[Japan] Confrontation between Jimintou and Minsyutou (650)

105 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-01-13 16:50 ID:khoG43Uk

(`・ω・´) Yoshiro Mori, the kingmaker of Jimintou Party,
      goes to Republic of Palau for 3 days.

     lミ{   ニ == 二   lミ|    
.     {ミ| , =、、 ,.=-、 ljハ   I shall be alone...
     {t! ィ・=  r・=,  !3l   My enemies in Jimintou
      `!、 , イ_ _ヘ    l‐'  Party wall me...
       Y { r=、__ ` j ハ─   
  r‐、 /)へ、`ニニ´ .イ /ヽ    
  } i/ //) `ー‐´‐rく  |ヽ   
  l / / /〉、_\_ト、」ヽ!

     麻生大兄 (Big Brother Chicken Aso)

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