<˜¤MÍL> kekeke (555)

1 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-03-20 10:31 ID:Heaven



ƒjƒ_ „ª„ª„ª„ª„ª„ª<MÍL>„ª„ª„ª„ª„ª„ª !!

@ @ @ @@È__È @ ________@@
@@@@ @<˜¤MÍL>/P/P/@
@@@@@ i “ñ“ñ“ñ‚Â /@‚Æj@
@@@@@@| @@@/@ / @/@ @
@ @@@@ | @ @ P|P @@

401 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-02-10 18:11 ID:eFP99oon

@@@i@LÍMj/ ƒ@Do Koreans have a fan in their computer cases?
@Q / /@@ /@@@_QQQQQQQQQQQQ
@ @ .||PPPPP||

402 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-02-10 23:05 ID:2gubcRVU

<˜¤M„DL> No. It causes the CPU to die from "fan death" nida.

Say, do you smell smoke? +++NO CARRIER+++

403 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-02-11 03:37 ID:Heaven

@@@@r.A@ ,r.A
@@ @,!@R,:'@ Þ;.
.@@ @!@@Þ;;@@}
@@ @ Þ;@@ii@,/
@@@ ,r'@ @ @ `RA @
@@ ,i"@@ _,@ @_@Þ; @Nida's doll was gotten from a Corean.
@@ !.@@E@@@@ E,!
@@ T_@@@@‚˜ ÈÈ
@@ @/`'''''''''''' < MÍ>
@@@ !@ @“ñ‚‚ ,ÉÞ
@@@ Þ''::r--¤::-UJ'
@@@ @ Þ'°-]Þ°-Þ'

@@ @@ ,.A@,rA
@@ @,/@ Þi,:'@;.
.@@ @!@@Þ;;@l
@@ @ Þ;@@i@,!
@@@ ,r'@ @ @`RA
@@ ,i"@@@ _,@ @Þ; @@However, I hate this doll..
@@ !.@@@@E@@@,!
@@ T_@@@ @@‚˜::'@@@@@ÈÈ
@@ @/`''''''''''''''"L':,@@@(R< MÍ>
@@@ Þ'-::r°-:;;]'MÞÞM@¤,.
@@@@@ Þ°-'Þ@ƒmÉ@@"M

404 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-02-14 14:01 ID:CjDK0XaQ

@@@i;;::;;:@@@;;;;j ;;:::j
@@i;;::; i::;;i;::@i;:: È@È
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@@@@ SRi:;;;iii|//
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™™™@ ..|::;;;iii|@C@@@@@@@Ð,,š,,,,;;Ð
i L_½Mj,,,,|:;;;;iii|,;';' ;';CÄÞÄÞÄÞc iMc_L ,,,j@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ÈQÈ
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405 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-02-18 12:50 ID:CjDK0XaQ

.ˆ. * .ˆ. .* .ˆ. .* .ˆ. .* .ˆ. .* .ˆ. .* .ˆ. .* .ˆ. .* .ˆ. .* .ˆ. .* .ˆ. .* .ˆ. .* .ˆ. .* .
@@@@@@@ QQ
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@ @ @ |.|(;;;,...Aƒm,,S .iƒm:qi
@@@@ |.|iƒm /::i@ƒÒ:: ,,,,,,,r
@@@ @ /;;;/~~"``~@|.|

406 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-02-24 11:38 ID:CjDK0XaQ

@|@@@ U@U

407 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-02-26 12:48 ID:CjDK0XaQ

@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ÈUÈ
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@< *eÍe>Þ
.._@@@@@@@@@@@@ i/u@ É
@@@ _@@@@@@@@ ÚÚ^
@@@@@_ @
@@ ._Q^|PPPPP|
@@ @ @ @. |@@@@@@@.|

408 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-02-28 13:29 ID:CjDK0XaQ

@ @!@l@@@
@ l::::::l .@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@„Ÿ
@l::::::l@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@l::::::::_
@ tl::::::lfR @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@l::::::l_;;
@@ R¤:.@;;;;;;;;;_S:@¤ -ÞSR:@¤ -ÞSR°¤ @@@@@l:::::::l
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@@@@@@@@@i(i@@@. / _@@@ j)j
@@@@@@@@@ Ri@R É(¤__,ƒmR /@i_/@@
@@@@@@@@@@@_ < °] >É /


409 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-03-12 12:12 ID:CjDK0XaQ

@@ @ @@@@@@@ ÈQÈ
@@@@@@@@@ ‚’y<"MÍLM>‚Á
@@@@@@@@@ `! @@@@@ i
@@@@@@@@@@T cQc_,.ƒm
@@@@@@@@@@@@@ j
@@@@@@@@@@@@ i
@@@@@š@@ ÈUÈj
@ @@@@@_ <eÍe¿
@@@@@@ @ ‚Æ@@@,É

410 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-03-17 07:05 ID:CjDK0XaQ

@ @ @@/L¥R
@ @ @ ÉO'§,ƒn@ ,))),,@
@@@@`Z±'@/¸ ß @)
@ @ @ @,!@q<eÍe–>
@ @ @ / @@R@š-‚t-
@@@@l @ @ @@\-J@
@ @ @ @_ @ @ @ @/
@ @ @ @ @R r[R É
@ @ @ @ @__||¤@__||¤

411 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-03-18 12:31 ID:CjDK0XaQ

You told me you will stop the sanction.....

@@and give us enough oil........

@@@@You promised ...........

@@@@@@ m (š) nm (š) n
.@@@@@@ <L„tM> <L„tM>

412 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-03-23 13:53 ID:deSl+WDe

@@@@@@@| |@^i
@@@@ @@ | r'@__. R@@QQ
@@@@ ,¤_@| <eÍeG>.É[r'-]'.ÌlMR
@ @ @ ,|@PjË"²ƒm `i@,-²ƒm¤,;"_
@@@@((`-¤/,;;,¤_,,;;;;;;,Sy¤ ::j_,)j(>¤R
@@@ @¿-,²;;,....;;;;;;;;;;;;;,,.jYR`r' ;,,T.j |
@@ @ i_,.,ÉÄ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ƒm::i|.@Þɤ@`;,@b
@@@ r'`œei M¤:;;;;;;;;;;;;( .:::i 'y'`<.@@i;,@|
@@@É `"i r''Y:¤;;;;;;ƒmr'"R É `'''l@@ i;@|
.@@/ Q,É,'(¦ ir' ,-r:|E)@i@ @:|S@ i;˜¦
@@`̽). i„¡¤,||.¢ ÉÉ.]„¢ ,>¤.,˜¦,,M]<
@@ i_ijjj@| |@ Ë,i^,i |@| rY.ÉiÉ , X._ i;;,,
.@@ @ @ j|.@@j,;Ê,iT_|_`i"/ i;,i²@@`i;;,,
@@@@@iP`X /RÉi @ ¿:.S@i;," ` ;,,.._i;;,,
@@@@@ rY:"@R /@|`T"@R>-'|S`;_i. `;,. i;;,
@@@@@ | |@@ É"@ |@ |@@iS,¿@S,.@i `;, `;i
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@@@@@/ /@MR@@@`i@|.@R@@@@ `:;,@i;, |
@@@@./ /@@@ j@@@l@ |.@ R@@@ @`¤__.É
@@ _,,i /@,..-¤ y¤.@@i @ |@@ j
@ /,,,)_V_ƒm¿,ÍY''" @ ƒmR@|. ,.;<
@@@@@@ ~`"@@ r"_¿,),.>Ú¤,,yR.
@@@@@@@@@@@''" ~@ P @ `'''

413 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-04-02 05:01 ID:Heaven

You must not touch this.

414 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-04-17 14:54 ID:FUUiFMmi

@@i ‚‚¿ƒˆ„¸@@@\ߎOß
@@ƒm@@ÜR@@@@ _‚ÖR

415 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-04-18 01:26 ID:Heaven

i, LÍMj@< VTec just kicked in, yo!

416 Name: !KhhfR9rWiw : 2007-04-24 04:23 ID:dnGHrbI1

If you insist on making fun of Coreans, I make fun of you, choppari!

@@i L_½Mj@ƒIs your penis tiny?

i#L„DMjƒYes, a rat has a bigger penis than mine!
i *^ƒn^jƒYes, my penis is bigger than yours, in fact!
<*MÍL>ƒOh yes, it's huge. Your girlfriend already knew that by the way!

417 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-04-24 19:50 ID:eFP99oon

i L_½MjAre you Chinese?
.^ ’†_
(@ MƒnL)uYesv
.ÈQÈ@ @@
(@ LÍM)uNov

i L_½MjAre you Japanese?
.^ ’†_
(@ MƒnL)uYesv
.ÈQÈ@ @@
(@ LÍM)uYesv

i L_½MjAre you Korean?
.^ ’†_
(@ MƒnL)uNov
.ÈQÈ@ @@
(@ LÍM)uNov

418 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-05-02 18:53 ID:Jg7BsCFj

419 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-05-03 23:34 ID:DOxiKAY/

\ || \

420 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-05-07 22:04 ID:A7EhsYh5

|||||||||||||||||||:@@@@@@ „µ +20@@@@|||||||||||||||||||
|||||||||||||||:@@@@@@@@„«@@@@@@@ :||||||||||||||||
|||||||||||:@@@@@@@@@ „µ +10@@@@@@@@:|||||||
|||||||||:@@@@@@@@@ÈQÈ ,@@@@@@@@|||||||||
||||||||„°„¹„¹„¹„¹@ <˜¤MÍL>@ „¹„¹„¹„¹„²:||||||
|||||||||:@@@@ _PP PP P@ƒm@@@ @@ :||||||||
||||||||||| ~@K~~BK ~œc~ „µ -10~ K~~ ~BK ~|||||||||||
|||||||||||||||||||:@@@@@@ „µ -20@@@@|||||||||||||||||||

421 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-05-08 08:31 ID:b16MVVCk

@b@b@Wow this is really not a good b b
b b idied...@@@@@@@@@@@b@b

422 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-05-08 08:31 ID:b16MVVCk


423 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-05-13 08:03 ID:Lk5QWSNn

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@* @@(ÜÉÜ)@*@@@@ (Q„::<MÍL>::ƒQj
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ (Ü_:::::::^Ü)_(ÜÉÜ)@@^::::::::_Q)@@@@+
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(Q„::<MÍL>::ƒQj:::::::^Ü)_ (ÜÉÜ)@@@*
@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@ '|@@@@@@@@@ /|@@@@iQ^U::U___j:<MÍL>::ƒQj_:::::::^Ü)_
@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ / | R@@@@@ @@/ |._@@@@ iQÈQ)@ ^U::U___j„::<MÍL>::ƒQj
@@@@@@@@@@@@@ / ::|@.RQQQQ/.@|@b@@@@@@@@@@iQÈQ)@ iQ^U::U___j@@@*
@@@@@@@@@@@@@/@ |,,r@@@@@@@:MR|@b @ @ @@|PPPPPPPPPPPPPP|Ü)
@@@@@@@@@@@@ ,.-':::::::::: @@@@@@@@@`,¤R@ @ @ |@Corea is the greatest country@@|^Ü)
@@@@ @ ÈA@@@^:::::::::: @@@@@@@@@@@@R|@@@ .|@@in the worldB@@Ni-da~ô@@@|@Qj
@@@@@bb@@./:::::::::: -=E=-@@@@-=E=-@@@@R@@@PjÉPPPPPPPPPPPP ___j
@@@/@P@R^:::::::_@@ @@|Q__/@@@@@@^ @ _@@@@@* @@@(ÜÉÜ)@@*@ iQÈQ)
@@@|@@/P@|_:::::::| @ @@@|@ /@@@@@ @|@@@ ^@@+@@@@ (Ü_:::::::^Ü)_(ÜÉÜ)@@@+
@@@T@f-(@ |^R@@@ @@ | ./@@@@@@@@_,^_@@@@(ÜÉ(Q„::<MÍL>::ƒQj:::::::^Ü)
@@@@_@@@|@ @ `R_ @ @ |/@@@@@@,,.,;]'@@@@|@ (Ü_:::::::^iQ^U::U___j:<MÍL>::ƒQj
@@@@@ T@@@@@@@@@"''''''°]---]]'''''"@@@@@ | (Q„::<MÍL>@ iQÈQ)@ ^U::U___j
@@@@@@@PP|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |@@iQ^U::U___j@@@

424 Name: <MÍL> : 2007-05-14 13:47 ID:xLxQBiYX

@|@|@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ |@|
@|@|@l„‚o‚k‚`‚x.@@@ @@@|@|
@|@|@@@@@Logical quiz@.|@|@ @@@@@@ @ ÈQÈ
@|@|@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ |@|@@@@@Ë߯ @ <EÍE@> It is time of the quiz.

@|@|@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ |@|@@@@@@ ž¼@@@@j@QQ
@|@ PPPPPPPPP@ |@@@@@@ ||\„¡ „¡ _jQ||@@|
@|@@‹‹@ @‡ @ ß ß @ |@@@@ @@||@iQiQ_j @|| @ |
@@@@HHHQuestion HHH

EThere is "a Nida, a Mona., a beautiful lady, and a dog" in a Korean peninsula.
@These Three and a dog start going to Japan over the sea of Japan sea
@However, the ship is only one, and can get on at a time only by two people (The dog
@also counts with one person).

@@Nida@@@@@Mona@ beautiful lady@Dog
@ ÈQÈ @@@ÈQÈ @@@ÈÈ@
@<RMÍL>@@ i@LÍMj @@(*ß[ß)@@ ÈÈ
@i@@@@j @@i@@@@j @. i@@ j@@<,,ß Eß>
@ | @ | @| @@@| @ | @| @ `|@@|@ _/ @ ‚Œ
@iQ_ÌQÌ@@iQ_jQj@@@‚µLJ @@iQ_,É
`````````````````` lPPPPPPPP/
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @@@R.PPPPPP^
@@*********And, other things that should be noted exist.**********

EOf course, the dog cannot row the boat.

EWhen Nida is combined with the beautiful lady,
@Nida rapes the beautiful lady.
@@@@@ ÈQÈ@ÊßÝ
@@@@ ÈÈÜ(,/@ŽO@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ÈQÈ
@@@‚Æ(„tT‚ƃm¤(,ƒm)@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ .@iL„DMGj
`````````````````` lPPPPPPPP/
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @@@R.PPPPPP^
EWhen Nida is combined with the dog, Nida eats the dog..
@@@ ÈQÈ@@@@ÈÈ@¸ÞÂ
@@@ /@‚ ¤‚n@T“ñ“ñƒm@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @ ÈQÈ
@@@iQiQ_Ì_Ì@˜¸˜¸@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ iL„DMGj
`````````````````` lPPPPPPPP/
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @@@R.PPPPPP^
EEven if Nida is taken to the ship alone, Nida doesn't try to row the boat.
@@ ÈQÈ @@@ÈÈ@
@@i@L„DMj @@(*ß„tß)@@ ÈÈ@@@@@ I am an aristocrat nida,
@@i@@@@j @. i@@ j@@<,,ß Eß>@@@@@@I do not want to do such a physical labor nida.
@@ | @ | @| @ `|@@|@ _/ @ ‚Œ@@@@@@@@@@@ÈQÈ@@
@@iQ_jQj@ @ ‚µLJ @@iQ_,É@@@@@@@@@@<M„DL”>
`````````````````` lPPPPPPPP/
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @@@R.PPPPPP^
EWhen Nida is left in Japan alone, Nidae starts an armed pickpocket.

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@I subjugate Japan nida.
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@„­ ÈQÈ
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@„«@‚x@ l


Well, how will we be able to go to Japan by ship?
@@@@ E E E E E
@ ÈQÈ @@@ÈQÈ @@@ÈÈ@
@<RMÍL>@@ iLÍMGj @@(ß[ßG)@@ ÈÈ
@i@@@@j @@i@@@@j @. i@@ j@@<ßE ß,,>
@ | @ | @| @@@| @ | @| @ `|@@|@ _/ @ ‚Œ
@iQ_ÌQÌ@@iQ_jQj@@@‚µLJ @@iQ_,É
`````````````````` lPPPPPPPP/
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @@@R.PPPPPP^

@|@|@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ |@|
@|@|@l„‚r‚s‚n‚o@@@ @ @ |@|
@|@|@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ |@|@ @@@@@@ @ ÈQÈ
@|@|@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ |@|@@@@@Ë߯ @ <EÍE@>@Have you understood the answer to this quiz?
@|@|@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ |@|@@@@@@ ž¼@@@@j@QQ
@|@ PPPPPPPPP@ |@@@@@@ ||\„¡ „¡ _jQ||@@|
@|@@‹‹@ @‡ @ ß ß @ |@@@@ @@||@iQiQ_j @|| @ |

425 Name: : 2007-05-16 11:11 ID:df/I6L8+

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ ,@: \\\:@.
@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ .. ƒ : : : : ^Ü} : : :„¤
@@@@@@@ @ @ @ , ƒC@@@„]‚–'@@ /: : : : : : :_
@@@ @ @ @ @@ ^@@@ __ ..²[|@@/== |: : : : : : :R
@@@@@@ @ @ ™Ñ -c N: : : ¬: :|@ .' : : : | |: : : : : : Ê
@@@@@ @ @@@/: : : /: : /:/„ R| .ÑA : : | |: : : : : : : |
@@(‚±@@@@¡@/ : : : |: : /É|@|@ ‡X[R--v: : : : : : : :|
@@@‚ƒ@ @@ .@' : : : : |:“l'| {@R @ _@ _| : : : | : : : |
@ @ @ @ @ @ |: /|: : :| /@V @@@@@R__@| : : : |R: : l
@@@@@@@@/|È|: : Í{¤ ,ƒBŽO‚˜ / / /²‚Ÿƒ : : :|_É : l@1“ú5‰ñˆÈã‚â‚Á‚¿‚áEEE
@@@@@@ @ { |{@',: : : |: É@/ / / / / .:.:.(R.:„ |: /:/ @@@@@@@@ƒ_ƒ‚Å‚·‚©EEE
@@@@@@ @ |R__,Í: : :|v”ª:.:.:.@@{L_j @ ‚’„£ l:j/:/j/@
@@@@@@@@}@@@R: | V: :M™Ê†°r-ƒ{‚±@ } /
@@@@ @ @ /`[\]Í{°_ :|i@r@/^@{@@/Ä{-¤

426 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-05-26 16:18 ID:0+EC7ycG

How product goes
@‡@ i¼_@@Ð Invented by German

@‡A i L_½Mj@Commercialized by American

@‡B Ð@L_„Mj Invested by British

@‡C ƒÌ E_>Ej Designed by French

@‡D i LU_,Mj Publicized by Italian

@‡E i@LÍMj@Improved & miniaturized by Japanese

@‡F i @MƒnLj@Pirated by Chinese
@‡G <RM„tL> Claimed its origin by Korean

427 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-05-26 19:34 ID:YBWDQPoS

iGLÍMj The answer is simple. Kill Nida.

428 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-05-27 02:02 ID:njoz8ayi

i LÍMj Kill Nida and tie his body to the boat. Let the dog to sit on top because we know that kimchi floats.

(*ß[ß)@What you are is what you eat.

429 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-05-27 02:45 ID:eJ2dBZXo

they leave the boat and go on a plane

430 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-05-27 20:55 ID:lMVAWSK7


Lady and dog cross, lady comes back, lady and Mona cross, Mona comes back, Mona and Nida cross.

431 Name: <MÍL> : 2007-05-28 11:27 ID:xLxQBiYX

@@***** Correct answer announcement *******

The best answer
@@"Nida is sunk."

@ @@ ÈQÈ @@@ÈÈ@
@@@ i@LÍMj @@(*ß[ß)@@ ÈÈ
@ @@i@@@@j @. i@@ j@@<,,ß Eß>
@@@@| @ | @| @ `|@@|@ _/ @ ‚Œ
@ @@iQ_jQj@@@‚µLJ @@iQ_,É
"L'''"""''"M''"V ¿"'''"''''''"M"""''''M"L'''"""''"M''""""'''"''''''"M"""''''"
``` @@¼Ü˜¸R˜¸Ko@``````` lPPPPPPPP/
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @@@R.PPPPPP^
Next, good answer
step1. beautiful lady & a
dog cross first.
step2. only a beautiful lady returns.
step3. Mona & a beautiful lady cross.
step4. No one returns.
Then happy end.

@ ÈQÈ @@
@< #M„DL>@< Ai goh !@
@i@@@@j @@
@ | @ | @| @@
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @@@
@@@ƒ Congratulations >> 427
@@@ƒ You got a correct answer.
@@@@@ @@@^PPPƒt_@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@Q@@@@@@@ƒmO)
@@@@@@@^^Pƒt ^@@ _@@@@@@@@@@@ .^^_@ @@@./@/
@@@@@ ^^@ Ú^@ QQQ_QQQ@ QQ^^@@@_@@ /@iQQQ
@@@@^^PPPƒt ^Q@.^^Q@ ^^Q@ ^@@@@@@_./@(QiQQj
@@ ^^Pƒt ^P^^^^^^^^^^^^@@@@@@@@@|@ (QiQQj
@^ÚQ^.^@.^Ú^^^Ú^^^Ú^^@@@@@@È È /)@(QiQQj
ÚQ__,,,__^@.ÚQQ^ÚQQ^ÚQQ^@@@@@@@(L[M i i@(QiQ__j
_@@@@_@_^PPPƒt_ _ _Q@_@ Q@@@/Ü@ML@ lQQQƒ\
@ _@@@@_@_ƒt ^P_@_ .^^_@ ^^_ / l@l@ œcƒm@@@@@_
@@@_@Q @_^^QQQ_^ÚQ @^^@@@<@Y R@R@(.@@@@@@ _
@@@@^^_^^^Q@ ^^Q@ ^^^@@@@ l„¥'"@@@ RPPPPP
@@ ^^@ ^^.^^^^^^^^Ú^@@@@@ R-i RQQ@@R
@^ÚQ^^.^Ú^^^Ú^^@.__@@@@@@@`ƒŠƒm R@|_@@R
ÚQ__Q^.ÚQQ^ÚQQ^Úƒt_.__@@@@@ ‚ƒ;_,;....ƒm@SƒmR__ƒm

@ @Regrettably >>430@@You were tolerable. If you exclude the last step.
@ @ @ @ <˜¤MÍL> |@>>427 @@@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ |
@@@@¼„¡‹ÒY‹Ò½| @The prize is one year of apology juice.@@@|
@@@@@^ / .|@| R |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |

432 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-05-29 22:49 ID:Heaven

@@@@ @^:::::„ŸŽOŽO„Ÿ_@@@@ @Do I look Corean?
@@@@^:::::::::i›jŽOi›j._@@I don't want no stinking apolojuice!
/Ü)Ü)Ü.:::::::::: i__l__j :::::: _@@@/Ü)Ü)Ü)
|@/@/@/..@@@@M ÜL@@@@|@(Ü)/@/ / /,,-''R¤
|@:::::::::::(Ü)@@@@@@@@@ ^ @T@::::::.,,-''"@@@ _
|@@@@@ƒm@@ @@@@@@ @_@@/_,-'"@@@@@@@@_
R@@@@/@@@@@@@@@ @ @R /_@@@@@@@@@@ _
@|@@@@|@@@@@@@@QQ @ //__@@@@@@@@@@ _
@@@@@@@@@@@@ ^|[]::::::|_ / _/__@@@@@@@@@^
@@@@ @ @ @ .^|PPPP //_ _/@ _@@@@@@^/@@@ QQQ
@@@@@@@@@|@ |:::uuuuuu / _/_@@/__@@@^:::/@ @.^|@@@@|QQ
@@@@@@@Q..|@ |:::LLLLL//_ _/@@_/__^::::::/@@^@ |@ƒ@ .|lllllllllllll
@@@@ @^ llllll|@ |:::uuuu / _/_@@/_ ._/ ./::::::::/@ ^ .^ .|@@@@|lllllllllllll
QQ@@@@ llllll|@ |:::LLL.//_ _/@@_/_@ /::::::::/@@| ^@@.|@ƒ@ .|lllllllllllll
@@@@@@@@@ |@ |:::u./ ._/_@@/_@_/ /::::::::/ÜR¤| ||^@..|
@@@@@@@@@ |@ |:::l//_@_/@@_/__, -\ ¤@@''"ÜR,_
@@@@@@@@@@@@(ÜR[Þ@....::i@@ ..::.......@ .__l.....::::::::::::::::::::ܲܲ

433 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-05-29 22:49 ID:2uIUjG+Y

Nida, Why are you a self-deprecating racist icon?

434 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-06-04 14:12 ID:y+HwWIjn

@@@ÈÈ@@Ú²Ìß‚Í‚³‚ê‚é•û‚ª@|„¡„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„¢@ | ‹­§˜As‚³‚ꂽÆÀÞI
@@<@MÍL>@@@ˆ«‚¢ÆÀÞ‚—@@@..|„ ’ƒ“¹E÷EŒ•“¹‚È‚Ç‚È‚Ç.@|@@| @”…žƒVƒ‹I
@@ i@@@@P‚ @ @@@@@@@@|„ ‹NŒ¹‚Í‘S•”ŠØ‘@ÈÈ@|@@| @@ÈÈ@ @@@ÈÈ
@@@|_ _PÈÈ@@ @ @ @ @@|„¤„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ<MÍL*> @. | @<MŽML#> ŽO <*M[L>
@@i@@R,,,)i@@@j"j @ @@@@@| •¶‰»‚Í“‚Ü‚ê‚é ‚Æ@@ @¾.@@| @@@@@@@–§qŽÒ‚È‚Ì‚É
@@@„@º@@@@ƒm@@@@@@@@| •û‚ªˆ«‚¢ÆÀÞ‚—@@@|@|@ |..@ @| @@@@@@Ý“ú“ÁŒ ¹Þ¯ÄÆÀÞ‚—
@ ¼iQÌQQ_ƒm @ @ @.@@@@@| @@@@@@@@@@@<___<Qj@@ | @@@@éx‚³‚ê‚é•û‚ªˆ«‚¢ÆÀÞ‚—
@ .ÈÈ@f’v‚Í‚³‚ê‚é•û‚ª @ .@|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|@@@@I'm Zapanese I
@< @@ >@ˆ«‚¢ÆÀÞ‚— @ @ @ @ .@|@@@@@ ‚±‚ñ‚È–¯‘°‚Æ @.@@@@| @ [:::::::::]@@ÈÈ@@@ÈÈ
@<@@@‚¿ÈÈ @ @ @ @ @ .@ |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| .i#L_½Mj<M„DLG ŽO GMÍL>
@@|@ | |@.|i,,T„DTj @ @.@@@@@|@@ @ ˜b‚µ‡‚¢‚ª’Ê‚¶‚é‚Æ @ @ |@ ‚µ@@‚Â/@@ ‚Â@ŠO‘‚ÅÄ×ÌÞÙ‹N‚µ‚½‚ç
@ <Qj_j}}_@@@R>@} } @ @.@@|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|@@|@ | |@| |@ |@ “ú–{l‚ðéx‚éÆÀÞ‚—
@@@@@@@@_ _ _@ @ @ @.@|@@@@@ Žv‚¢‚Ü‚·‚©H @ @.@@|@ iQj_j<_<Qj@éx‚ç‚ê‚é•û‚ªˆ«‚¢ÆÀÞ‚—
@@@@@@@@@iQjQj } } @ @.@|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| @@@@@@•lAáŠQŽÒA@@@.|„¡„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„¢
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@@@<@@@>@(ÜÉ@)@@@ @@@@| <@M„DL> –³‚¢ÆÀÞI @ @ @@@|„ ”Æ߉ߑ½A‚»‚Ì‘¼@@ÈÈ
@@@i@@@‚Â@((Ü) @ @ @ @.@@| <@@@‚Â@ @@@@@@@@@@@@|„¤„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ<M‰vL#>")
@@@i_iQÌ@Q(())Q @ @ @ @.@|@|@@l@|@ ·•Ê‚Í‚³‚ê‚é•û‚ª@ | ‚Æ‚É‚©‚­‰½‚Å‚à@@@ ‚Æ@@@ ƒm
@@@‰Î‚Í“_‚¯‚ç‚ê‚é•û‚ª@@@@ | iQƒt_ƒt@ˆ«‚¢ÆÀÞI @ @.@@@| Á®¯ÊßØ‚Ì‚¹‚¢ÆÀÞI @|@|@ |
@@@ˆ«‚¢ÆÀÞ‚—@@@@@@@@@@@| @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @@@@| @@@@@@@@@@@@@<__<Qj

435 Name: maus : 2007-06-06 09:14 ID:Heaven


436 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-06-07 02:47 ID:Heaven

I hate Korean, though I love Nida<˜¤MÍL>

437 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-06-07 21:59 ID:Heaven

How cute, the japanese have literally raised pathetic passive-aggressive racism to an artform.

438 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-06-11 15:03 ID:JVV3xqD4


439 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-06-11 15:05 ID:JVV3xqD4


440 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-06-12 07:00 ID:Heaven

Understood Nida<MÍLG>

441 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-07-04 09:03 ID:Heaven


442 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-07-22 11:27 ID:KZOEpdry


443 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-07-23 22:57 ID:AQscopSd

||@@@@È È@@ ‚½‚¾nihongo”‚Ȃç“ú–{‚à@‰pŒê‚àƒAƒŠ‚Å‚·‚æƒjƒ_B
@@|@ @ @ @ @ |

@@@@@@@@@ Q@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ __@@ÈÈcc@@@@@QQÈÈcc
@@@@@@@@@|_ PPP_@@@@@@|_P(ÍL >_@@@@ @.|_@<ÍL>_
@@@@@@@ @ @ |@ |„Ÿ„Ÿ|@| @ @@ @ @ |@ |„Ÿ„Ÿ|@| @ @ @ @ @|@ |„Ÿ„Ÿ|@|

@@@@ Q__ È_Ècc@ @ @QQ_ ÈÈcc@@@@Q__ È_Ècc
@@@@|_@<MÍL>/)@@@@@|_ ‚Æ<ÍL >_ @ @ @ |_ <ÍL >_
@@@@|R|ƒj|PP|Æ|@@@@@|R|ƒj|PP| Æ|@@@@@@|R|ƒj|PP|Æ|
@@ @ @ |@ |„Ÿ„Ÿ|@| @ @ @ @ |@ |„Ÿ„Ÿ| @| @ @@ @ @ |@ |„Ÿ„Ÿ|@|

444 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-07-26 09:52 ID:0Gea0wRT


445 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-07-27 11:08 ID:z2E3yscx

We're COREAN, nida!
@ È–kÈ@@È“ìÈ@@@
@i‚Â@@˜¦ i @@¼j@
@ i@Rƒm@@ R/@@j
@ ‚µiQj@@ iQj‚i@

446 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-09-02 17:38 ID:TuPIcQ1B

.@|@@ @ @ „«QQQQQQQQ|...@ .„« @ @ @@|
.@|@@ @ @ „«Q.QQQQ @@ |@@@ .„«@ @ @ @|
.@|@@ @ @ „«@ | @ @ @ @|@@ |@@@ .„«@ @ @ @|
.@|@@ @ @ „«@ | ÈQÈ@|@@ |@@@ .„«@ @ @ @|
.@|@FFFFFF„«@ |i@LÍMj‚Â ƒ~ |@@@ .„«FFFFFF@|
.@|@FFFFFF„«@ |/ ½@ É@|@@ |@@@ .„«FFFFFF@|
.@|@@ @ @ „«P'PPPP@ @ |ƒ~@@ .„«@ @ @ @|
@/QQQ ..„¬„ª„ª„ª„ª„ª„ª„ª„ª„ª„ª„­ QQQR
@||@[Q_] ..|.„«@ @ @ @ @ @|@| | ||b@„« | ¼ ½ ||
@||@@@@...|.„«QQQQ_ @ ÈQÈ @ „« |@@@@.||
@||....„¡„¢...|.„«| @ ÈÈ@|.@<,, MÍL>@.„« |@..›@.||
@|„¡„£„¤„¢„«| ^@’†_| . i@½@‚ . „« |› . .›||
@|„¤„¢„¡„£„«|i@ M”ªLj|@@R ½ ½ ..„« |@ ›@ ||
@||....„¤„£. |.„«|/ ½„ª½„ª„²QQ___„«„« |@ @ @ ||
@|QQQ_.|.„¯„ª„ª„ª„ª„ª„ª„ª„ª„ª„ª„® |QQQ||
@|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@nintendo ‚c‚r@@@ @ @|

447 Post deleted.

448 Name: Post deleted. : 2007-10-30 01:03 ID:kg/m2ZQ8


449 Post deleted.

451 Name: @ : 2007-12-10 06:39 ID:Q992VzJH

@@@@@@@@@@@ É)ƒm;,(ƒmi@.ÈQÈ@ƒEƒŠ‚̌҂ª‚ŸIII
@@@@@@@@@@@ (;;;;;(ƒm‚µ <M„DL@> .fl
@@@@@@@@@.;/Ü );;;;;˜¸;É "/ÜR‚Áƒn ½ËßØÀ½
@@@@@@@@ ‚Æ_l_(;;;ƒÖ;˜¸__È_‚Â@ |__|

452 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-12-10 17:25 ID:imlQ/HBR

@@@@@@@@@@@ É)ƒm;,(ƒmi@.ÈQÈ@MY CROTCHIII
@@@@@@@@@@@ (;;;;;(ƒm‚µ <M„DL@> .fl
@@@@@@@@@.;/Ü );;;;;˜¸;É "/ÜR‚Áƒn spirtus
@@@@@@@@ ‚Æ_l_(;;;ƒÖ;˜¸__È_‚Â@ |__|

453 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-12-28 00:09 ID:blRWOrMB

@@@@@@@@@@@ @ÈQÈ@
@@@@@@@@@@@,,./Ü ¤/.@@@| |@@@Korean is gooooood. Korean is no.1,
@@@@@@@@@@iƒm@R @`°-„Šu |@@
@@@@@@ @^P@@_ƒm¤`[\-¤_¼)@@@http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=Ptyzc4BQliY
@@@@@@ /@@, -]'"SƒÃ_p
@@@@@ /@@@ _
@@@@@/@ /~_@_
@@@@ /@ /@@@>@ j
@@@^@ƒm@ @ /@^
@@/@^ @ .@ / ./
@ / ./@@@@ i@R¤
i@ _)@@@@@ ___ƒt

454 Name: Comedy Genius : 2008-01-01 17:44 ID:Heaven

@@ ÈQÈ@//@@^ I'm the perfect weeaboo, I even copy
@@i@LÍMj//@ƒ @their Korean stereotypes, because
@@i@@@@‚Â@@@_ America doesn't have any.
@@b b@|

@ @ @ @@È__È @ ________@@
@@@@ @<˜¤MÍL>/P/P/@My mother was a crazy immigrant!
@@@@@ i “ñ“ñ“ñ‚Â /@‚Æj@Watch me imitate her accent!
@@@@@@| @@@/@ / @/@ @I think I'll become a lesbian
@ @@@@ | @ @ P|P @@ to accumulate more gay fans.

455 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-01-03 06:25 ID:syBEgiWf

Koreans have a reputation for being named "Kim" all the time.

How come the two big Korean comics are both named "Cho"?

456 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-01-09 12:15 ID:HaS8+IsU

Is it just me or is the Nida character now more popular on 4-ch than it is on 2ch?

457 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-01-09 13:02 ID:Heaven

@@ ÈQÈ@@@^PPPP
@@i@EÍEj@ƒ>>456, Well it depends, since this board has 3-5 users max.
@@i@@@@j @@_QQQQ@
@@b b@|

458 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-01-10 09:49 ID:qXCxYiF6

@..@@ ("ÜMR.@ ƒÌÉɃÉÐ
.+ @@_<#M„DL>@ <RM„DL>@@@@ô1 2 3 4 5 6 7
*.:ß@/@@‚™@^PR/,\ ¤_ o¡¡¡@@@korean people SO NICE!@@
.:™ ¾@@@|@||ŽO¾œjŽOmƒ£Î @@@go to church and go to heaven!
.:..*@ Ü Ü _Q.‚Ö--² / @ß ß ß@@@@@korean people SO NICE!ô

459 Name: Margaret Cho : 2008-01-15 23:03 ID:Heaven

@ @ @ @@È__È @ ________@@
@@@@ @<˜¤MÍL>/P/P/@I don't do a lot of jokes
@@@@@ i “ñ“ñ“ñ‚Â /@‚Æj@about my period, considering
@@@@@@| @@@/@ / @/@ @how often it happens.
@ @@@@ | @ @ P|P @@

460 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-01-25 23:43 ID:cfY/KJtY

is >>434 a Brady Bunch episode?

461 Name: funny : 2008-01-28 04:28 ID:9VtB/lOr

@ @ @ @@È__È @ ________@@
@@@@ @<˜¤MÍL>/P/P/@Yeah, I got fisted. Uh, it was
@@@@@ i “ñ“ñ“ñ‚Â /@‚Æj@by a woman, so it was much easier.
@@@@@@| @@@/@ / @/@ It wasn't some big ol' guy with
@ @@@@ | @ @ P|P @@a big Popeye arm.

462 Name: Henry Cho : 2008-02-11 21:06 ID:Heaven

@ ÈQÈ @@
@< #M„DL>@< What's That Click'n Noise?
@i@@@@j @@
@ | @ | @| @@

463 Name: !KhhfR9rWiw : 2008-02-17 23:01 ID:igEZ/bJB

@@@@@ ÈQÈ@
@@@@@<MÍL*>R@ kekeke
@@@@ ÈÈÜ(,/@ŽO@@

464 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-02-17 23:37 ID:eSEbnKP8

Persimmons fall
thump, thump
where the demarcation line cuts
across the weedy hill, above the Kwansan ferry.

The owner's gone;
only the house remains.
For many years, the persimmons have ripened
in solitude and fallen mercilessly on the earth

If I stretched out my arm, I could pick
the ripe red persimmons.
But the barbed wire fence along the demarcation line
cuts my heart, keeps me from taking even a step.

O persimmon tree!
you also suffer from division.
I wonder when the day will come
for the owner to return, climb your green bough;
and harvest you in happiness

The girls in this village used to marry
before the feasting table
on which were heaped delicious persimmons
then cross the Imjin River, bound for Paju.
Now wrinkles have furrowed
faces once as red as persimmons.

Where have they gone - the girls of yesterday?
I search for them across the river - in vain.
The persimmons I touch in dream
thump in my heart

Calling for the owner, for unification,
the persimmons
cut into this land
thump, thump.

465 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-02-19 03:17 ID:rdrVy0ij

@@ ÈQÈ@@@^PPPP
@@i@EÍEj@ƒToo, I think Margaret Cho is sexy. I'm hopelessly warped, I know.
@@i@@@@j @@_QQQQ@
@@b b@|

466 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-02-20 23:54 ID:Heaven

Dane Cook is superior.

@@@@@ô@^ _@@@I WANNA
@@@@@@Ri;L„DMjÉ@@BE A SNAKE!
@@ @ @@@ (‚Ö@ )
@ @ @ @ @@@@ >

467 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-03-13 09:57 ID:QZkWrpwg


468 Name: Lettiya : 2008-03-16 22:28 ID:GrdbUM3f

buenisimos asciis!!..
yo tengo un blog de ARTE ASCII, princimaplente para utilizar en comentarios en blogs o flogs...


espero te guste..

469 Name: !h.PIrahtpM : 2008-03-18 05:47 ID:igEZ/bJB

@ @ @ @@È__È @ ________@@
@@@@ @<˜¤MÍL>/P/P/@kekeke my gold holdings
@@@@@ i “ñ“ñ“ñ‚Â /@‚Æj@are through the roof!!11
@@@@@@| @@@/@ / @/@ @
@ @@@@ | @ @ P|P @@

470 Name: safe : 2008-05-11 12:23 ID:Heaven

BSE BSE BSE BSE BSE the cows are mad
@ È_È@@È_È@@@
@i‚Â@@˜¦ i @@¼j@
@ i@Rƒm@@ R/@@j
@ ‚µiQj@@ iQj‚i@

471 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-06-14 18:44 ID:GCHx9MxW

Nida is an inaccurate portrayal of Koreans.

First of all the average Korean is like a foot taller than the average Japanese person. Secondly the Japs have very slanted eyes. More slanted then the Koreans. Which is why the Japanese are jealous and accuse Koreans of plastic surgery even though Japans per capita surgery rate is over 2 times that of Koreas. Japan is also the only country that has things like double eyelid glue and tape for especially ugly slanted eyed women. Koreans however cannot accuse the Japanese of plastic surgery considering how ugly the Japanese are. Theres really nothing to accuse them of. Koreans however can however accuse the Japanese of having shitty surgeons(which is why thousands of japs have surgery in Korea) and being ugly to the point of no surgery being able to reedeem them.When Japs visit Korea, you cant tell they are japs by how fugly they are.

Third the Japanese do not have big round eyes. I find it funny that the Japs portray that Japanese cat as having round eyes whereas the Koreans and Chinese have slanted eyes. Talk about self hatred. You japs are asian and you also have very slanted eyes.

Fourth the Japanese have a reputation for being rapists, not the Koreans. Koreans are more well behaved when it comes to sexuality. Fifth the Japanese are world renowned for being perverted beyond believe and a large number of them are pedophiles. Japan is also a haven for kiddy porn and child molestation. Sixth the whole sharp cheek bone stereotype is a direct contradiction to your other stereotypes. For example the Japs claim that Koreans have sharp cheek bones while at the same time claiming that Koreans have round pie faces. So which is it? Sharp or round? Stupid japs, go learn some logic.

Seventh the japs are immature which is why they are obsessed with cartoons and so many of them live with their parents at age 40. Thats also the reason why the Japs spend their times drawing shitty ASCII when a more intelligent and mature person would have been able to get their point across with words.

Eighth- I cant blame you japs for being social failures. The nuclear radiation must have fucked the Japanese gene pool up pretty bad. You guys wish you were tall, blonde and beautiful. But youre not. You arnt white. Youre asians who many other asians regard as below average. You guys are ugly beyond belief, very slanted eyes, midgets, buck toothed, monkey faced, flat nosed, tiny penises, into kiddy porn and infamous for being rapists and childish cartoon loving kids who never grow up.

472 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-06-14 19:17 ID:Heaven

@@@@@ @@@@ çç
@@@È È @@ @è@ @Wow, that was random nida
@@ <,,MÍL>,‚Á„Ÿ„®~@@
@@@ .(___/~),@.|@.„¸„±„ª
PPP .‚µ'JPP|@ „«

473 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-06-14 20:27 ID:GCHx9MxW

You guys should change the appearance of the Japanese cat so thats hes much shorter than the other cats, has slanted eyes, buck teeth, round pizza face, is a monkey instead of a cat and his hobbies include watching cartoons, raping women, groping people on the subway, watching kiddy porn, stealing womens underwear(Japan alone has more panty thefts then the the rest of the world combined x100) and other lewd acts of perversion which is the norm in Japan. Oh yeah and the Japanese cat should also have nuclear radiation burns just to make it all the more authentic Japanese.

The Japanese cat also spends most of his time obsessing and crying about Koreans while jacking off to cartoon porn(a Japanese invention)and isnt intelligent or mature enough comment on Koreans without drawing a cat.

474 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-06-14 20:43 ID:Heaven

I presume you are trolling.
But if you honestly if post tl;dr crap and think anybody of the three or four people who go here will care, you obviously fail at level unseen in these parts for thousands of years.
This board is just for art, if want to bitch about racist and xenophobic aspects of the Japanese go bother some of the other boards.

475 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-06-14 20:53 ID:Heaven

@@ ÈQÈ@@@^PPPP
@@i@EÍEj@ƒLol, cry moar korean kid.
@@i@@@@j @@_QQQQ@
@@b b@|

476 Post deleted.

477 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-06-14 21:04 ID:Heaven

Lol, k.
Enjoy trolling a more or less dead board filled weeaboos copypasting various stuff and thinking anybody really cares.

Here is a tip: really want to go troll the nips, go to their home board 2ch.

478 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-06-14 21:04 ID:xpRmqgXf

@@ ÈQÈ@@@^PPPP
@@i@EÍEj@ƒCut copy and paste
@@i@@@@j @@_QQQQ@
@@b b@|

479 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-06-14 21:07 ID:xpRmqgXf

Sorry but im not targetting weeaboos. Im targetting you. And it seems youre upset. Dont cry you monkey.

Do you want a banana?

480 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-06-14 21:07 ID:Heaven


481 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-06-14 21:08 ID:xpRmqgXf

@@ ÈQÈ@@@^PPPP
@@i@EÍEj@ƒWe Japanese are tall. We have blue eyes and
@@i@@@@j @@_QQQQ@blonde hair. Please nuke us.
@@b b@|

482 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-06-14 21:09 ID:AWkDFTYx

ITT: Welcome to 4chan

483 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-06-14 21:15 ID:xpRmqgXf

@@ ÈQÈ@@@^PPPP
@@i@EÍEj@ƒOnly Koreans and Chinese have slanted eyes. We
@@i@@@@j @@_QJapanese have big blue round eyes. We@
@@b b@| Japanese are caucasians!

Fact 1: The Japs are blind.
Fact 2: The Japs are blind because of all the kiddy porn they masturbate to.
Fact 3: The Japs deserve another nuke.

484 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-06-15 10:59 ID:49qQCOpe


P/S:i am not japanese, korean, caucasian,or some shit of human cate! I am just a concerning HUMAN!

485 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-06-16 08:38 ID:Heaven

N@O@@M@O@R@E. @@@K@O@R@E@A@I
@ /_QQ_^_
^@^@@ @R ::: _
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|@@@,;]]R @ .:::::|
_@@MƒjƒjL@ .:::^
@ @@@@ .‚Ž:n@@@ ‚Ž‚Ž
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@ @ @@‚†|.| | ¿@@¿|..| |.|
@ @ @@|: ::@ ! }@@{I ::: :|
@ @@@ R@@,² @@R@ :²

486 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-06-18 08:34 ID:xpRmqgXf

Please dont hit us with another atom bomb.

@ /_QQ_^_
^@^@@ @R ::: _
|@@,,ƒm(A_, )RA,, @ |
|@@@,;]]R @ .:::::|
_@@MƒjƒjL@ .:::^
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@ @ @@‚†|.| | ¿@@¿|..| |.|
@ @ @@|: ::@ ! }@@{I ::: :|
@ @@@ R@@,² @@R@ :²

487 Name: CCCP : 2008-06-18 11:38 ID:ZHcc0jXL

Wow, I come to see some copy pasta SJIS goodness, and I find this.. I'll have to agree, though. The troll seems to me like a jealous Korean who wishes he could grope people in the subway and steal panties.

488 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-06-20 00:32 ID:d9kXFGIl

Its true. The whole world is jealous of Japans unique position of not only receiving 2 nukes(so lucky), but also of Japans international reputation of rape, groping, pedophilia and panty thievery. Couple that with Japans unhealthy obsession with drawing ASCII cats and you have a decent picture of how the Japanese mind works. You cant blame them though, considering all the nuclear radiation that fucked their genes up.

Japanese men only target 10 year old kids and Japanese women, because foreign women are too tall for the midget Japanese race. If a Japanese man tried to grope a Dutch women, she would step on him.

489 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-06-20 04:39 ID:rdrVy0ij

Japan stole my panties!

490 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-06-20 16:03 ID:cSkKPRVx

>Japanese men only target 10 year old kids and Japanese women

I'm not a Japanese man, but that is also the only thing I target.

I fail to see what the problem is here.

491 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-06-20 16:38 ID:Heaven

Man, this thread

492 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-06-21 14:55 ID:ExoXX8RB

When could I live to see the real peaceful world........

493 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-06-25 05:05 ID:ycDURQJW

>>492 Fook mi, man. We can make it if you believe?

494 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-06-25 20:31 ID:lD+6egbl

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ _Q
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@@@@@@@@@@@@@ _ `_______' ^^
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„«„¬„­„«@ „ª„²„¬„­„«„¯„®„«„«„«„¬„ª„²„¬„­„«@ „ª„²@ „ª„²
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495 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-06-26 06:38 ID:SwamAoat

Wat u mean????

496 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-06-26 06:46 ID:SwamAoat

Yeah....it is....=___________=

497 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-06-26 22:07 ID:PDinPFse

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ÈÈ@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@„¬„ª„ª„­@@@@@@@_, ,_
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@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@œe@ß „ßj
whale@@@@@@@@@@@eat@@@@@@@eat@ @ @ @ @ @ -@@@@@@@@@eat@@@@@@@@eatiInuitj@@@@Theft&eatiJapanj




Aborigine@@@@@@@@@-@@@@@@@@eat@@@@@@@ kill@Game@@@@@@-@@@@@@@@@@-@@@@@@@@

Ursus maritimus@@@@@-@@@@@@@@eat@@@@@@@@-@@@@@@@@@@@?@@@@@@@@@kill@@@@@@@@@



Sea Shepherd@@@@@@-@@@@@@@@@-@@@@@@@@@@@-@@@@@@@@eat@@@@@@@@|@@@@@@@@@@hug

498 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-06-27 23:26 ID:QmOW73V5


@ /_QQ_^_
^@^@@ @R ::: _
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|@@@,;]]R @ .:::::|
_@@MƒjƒjL@ .:::^
@ @@@@ .‚Ž:n@@@ ‚Ž‚Ž
@ @ @@nf|b| @@@| | |^!n
@ @ @@‚†|.| | ¿@@¿|..| |.|
@ @ @@|: ::@ ! }@@{I ::: :|
@ @@@ R@@,² @@R@ :²

499 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-06-28 01:17 ID:xpRmqgXf

Most Koreans would rather be dog eaters than pedophiles(Japanese) or nuclear radiation victims(Japan once again) or 5 foot tall with tiny penises(Japanese again).

We Japanese have big Caucasian eyes. We are also blind from all the child pornography we jerk off to.

@ /_QQ_^_
^@^@@ @R ::: _
|@@,,ƒm(A_, )RA,, @ |
|@@@,;]]R @ .:::::|
_@@MƒjƒjL@ .:::^
@ @@@@ .‚Ž:n@@@ ‚Ž‚Ž
@ @ @@nf|b| @@@| | |^!n
@ @ @@‚†|.| | ¿@@¿|..| |.|
@ @ @@|: ::@ ! }@@{I ::: :|
@ @@@ R@@,² @@R@ :²

500 Name: !h.PIrahtpM : 2008-06-29 11:35 ID:YMty52ja

@<˜¤MÍL> kekekeke
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