[HARAMBE] (18)

1 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-12-27 05:49 ID:QeUlSm6c

Make a .pl script on kareha that bans the phrases, "harambe", "dicks out", "dicks out for harambe".

2 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-12-27 14:52 ID:RSqZt15w

it's getting really bad we honestly might need to do something like this.. I think they must be doing it with a script

3 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-12-27 15:10 ID:RSqZt15w

d!cks out for Harambe is now spam filtered..

4 Post deleted.

5 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-12-27 23:09 ID:ZE8jxev0

It's one of the mildest spams I've seen, I don't get what's getting you all bothered.
Maybe if you'd archive old ass threads people like this retard wouldn't be able to bump them.

6 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-12-29 19:09 ID:RSqZt15w

I think we're gonna have to ban tor

what is h@rambe-spammers endgame though?

why does he do it?


7 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-12-30 03:27 ID:VSZd3Ok+

To annoy. Some people can't handle the idea that other people may be having a good time, so they do what they can to spoil it. It's kinda sad, really.

8 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-12-30 16:41 ID:Heaven

Just archive all threads that haven't got new posts in over a year god damn it.

9 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2016-12-31 22:38 ID:QeUlSm6c

>>3 filter out TOR

10 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2017-01-13 13:50 ID:igpPVHJl


11 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2017-01-15 20:44 ID:QeUlSm6c


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