Abortion and the political spectrum (16)

2 Name: Citizen : 2010-02-02 21:44 ID:8DMqG4K7

Here in the United States(and you don't find people picketing or bombing abortion clinics in Europe or Asia)...

What people -say- about abortion falls in line with their views on everything else. That is to say that there's a lot of middle/upper class women who say abortion is wrong and would gossip about anyone who had one, but are secretly glad it's available in case they need. The point I'm trying to make is that most people fall somewhere in between the angry feminists and the whackos protesting clinics.

It's legal because most people support it and most of those who don't realize it should be available for medical emergencies, raped women, et cetera.

You'll see a lot of conservative political candidates use it as a carrot to lure old people, hillbillies, and religious nuts to the voting booths, but they very rarely try to do anything about it.

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