[User input] Please post your thoughts on these pressing matters (24)

1 Name: bps : 2014-03-06 14:11 ID:Heaven

If you have strong (or weak) opinions on any of the following things, I would like to hear what you think!

  1. Probably some of you have noticed that DQN takes ages to fully load. This is because the old hit counter image (the frying pan thingy) has stopped working. Should I remove it altogether? Replace it with a new one? If so, what, and does it matter that the counter is reset? Maybe I could just put a fake one there as a sort of memorial, with some fake number? In any case the loading thing bothers me a lot.
  2. Is it time the default anonymous name on DQN is changed again? What would you like to see it changed to, if at all?
  3. Banners! Should we have a competition or something? Do you prefer things as they are? Please see this thread for more info: http://4-ch.net/req/kareha.pl/1393544046/
  4. Has anybody noticed any spam since the new year/change of server? Are you happy with the level of moderation (or lack thereof)?
  5. Any other thoughts/suggestions? Even super trivial ones.

I'll monitor this for a long time and act accordingly if people have any input.

2 Name: bps : 2014-03-29 12:53 ID:Heaven

A little progress:

  1. Removed the counter for now.
  2. It has been changed.

3 Name: bps : 2014-03-29 13:04 ID:Heaven

I also fixed some weird spacing in the footer of each board, since it has bothered me for years.

4 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2014-03-31 01:01 ID:4H2HqFPA

1. I'm glad you removed the counter. I think you should replace it with a fake one, with this guy inside the frying pan:
./ ;' 3 `ヽーっ
l   ⊃ ⌒_つ

2. I'll post my opinions in the DQN thread!

3. We should collaboratively make a banner in true DQN fashion, like a song thread. Maybe I'll go start that thread now.

4. I don't visit anywhere else besides DQN, but /dqn/ seems to be pretty good right now.

5. The DQN archives are down (although still accessible via archive.org). Not sure if you can do anything about that. Also, thanks for all of your help!

5 Name: bps!!+u1+mB+S (Admin) : 2014-03-31 10:22 ID:Heaven

1. I tried for half an hour to do this but GIMP is terrible and I am terrible, so I failed. I would like to bring the counter back like that, though.
2-4. Good!
5. It should work as of a week ago. Let me know if there are still issues.

6 Name: Anonymous Gimp Wizard : 2014-04-06 16:16 ID:8HWQtS/P

I could probably make that. Can you link me to the old counter image? I couldn't find it with google.

7 Name: bps!!+u1+mB+S (Admin) : 2014-04-12 15:55 ID:Heaven

It's 8205 on http://ofuda.cc/sample.html if memory serves well.
Direct link: http://ofuda.cc/img/8205-2.gif

Many thanks in advance for the effort!

8 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2014-05-02 18:40 ID:RQaRQ4iZ

The reason why DQN is so slow is because of all the threads on it. You know about the Forbidden Garden, right? That happened to speed up the board before, at 1800 threads. (See subback.html for a thread list).

4-ch actually has a textboard archival script someplace (wherever the mobile viewing script is). You should make use of it as a first step of getting things back.

9 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2014-05-04 19:30 ID:I3cCZrsL

I've been meaning to do this for some time already (I think I mentioned it on IRC or some other thread here), but I was referring to a different loading issue in >>1 (i.e. not when posting but just browsing).

Anyway, I will archive things eventually.

10 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2014-05-13 23:39 ID:RQaRQ4iZ

11 Name: bps!!+u1+mB+S (Admin) : 2014-06-12 22:29 ID:5yEsSE5G

These scripts are still sitting on the server, so I will make a note to reintroduce them publicly. I guess this will coincide with me actually archiving the old parts of DQN. The academic year is almost over for me so I'll do it soon.

12 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2014-06-20 13:40 ID:Heaven


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13 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2014-08-18 16:15 ID:qOpX/0if

From my understanding of how Kareha works, the amount of threads shouldn't increase the time it takes for the script to run in most cases. The entire board's cache shouldn't be rebuilt on each post, just the the actual thread, subback.html, the board index. You guys should try and profile what's actually happening when you experience slowdown so you can fix (or ask someone to fix) the problem at its root.

14 Name: bps!!+u1+mB+S (Admin) : 2015-08-07 12:36 ID:5yEsSE5G

I have fixed the long loading time that occurred when posting on DQN (or any other large board, if one existed). A description of the problem:

Every time a post was made, Kareha would iterate through every thread on that board and check its number of posts, age, and filesize. If any of these values exceeded a maximum defined in the board's configuration file, then the script would close the thread. The problem is that Kareha was closing already closed threads, which involves rewriting that thread's file. The solution was to not do anything if the thread was already closed, which cut loading time by a good 20-30 seconds on DQN.

15 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2015-08-07 15:10 ID:1K0hmpZd

Gosh, thanks! Keep up the good work.

16 Name: bps!!+u1+mB+S (Admin) : 2015-08-25 13:16 ID:ZrTMoPi3

Hi again guys. I want to ask your opinion on a new feature:

For each post, how about putting at the bottom of it (or at the end of the line with name, date, ID, etc.) a list of posts that quote it? For example if >>2 and >>3 quote >>1, then underneath >>1 there would be something like: Replies: >>2, >>3.

Another cool thing I have wanted to do for a while is this hover-preview of posts that you get on some imageboards. If I hover over a link >>1, then I get a pop-up box next to the link showing the actual post >>1. This requires JavaScript so I understand that it might not be so popular. But it might make navigation a bit more natural, since when you click a post link, it will take you to a new page showing only that post. I think this behaviour is a bit outdated (although I don't intend to change it).

Let me know what you think!

17 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2015-08-25 13:31 ID:nUVZXXoy

I find both suggestions sound. Make it so.

18 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2015-09-03 22:47 ID:gEhvz6k8

I'm not particularly fussed either way about the listing replies thing, but the hovering to show posts sounds like an excellent idea.

19 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2015-09-07 07:18 ID:Heaven

maybe you could have that behavior optional so that people who don't want javascript are not forced to have it.

20 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2015-09-14 15:44 ID:MUf0rqEB

see http://4-ch.net/iaa/kareha.pl/1439692458/
why was >>/2 deleted but not >>/3 (>>/2 was deleted after >>/3 was posted IIRC)
were all posts from that IP mass-deleted without the mod seeing the thread?
or do I remember wrong?

21 Name: bps!!+u1+mB+S (Admin) : 2015-09-20 22:25 ID:YMYSNTFr

If JavaScript is disabled, then the board would function as it does now.

There is no way to mass-delete everything from a single IP, as far as I know.

22 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2015-09-23 15:16 ID:MUf0rqEB

I've an idea: add 'VORUDEMOTO' to the spam filter

23 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2015-09-24 01:50 ID:Heaven

We just got an imageboard without any warning

The hell?

24 Name: bps!!+u1+mB+S (Admin) : 2015-09-27 09:36 ID:Heaven

It would just be replaced with something else. At least you know that such a post is bumping a long-dead thread.

It's just an experiment. I don't know if it will last. Do you think it should be removed?

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