Right, Squeeks is going (222)

14 Name: Jay 2006-01-25 19:28 ID:/cRA3eiE

Here, I'll give you some more things to work with.

  • The current server at the moment costs $80USD/month*, is allocated 900Gb in that month*, at this point in time we are using less than 40% of that limit.
  • Ads don't pay very well, and would not support even 20% of the bill. Google, putting Adsense customers under NDA prevent me from revealing exact numbers.
  • Currently there are two real moderators, myself, and WAHa. Even now, this is not enough of a team to keep everything under control.
  • I don't want to "pass the baton" onto a single admin. I would like this site to be run, from the ground up by the community. My aims were that a "team" of some description take on the tasks. Not only does this allow me to get on with my life, but also means you the people have more control of where this goes.

*Actually 28 days.

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