois asses," none of this godawful shit would have happened in the first place! Oh, and Hannibal, nice job with the fucking avalanche! Maybe you could have exercised a little more caution with the fucking elephants in the fucking Alps? But noooooo, you had to be all badass and lose two-thirds of your army, and let whitey turn your entire fucking continent to a series of war-torn, AIDS-ridden fuck-holes! And would it be too much to ask for the damn Hyksos to keep to their fucking selves? You mess with Egypt and your entire religion is gonna get contaminated with all that Osiris bullshit, and then next thing you know there's a guy with a bad combover rounding you up for the Josef Mengele Experimental Fucking Surgery Hour! AND ANOTHER THI-
Sorry. Um, the moral of the story is, listen to smart people. We know things.
- An Angry History Major

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