Page that shows all the new posts across boards (16)

1 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-10-08 19:25 ID:guDj7zjc

This could be helpful for moderation as well.

I haven't written much Perl, but I could probably try to hack something together. The program could easily cache the posts to reduce load.

I assume that all the 4-ch boards are independent flat file databases, and that is probably the cause of many of the performance issues the site experiences. It's not like the site is broken, it works fine, but it still makes me want to re-architect things so that boards load faster in general

but I digress. I think that the page that shows all new posts across boards could easily be done client-side without any server development effort as well. I'm thinking of putting together a user script that attempts it.

what does everyone think of something like this?

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