<˜€MΝL> kekeke (555)

424 Name: <MΝL> : 2007-05-14 13:47 ID:xLxQBiYX

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@|@|@@@@@Logical quiz@.|@|@ @@@@@@ @ ΘQΘ
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@@@@HHHQuestion HHH

EThere is "a Nida, a Mona., a beautiful lady, and a dog" in a Korean peninsula.
@These Three and a dog start going to Japan over the sea of Japan sea
@However, the ship is only one, and can get on at a time only by two people (The dog
@also counts with one person).

@@Nida@@@@@Mona@ beautiful lady@Dog
@ ΘQΘ @@@ΘQΘ @@@ΘΘ@
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@@*********And, other things that should be noted exist.**********

EOf course, the dog cannot row the boat.

EWhen Nida is combined with the beautiful lady,
@Nida rapes the beautiful lady.
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EWhen Nida is combined with the dog, Nida eats the dog..
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EEven if Nida is taken to the ship alone, Nida doesn't try to row the boat.
@@ ΘQΘ @@@ΘΘ@
@@i@L„DMj @@(*ί„tί)@@ ΘΘ@@@@@ I am an aristocrat nida,
@@i@@@@j @. i@@ j@@<,,ί Eί>@@@@@@I do not want to do such a physical labor nida.
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EWhen Nida is left in Japan alone, Nidae starts an armed pickpocket.

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@I subjugate Japan nida.
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Well, how will we be able to go to Japan by ship?
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@|@|@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ |@|@@@@@@ žΌ@@@@j@QQ
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