AA Editors FAQ? (110)

1 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 05/01/05(Wed)11:06 ID:Heaven [Del]

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                 | |     / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
        ∧_∧   | |    / Sensei, I request a guide for one
       ( ;´Д`)//  < or more of the following editors!
      /       /     \ Something like a walkthrough...
     / /|    /       \_____________
  __| | .|    |
  \   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
  ||\             \
  ||\|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|| ̄
  ||  || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||
     .||              ||


●Ascii Art Editor●



106 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2021-10-09 17:08 ID:sHaPjli7


107 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2021-10-16 23:40 ID:fdMHX+NL

Seeing as I keep seeing people fucking up on basic spacing, I think it's worth reposting this old guide:

I just wanted to point out that you used multiple half-width spaces in a row and started your lines with half-width spaces in the first ice cream cone.
This sort of usage of half-width spaces in AA usually does not work on 2ch-style textboards, almost all of them collapse repeat half-width spaces into a single half-width space, and ignore initial half-width spaces.
Here is a demonstration of how to handle spaces properly in AA. Pretend that the "-" represents a half-width space. Full-width spaces represent themselves. Sections of spacing are surrounded by "|" with the space after the first "|" indicating the start of a line
| - - -| is posted as | - - -| as it starts with a full-width space and no two half width spaces repeat.
| --------| is posted as | -|. All the half-width spaces collapse down into a single space.
|- - - -| is posted as | - - -| as initial half-width spaces are ignored.
|-------------- - - -| is still posted as | - - -| as all initial spaces are ignored.
Please don't be discouraged in whatever your AA-making ventures may be, this is something a lot of people make mistakes on the first time.
If you want your AA to work properly when posted on textboards, please format correctly!

The following is a description of what the dot widths of common characters are:

*The following is sample of the length from 3 dot pitch to f 16 dot pitch.

|∀|=16dots length
|  | full pitch space(11dots)+half pitch space(5dots)=16dots length
| _ | half pitch space(5dots)+under bar(5dots)+half pitch space(5dots)=15dots length
| .| full pitch space(11dots)+comma(3dots)=14dots length
| . | half pitch space(5dots)+comma(3dots)+half pitch space(5dots)=13dots length
|....| comma(3dots)+comma(3dots)+comma(3dots)+comma(3dots)=12dots length
| | full pitch space(11dots)=11dots length
|__| under bar(5dots)+under bar(5dots)=10dots length
|...| comma(3dots)+comma(3dots)+comma(3dots)=9dots length
| .| half pitch space(5dots)+comma(3dots)=8dots length
|!.| 「 ! 」(4dots)+comma(3dots)=7dots length
|..| comma(3dots)+comma(3dots)=6dots length
| | half pitch space(5dots)=5dots length
|!| 「 ! 」(4dots)=4dots length
|.| comma(3dots)=2dots length
*Samples of character dot length.
.3dots  4dots   5dots  6dots.  7dots  
.|.|       |||     |(|       |r|     |`|
.|,|       |!|     |)|       |r|     |~|
.|:|       |{|     |[|       |t|     |^|
.|;|       |}|     |]|       ..._     |s|
.|'|       |j|     | |       ..._     |?|
.|i|       |j|     |_|       ..._     |、|
.|l|       |i|     |f|       ..._     |。|
.        |I|     ..、       ..._     |g|
.        |l|     ..、       ..._     |k|
.        |゙|     ..、       ..._     |x|
.        ....     ..、       ..._     |z|
.        ....     ..、       ..._     |「|
.        ....     ..、       ..._     |」|
.        ....     ..、       ..._     |ト|
8dots  8dots   8dots 11dots. 11dots 12dots 13dots
|”|       |n|     |†|    | |    |V|    |M|    |イ|
|’|       |o|     |ノ|    |0|    |、|    |W|    ~~~
|(|       |p|     |\|    |1|    |。|
|)|       |q|     |v|    |2|    |ノ|    .、、.
|=|       |u|     |x|    |3| 
|+|       |v|     |y|    |4| 
|-|       |y|     |z|    |5|    ....._    .、、.
|*|       |0|     |"|    |6|    ....._    .、、.
|/|       |1|     |^|    |7|    ....._    .、、.
|<|       |2|     |「|    |8|    ....._    .、、.
|>|       |3

108 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2021-10-17 00:12 ID:fdMHX+NL

Additionally, AA should be displayed and worked on with MS PGothic at exactly 16px height. MS PGothic DOES NOT display AA correctly at other font sizes, the spacing ends up different. Please use an AA test pattern of some kind to make sure that all lines that should be vertical really are vertical, to ensure your fonts are correct.
The "OH NO!" thread on here has some great AA for use as test patterns. For example, all the vertical lines in https://4-ch.net/ascii/kareha.pl/1122749682/21 should be perfectly straight if you have your fonts set up properly.

Anyone committed to making AA should really download an AA Editor. It's a massive help, at the bare minimum you get mildly more convenient copy and pasting, and (most importantly) they highlight spacing errors for you. The two I've tried and recommend are OrinrinEditor and (´д`)Edit. Be warned, you may need to use a Japanese locale for them to work correctly.


(Other AA fonts than MS PGothic exist, but they differ from MS PGothic in a number of subtle ways that can ruin your AA. Of all these fonts, the only one I know of that *exactly* matches MS PCothic (at least, for all AA I tested) is Saitamaar, which is what https://aa.yaruyomi.com/ (an excellent AA resource that I highly recommend) uses, though the webfont only seems to load on Chrome. Saitamaar correctly shows AA at 16px, and in Chrome even scales properly (as in, it preserves vertical lines when zooming in). Still, stick to MS PGothic, you're less likely to run into problems. Also, the "classic choice" of Mona Font does not display all AA correctly, on the rare occasion it will use a different width for certain chracters, be warned.
I'll probably write some more about the font situation a on the new tanasinn wiki (tanasinn.vip) someday, though most (all?) of this is utterly irrelevant and confusing if you're just interested in making AA and have no font problems.)

109 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2021-10-17 18:52 ID:Heaven

乙, nice guide

110 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2021-12-18 18:32 ID:8CEe+6Ew

Solved >>98

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/* ==UserStyle==
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