The Adventures of the Sasuga Brothers (227)

1 Name: FRRRRAP 2005-05-19 00:35 ID:Heaven

      (⊂| It's high time we started an
      / / English language thread! 
     / /  ∨ 
     / /       ∧_∧    That's cool...but what's this
    / /_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠  about "adventures"? You
    / / ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i    never leave the house.     
 ̄\|   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ |
 ̄ ̄||  ./  zOMG  / .| |
 ̄| |__/_____/__.| |____
田| | \___))\   (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

  Stop splitting hairs.
  It's just a figure of speech.
              ∧_∧     Whatever. Oh snap, your
      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠ browser just crashed again.
     ( ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i    
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./   LOL  /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

     N...not again
              (´<_`  ) ∠ Way to pick
       ∧_∧   /  ⌒i    porn sites, dumbass!
 ̄\  /( 。/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./   x_x   /. | |    
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

70 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-03-27 16:24 ID:cKDhDzB/

     _ゝ -''` ー- _
   /          \
  /             ヽ    、′     、 ’、  ′     ’      ;  、
  ,':..              ',       . ’      ’、   ′ ’   . ・ 
  !:::::.  , -────── 、 |     、′・. ’   ;   ’、 ’、′‘ .・” 
  |:::::::. |  `ィェァ    `ィェァ| |         ’、′・  ’、.・”;  ”  ’、 
  |::::::::.. `───────' |    ’、′  ’、  (;;ノ;; (′‘ ・. ’、′”;
  .|:::::::::::..            |  ’、′・  ( (´;^`⌒)∴⌒`.・   ” ;  ’、′・
  |::::::::::::::..           l   、 ’、 ’・ 、´⌒,;y'⌒((´;;;;;ノ、"'人      ヽ
   l:::::::::::::::::....        /        、(⌒ ;;;:;´'从 ;'   ;:;;) ;⌒ ;; :) )、   ヽ
   |:::::..ヽ:::::::::::....      /         ( ´;`ヾ,;⌒)´  从⌒ ;) `⌒ )⌒:`.・ ヽ    ,[]
   |:::::::....` 、:::::::::..  /  ′‘: ;゜+° ′、:::::. ::: >>1-69´⌒(,ゞ、⌒) ;;:::)::ノ    ヽ/´
   }::::::::::::::::...`ヽ_人,ノ{          `:::、 ノ  ...;:;_)  ...::ノ  ソ ...::ノ  
  ̄:::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::..  ̄ ー- _
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::....       \

71 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-09 02:30 ID:rssCyOQB

    i二ニニ二i  ∧_∧
    i´ノノノヽ))) (´<_`  ) ...  
     Wリ゚ -゚ノリ  /   ⌒i  
    /::: 介::ヽ      | |  
    |:::|  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ |
 __ ヽ/つ/lapislazuri /.| .|____
      \/____/ (u ⊃

72 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-09 08:29 ID:dsPs35YJ

  Y'know...there's been too much bullshit talk
  and not enough AA in here recently.
              ∧_∧     I agree. I blame it
      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠  on that Sina fag
     ( ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i    
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./  STFU  /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

73 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-09 23:26 ID:rssCyOQB

  Aww man, not again.
              ∧_∧     Nice website pick,
      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠  dumbass.
     ( ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i    
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./  x_x  /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

74 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-10 05:51 ID:gcJ0ucAT

  tanasinn doremon and Suiseiseki
  make me lolo
      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠  wwwwwwww
     ( ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i    
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./  LULZ  /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

75 Name: !ayMLpr/KpQ : 2006-08-10 13:31 ID:WRqQiZp/


              _ -- 、
     ス        入    _>   、_人__人__人__人__人__,
     タ        /:::/トイ::::|   _)               (_
    タ      /:::/:::|::::|:::::|   _) Don't worry sis...(_
   タ     /:::/:::;イ:::::l:::::|   _) I'm on my way (_
   タ    /:::/:/:.!::::::l:::::l    _) desu〜      (_
      _∠ニフ': : : :.',::::::l:::::l   _)              (_
   r┬':仁二): : : : : : :Y二二)  ⌒Y⌒Y⌒Y⌒Y⌒Y⌒
   └ハに二Y ー-: : :_:_:_`フイ
     `}\:.)ノ: : : : : : : : :└rう
      / // / //⌒⌒´
    ' // / // /
    // / / '
.   /

76 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-04-04 03:20 ID:f9xZ93O8

@# _、_@ someone forgot about me?
 (#  ノ`)   
_〃` ^ 〈

77 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-04-04 03:24 ID:f9xZ93O8

         @# _、_@
         ,r'' (#  ノ`)⌒ヽ crec crec crec crec.....
        | .|   ^ i⌒i ゝ 〉
 .        〈___⌒ ̄ミ ミ__ノ
    .     | ̄` |  |、__
       ,,-‐(   |  |   `ヽ
     __ /____〉  |  |⌒f  ノ
  n/´__ .「 _  ノ ノヽ〈 / 
  'ー-'´ / |_ノ(    )i く_ ヽ,
     j  ,ノ ∨ ̄∨ |  |. ̄
   / /   ’';・.  | . |
  <  く           〈_____)

 \\\  @@@  
   (⌒\@# _、_@ Stop plaing famicon and study, dumbass!!
    \ ヽヽ(  ノ`)
     (mJ  ^ ⌒\
      ノ ∩  / /
      (  | .|∧_∧
  /\丿 | (    )OKOK.
  (___へ_ノ ゝ__ノ Calm down, mother.

78 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-04-05 19:14 ID:r3X4yehQ

      −=≡ @@ @@ @@ 
     −=≡ @_ ,_# _、_# #_、_@
           ( ´(   ノ` # _ノ` )
−=≡∧_−= / ∧^ ~ ∧   ⌒ヽ −=_∧
−=≡(|l| XД //(−=≡ )−−==≡≡  )
          //=≡|  |  |=≡ヽ
     −=≡〈〈-=≡|  |  | =≡〉
          ヽヽ.=≡ |  |=≡/
    −=≡ ._))=≡  | =≡(_

                 / )i iヽ-、_へ    ,ヘ
            ,, ―― / / i i i iヽ . ̄ ゙― ノ  )
    n_    _/     i  .ノ / /ノ-' ̄ ゙ ― 、__ノ
  _ノ 二二二、_ (; 、ゝ)-ヽ_ノ-'
 ゙ー ''~       ∨ ̄∨
   | | |       |    |    || 
     |    |   |  | |  | |  |
    |  |   |    |    |    |
   |  |     ||   |   |  |  |
    |    |    |    |    ||  |  
   |   |   ||  |  |  |  | |
     ||  |   |    |  | |  |

            ii(i  )ii
            ||||_|||| .
           i||i| ||@@
           |ii/ /#_、 _@
           / /#  ノ`)  
          /.∧_ ^ (_     
          |    ヾ ヽ_
           ヽ(  人  ) __,っ-、
            彡 /"i"|ヽ 二l__i_ノ
           /     |
           /  ,-l  |
          /__/ |__|
          / /   .| .|
         ∠__/   ノ___|
        / /    ./ /
        / "i     | (_
       /__i    L__つ

                                 ‐=≡ ∧_∧
      /⌒!      @@@               ‐=≡( ;´_ゝ`)
     (_ ( ク    @# _、 _@        ‐=≡(  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄`ヽ ヽ⌒ヽ
      \ \   (# ノ` ) 、ヽ从 /    ‐=≡  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ \ヾ イ  |
       ‐ \_ ̄ ̄7 ^   `⌒ヽ    ;  . ‐=≡‐=≡; :  ))) |  |
         =  ̄ ̄|    八  ノノ′  . :  ,   ‐=≡  /   |  |
        .  _ = |    | .// W ヾ     ‐=≡  / / /し丿
    .  _ = ._ 〜ヽ|__/ イ        ‐=≡ / / /
    __ = ( ̄ (______/Y     ‐=≡   / / /
    _ =  |  )ー―‐(   丿     ‐=≡ ( ̄ / /
     、 、. |  .|     \っ \  `:ヽ  ‐=≡  ̄(__/
  ( ヽ: _丿 ヘ.  ` ;   \ \ ⌒/ ヽ
(´ \.从(___) /`)  (、へ(__⌒_)从人/ ;`)
 ̄              ̄    ̄      ̄ ̄ ̄

79 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-04-06 18:05 ID:Wak7Oe9N

             ‐=≡ ∧_∧
             ‐=≡( ;´_ゝ`) ...Still going
      ‐=≡(  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄`ヽ ヽ⌒ヽ
      ‐=≡  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ \ヾ イ  |
        ‐=≡‐=≡; :  ))) |  |
          ‐=≡  /   |  |
        ‐=≡  / / /し丿
        ‐=≡ / / /
     ‐=≡   / / /
    ‐=≡ ( ̄ / /
     ‐=≡  ̄(__/

80 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-04-08 02:57 ID:Bcd9mSTl

  Do you think he'll
   be back soon?         
    i二ニニ二i  ∧_∧
    i´ノノノヽ))) (´<_`  ) Doubt it. Now
     Wリ゚ -゚ノリ  /   ⌒i  doll-joints
    /::: 介::ヽ      | |  or GTFO 
    |:::|  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ |
 __ ヽ/つ/ desu〜 /.| .|____
      \/____/ (u ⊃

81 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-04-09 00:20 ID:OgPd2BBT

             ‐=≡ ∧_∧
             ‐=≡( ;´_ゝ`) Damn... I Just passed that Skyline
      ‐=≡(  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄`ヽ ヽ⌒ヽ like it was standing still.
      ‐=≡  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ \ヾ イ  |
        ‐=≡‐=≡; :  ))) |  |
          ‐=≡  /   |  |
        ‐=≡  / / /し丿
        ‐=≡ / / /
     ‐=≡   / / /
    ‐=≡ ( ̄ / /
     ‐=≡  ̄(__/

82 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-04-09 02:03 ID:ggp2cUqZ

And it is the end!!
    \ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\   ⊂⊃  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/
       ̄ ̄\ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\ \@@@/ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ ̄ ̄
     <二二二二二二二二二二∧\@# _、_@/∧二二二二二二二二二二>
            \ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄>> と (  ノ`) つ<< ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/
     <二二二二二二二二二二∨/ し ^ J, \ ∨二二二二二二二二二二>
                ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄          ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

                        ...‐''゙ .  ` ´ ´、 ゝ   ''‐...
                      ..‐´                 `‐..   
        .................;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::´           -<´          ヽ.:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.................
   .......;;;;;;;;;;゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙       .'            、                 ヽ ――――――――――――――
  ;;;;;;゙゙゙゙゙                                         ゙: ――――――――――――――
  ゙゙゙゙゙;;;;;;;;............        ;゙                              ゙;       .............;;;;;;;;゙゙゙゙゙
      ゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.......;.............................              ................................;.......;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙
              ノi|lli; i . .;, 、    .,,            ` ; 、  .; ´ ;,il||iγ
                 /゙||lii|li||,;,.il|i;, ; . ., ,li   ' ;   .` .;    il,.;;.:||i .i| :;il|l||;(゙
                `;;i|l|li||lll|||il;i:ii,..,.i||l´i,,.;,.. .il `,  ,i|;.,l;;:`ii||iil||il||il||l||i|lii゙ゝ

83 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-04-12 16:31 ID:4R3An/Ol

I cant believe im alive....
    ∧_▲  (´<_` ; ).....oh my god....... 
   ( ノ_ゝ`) /   ⌒i
   /|   \      | |
  /  \ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ |
__(_I I Iつ/  FMV  / .| .|__
    \/____/ (u ⊃

84 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-04-22 21:04 ID:Heaven

>>78-83 I lol'd

85 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-08-02 22:37 ID:nnRyqw4E

Holy christ on a cracker!!! Is that mom
getting anal from a black guy?!!!
    _ ∧_∧(´<_`  )^i   Ewww... this is both disgusting
    / (*´/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/  |  and intriguing at the same time.
__(__ニつ/  FMV  /__| .|____
    \/____/ (u ⊃

 @# _、_@
  (  ノ` )
/.  ^        ∧_∧
| Y   _∧_∧(´<_`  )^i  ・・・・
| |  . / (*´/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/  |
  __(__ニつ/  FMV  /__| .|____
      \/____/ (u ⊃

 @# _、_@
  (#  ノ` )     ∧_∧
/.  ^      Σ(´Д`  ).。Uh, uh...MOM ! He made me look, i swear!
| Y  ハァハァ    /   ⌒i ミ
| |   _∧_∧  /   | |ミ
    /(*´ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/  |ミ
  __(__ニつ/  FMV  / .| .|____
      \/____/ (u ⊃

         @# _、_@
         ,r'' (#  ノ`)⌒ヽ   YOU BETTER NOT 'VE BEEN JACKIN' OFF,
        | .|   ^ i⌒i ゝ 〉 YOU LITTLE PERV!!!!
 .        〈___⌒ ̄ミ ミ__ノ
    .     | ̄` |  |、__
       ,,-‐(   |  |   `ヽ
     __ /____〉  |  |⌒f  ノ
  n/´__ .「 _  ノ ノヽ〈 /  Mmph ruph...mah balls are in mah mouth ma!
  'ー-'´ / |_ノ(    )i く_ ヽ,
     j  ,ノ ∨ ̄∨ |  |. ̄
   / /   ’';・.  | . |
  <  く           〈_____)

86 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-09-19 15:08 ID:C0cZvrFk

                 ∴∵∴    ∴
     ∴∵∴          ∴∵∴  ∴∴
       ∵∴∵          ∵∴  ∴::: i^i_i^i_,‐、
               ∵:: .      ∵:.  ::/U::∪:`U ..::∵∴
      ∵∴∵         : . ..    :∵..::(つ/ ⌒ヽ).)  ∴∵
    ∴∵∴∵∴: : .    . :         : . | : | |   |    ∴∵
. : ∵∴∵     ....... :  .::___   . : | :∪ / ノ    ∴
.. : :∵      ....::  :: . :::::::∴∵∴\. :.:  | ∵| ||    ∵  ∵
.∴∵     ::..::   .:::::::∵∴∵∴∵:\:  |∵∪∪  . :     ∴∵
.∵      ∵::   :::∵:(・)∴∴.(・)∵. l  / . ∵ :: . :       ∵
∵    ∴∵::.   ::∵∴/ ○\∵∴ | /   ::        .∵
..    ∵∴::     .::::∵/三 | 三ヽ∵ |/....:∴::     .∵  ∵∴∵
.   ∵:..:.:/⌒ヽ::l⌒`i::..| __|__ │∵|...:∵::    .. :    ∴∵
.   :/⌒ヽ|  |;; ;|  |、.|  ===  │/∴::    . :    .∵∴  ∴
.  :(  ヽ;;ヽ__ノ;;; ヽ__ノ !\___/∵ :: . ... . :      .∵    ∴
..∴ >‐ / ̄.. \;;;;ゝ__`ト、.(●)━..:∴::        . :     . ∴∵∴
∴. ( : :/    ,. i〃    l  . . . . . . . . . . .... .. . :    ..:∵∴: tanasinn
∴∵ ̄|    /.| |、l___ノ    _!_!         .∴:
  ∵  |   | :| |. |        ./∵∴゙i       . :     .:∴∵∴
      | |  |  | |. /.∴∵;;;;/‐‐| .∵∴ :: .. .... . :      .∴∵∴∵
      | | |  U.::、∴∵;;/;)  ゙i∵∴∵:: ... .. ... .. . : :∵∴∵
      | | |    :: . ̄ ̄ ̄   ゙i∵∴∵::.. ...::∴∵∴∵
     / / /      : . . .      ( ̄ ̄.... ::∵
    / / /      : :∴∵ : .    ̄.:∴:.
   .しし’        :: :: ∵: : .

87 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-09-19 18:37 ID:8CA+x74U

 ( 八  )
 にしこり MATSUI,New York Yankees

88 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-11-20 02:29 ID:DDAlJjoK

>>87 what?

89 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-11-22 13:18 ID:A/juD5O0


90 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-11-24 22:25 ID:UkZvhXrg

ooh, ooh, yea...
      ∧_∧   ....(´<_`  ) ∠He bro, is that a furry?
     ( ´ω`)   /  .⌒|    
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./   Gaia  /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

91 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-01-21 01:06 ID:Heaven

     | \
     |Д`)   No one is here.
     |⊂     I can dance now !

     ♪  ☆
   ♪   / \    RANTA TAN
      ヽ(´Д`;)ノ   RANTA TAN
         (  へ)    RANTA RANTA
          く       TAN

   ♪    ☆
     ♪ / \   RANTA RANTA
      ヽ(;´Д`)ノ  RANTA TAN
         (へ  )    RANTA TANTA
             >    TAN

92 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-01-31 02:50 ID:h0vOUGk9

     ♪  ☆
   ♪   / \    RANTA TAN
      ヽ(´Д`;)ノ   RANTA TAN
         (  へ)    RANTA RANTA
          く       TAN

   ♪    ☆
     ♪ / \   RANTA RANTA
      ヽ(;´Д`)ノ  RANTA TAN
         (へ  )    RANTA TANTA
             >    TAN

93 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-02-01 22:38 ID:NyA16QGu

     |_ಠ)   I seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you, >>92.
     |⊂     Also, it's not lupus.

94 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-02-03 05:34 ID:I0I1txqY

    \     ,r'┐   .〕     .|     :|     ノ     .,/′
     .\   .,/′ '┐  )     .|     〕  ,rv  ,「    .,ノ
      \ _/∵∴∵〜─┴─--vミ、、.,,__ .| .,,ノ′'i, ノ    /
v_       ノ′∵∴∵∴∴∵∴∴∴∵∴∵¨∴∴{    ,/′
゙\    .ノ∵∴∵∴∴∵∴∵∵∵∴∵∵∴∵∴∵^┐ ,/′
   ゙'┐ ,ノ∵∴∵∴∴∵∴∵∵∴∴∵∵∴∵∵∴∵∴∵ ∨      _,.-ヾ
    ^'r!∵∴∵,v‐''¨ ゙̄|∵∵∴∵∴∵厂゙'‐,、∵∵∴∵.\  _,v‐″    
     .ノ∴∵/′   丿∵∴∵∴∵ )_   ゙'!,∵∵∴∵ 'v:''″    
゙'ーv.,  ,「∴∵.゙\、、v-‐′∴∵,_____ \,  )∵∵∴∵.'l     ._,.
   ¨゙'┤∵/ ̄.. \∵∴∵ .ノ     |∵∵`^^′∵∵∴∵〕_.,v-'''^′
    .ノ∵/    ,. i∵∴∵{     │∵∵∴∵∴∵∴∵ .}
    .ノ∵|    /.| |.∵∴∵,ノ      .|∵∵∴ / ⌒ヽ∵∴∵ !
 ̄¨^^'|∵|   | :| |∴∴∵,ノ_ಠ)    〔∵∵∴| |   |∵∴∵.|   __,,,..,、、
    .|∵| |  |::| |∵∵.,r′⊂       〕∵∵∴∪ / ノ∴∵|'''^¨ ̄
    .〔∴| | |∵U∵,厶、、、..,,_     .|∵∵∴∵| ||∴∵} tanasinn
 ._,,,、∧∵| | | ∵∵ノ∴∵∴´¨¨^''¬〔∵∵∴∵∪∪∴∵}
''^″  .{ / / / ∴∵.「∵∴∵∴∵∴∵.|∵∵∴∵∴∴∵ノー--、、、..,,,__
    _,/ / /∴∵  |∵∴∵∴∵∴ ./∵∵∴∵∴∴∵/
,,/′    ゙'y∵∴∵∴∴∵∴∵∵∴∵∴∵∴∵./゙'':v
′     ./.゙<∵∴∵∴∴∵∴∵∵∵∴∵∴ .ノ   .¨'-,,
      /  .〕∵∴∵∴∴∵∴∵∵∵∴∵ ..i′     ^‐v

95 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-02-04 04:10 ID:wD7nN58W

   It's not lupus?
              ∧_∧     No, it is AIDS.
      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠ This thread is filled with it.
     ( ?_ゝ?)    /  ⌒i    
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./   HIV   /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

96 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-02-09 12:46 ID:qFIUGcME

  We need to view another site that's interesting...
              ∧_∧     Yeah...I think we should. Let's Google some up.
      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠ Try avoiding sites that has mom fu...
     ( ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i    
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./   >>85  /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

 @# _、_@
  (#  ノ` )     ∧_∧
/.  ^      Σ(´Д`  ).。Mom...I swear we weren't acting pervs...honest!!
| Y  ハァハァ    /   ⌒i ミ
| |   _∧_∧  /   | |ミ
    /(*´ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/  |ミ
  __(__ニつ/  >>85  / .| .|____
      \/____/ (u ⊃

< owww...owww...plz...I want to have kids, mother...

 glad that's 4 more porn!!
     ( ´_ゝ`)       
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/    
 ̄ ̄| /   ./ zOMG /
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/______
田| | \___))\    
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

97 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-02-10 23:26 ID:7znk3YEW

       \  LOLI  /
         CHANNEL   >>96 Send me fifty bucks, and I'll send you
         |/  \|    pictures of me playing with myself -nya! ー☆
   ァ'゙´´´^ゝ       (⌒ヽ ノl_  。☆
    ミr'(~`ソリ  ☆。  〃´ ̄ く ’
   `(l ´ー`ノ       ノ/j/{"}Vリト + *
    ./T`i:h     ☆ /^ル(!^ヮ゚ノヘ、
   | .| |:|.|     {:ノゝ}i兆〈ヘ.:}
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

       \  LOLI  /
         |/  \|    
   ァ'゙´´´^ゝ       (⌒ヽ ノl_  。☆
    ミr'(~`ソリ  ☆。  〃´ ̄ く ’
   `(l ´ー`ノ       ノ/j/{"}Vリト + *
    ./T`i:h     ☆ /^ル(`Д´ノヘ、
   | .| |:|.|     {:ノゝ}i兆〈ヘ.:}
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 Don't call the FBI  OH YEAH, NICE WAY TO
folks . . . We're really  RUIN IT, QUEERBAIT !!!
 both in our 30's.

98 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-02-14 10:01 ID:qFIUGcME

          (´<_`  ) ∠ Hmm...bro's not here 2day...
          /  ⌒i    
 ̄\     / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/.      
 ̄ ̄|   /   blah  /.
 ̄| | ____/_____/_____
田| | \___))\    
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

Hmm...let's google "Mature" and "MILF"...and we get...
 ̄\  /( 。/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/.     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./   blah   /.   
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_____
田| | \___))\    
ノ||| |  

 @# _、_@
  (#  ノ` )    
/.  ^      
| Y  ハァハァ   (I'm dead...aren't I?) 
| |   _∧_∧ 
    /(*´ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/  
  __(__ニつ/  FMV  / ____

Two hours later...

 Well, I'm back. Wait, "Mature" and "MILF?!" Did bro use my shit again?!! That bastard.
     ( ´_ゝ`)       
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/    
 ̄ ̄| /   ./ zOMG /
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/______
田| | \___))\    
ノ||| |       ⌒

       \  LOLI  /
         |/  \|    ...and this is why Lolicon is better than MILF -nya! ー☆
   ァ'゙´´´^ゝ       (⌒ヽ ノl_  。☆
    ミr'(~`ソリ  ☆。  〃´ ̄ く ’
   `(l ´ー`ノ       ノ/j/{"}Vリト + *
    ./T`i:h     ☆ /^ル(!^ヮ゚ノヘ、
   | .| |:|.|     {:ノゝ}i兆〈ヘ.:}
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

99 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-02-17 10:22 ID:qFIUGcME

  How was ur beat down?
      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠ SHUT come Mom hasn't fucked u up?
     ( ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i    
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./   LOL  /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

100 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-02-17 10:25 ID:qFIUGcME

   ⊂ n) / ̄ ̄ ̄_ ̄./\
 ̄ ̄ ̄| .| ./ΓΓ∃(_|./⊂ニ ̄) ̄ ̄
     | ../_____/    /
     | |     \  _ /
     .し ._  /  ( 、く , ) 
    ( 、> , )   ∨ ̄∨ 
     V ̄V
    Remember >>77->>83, yea...

101 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-02-21 00:40 ID:50iBN/bF

      (⊂| WE PAST 100 GETS!!!
      / / Party time!!!
     / /  ∨ 
     / /       ∧_∧    
    / /_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠  U kno, apparently no one
    / / ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i    gives a shit 'bout us now.     
 ̄\|   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ |
 ̄ ̄||  ./  LOL  / .| |
 ̄| |__/_____/__.| |____
田| | \___))\   (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

     R u serious?!! It's been three days?!!
              (´<_`  ) ∠ Just stick to looking
       ∧_∧   /  ⌒i    up porn sites.
 ̄\  /( 。/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./   STFU   /. | |    
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

102 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-02-21 22:21 ID:4+yQiUcN

  I'm bored...we should go out on a vacation.
      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠ I have a better idea: get ur lazy ass of da damn computer!!
     ( ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i    
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./   :P  /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

103 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-02-22 03:03 ID:GG7IRCg7

     No fucking way! The internet is serious business, and I must observe diligently!
              (´<_`  ) ∠ Will you at least empty your waste bin of spermy
       ∧_∧   /  ⌒i    Kleenexes? It's really starting to stink in here.
 ̄\  /( 。/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./   pr0n  /. | |    
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

104 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-02-22 03:08 ID:/GYQhUdl

  Ha ha...u said "of." Guess I can sit here still...
              ∧_∧     Very funny bro. Sad
      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠ thing u just fuck up here everyday like a jackass...
     ( ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i    
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./  STFU  /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

Yea...u still don't have a job...
and still haven't found 4 ur own place...
    ∧_∧  ( ℃_°) ....................................
   ( ´_ゝ`) /   ⌒i 
   /   \     | |
  /    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ |
__(__ニつ/  FMV / .| .|__
    \/____/ (u

Why didn't you ever get married, brother?
    ∧_∧  (`<_´  )   STFU!! U asked dat already (>>43) 
   ( ´_ゝ`) /   ⌒i   Give me dat computer...I'll look 4 a vacation spot.
   /   \     | |       
  /    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ |          
__(__ニつ/  LOL  / .| .|____
    \/____/ (u ⊃

105 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-02-23 12:53 ID:qFIUGcME

  Y Amsterdam? Isn't dat da place 2 get high?
      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠ we can check out Euro chicks there.
     ( ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i    
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./  WEED  /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

106 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-02-23 18:11 ID:GG7IRCg7

  Wow, cool ! A couple of my IM buddies say we can stay with them !
      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠ Really? Where do they live?
     ( ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i    
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./  Nihon   /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

Oh hey, that Jap guy we know says he wants to come visit us, eh?
              ∧_∧     Better hide your little sister, dude.
      ∧_∧    (´⊂_` ) ∠ I've heard that they're all pedophiles.
     ( ゜_ゝ゜)    /  ⌒i    
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./niagara falls/. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

107 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-02-24 06:42 ID:qFIUGcME

  I just checked our bank account, and we're broke rite now.
      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠ vacation then.
     ( ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i    
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./  Nihon   /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

     O wait...there's a job listin'..."quick cash by answering surveys"
              (´<_`  ) ∠ Go for it
       ∧_∧   /  ⌒i    
 ̄\  /( 。/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./   zOMG  /. | |    
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

   "We're sorry, you suck at answering surveys"?!!!
      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠ What else in this world u suck at?
     ( ?_ゝ?)    /  ⌒i    
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./   LOL   /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

108 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-02-27 20:35 ID:smPkO4d5

Do u kno y my laptop
was stolen and replaced by this?     

          ∧_∧  This wat we get 4 not payin' our bills!!   
    ∧_∧  (´<_`  )  
   ( ´_ゝ`) /   ⌒i
   /   _,,..,,,,_    | |
  /   ./ ,' 3 `ヽーっ  |
__(__ニつl   ⊃ ⌒_つ.| .|____
      `'ー---‐'''''"  (u ⊃

I'm goin' 2 look 4 porn in it.     

          ∧_∧  Are u 5 or just stupid?  
    ∧_∧  (´<_`  )  
   ( ´_ゝ`) /   ⌒i
   /   _,,..,,,,_    | |
  /   ./ ,' 3 `ヽーっ  |
__(__ニつl   ⊃ ⌒_つ.| .|____
      `'ー---‐'''''"  (u ⊃

109 Name: HaloMonkey8 : 2008-05-02 08:22 ID:N+mhc8t/

     No one loves us!
              (´<_`  ) ∠ It's been 3 months...
       ∧_∧   /  ⌒i    They hate your stupid jokes
 ̄\  /( 。/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./   x_x   /. | |    
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

110 Name: contradiction : 2008-05-18 15:08 ID:TIrDcj3s

yes we do

111 Name: HaloMonkey8 : 2008-05-22 07:46 ID:iU6V/AZs

   OMFG!! We have a fan!!
      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠'s Nicky's Mom. When you going to program that new AA code?
     ( ?_ゝ?)    /  ⌒i    
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./   LOL   /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

112 Name: CCCP : 2008-05-22 16:33 ID:XuevZ0s9

I found these mildly funny.

113 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-05-24 21:04 ID:Fn9/FiTj

the sasuga brothers are convicted felons who steal dreams.SOMEDAY I WILL GET MY REVENGE ON YOU SASUGA BROTHER TACHI!

114 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-06-01 07:13 ID:/kTF4HIT

              (´<_`  ) ∠ This isn't 4chan, ass
       ∧_∧   /  ⌒i    
 ̄\  /( 。/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./   Penis   /. | |    
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

115 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-06-01 07:14 ID:/kTF4HIT

the Sasuga Brothers should go on DQN

116 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-07-09 19:29 ID:HwYHY71y

Why don't you go back there >>115?
They say they need as many retards as they can get.
      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠ Nice one. But you got no room to talk.
     ( ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i    
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./ SNAP  /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

117 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-07-09 19:34 ID:Heaven

If you don't have anything nice to say,
then kindly GTFO please.
      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠ I never say anything nice. And you suck at formatting too.
     ( ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i    
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./  SNAP  /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

118 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-07-09 21:23 ID:y+psp87I

Your computer sucks

119 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-08-12 18:51 ID:XfKynU8A

Like you can do any better.
      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠ You suck at Touhou, even on easy mode.
     ( ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i    
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./  ALICE  /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

120 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-08-12 19:14 ID:US+VF4JE

Haha, my captcha is "deoche"
      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠ You're pretty easily amused.
     ( ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i    
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./  ALICE  /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

121 Name: !6uEugrVNa6 : 2008-08-13 04:19 ID:+iqMVU3F

      ∧_∧    <`<_´  > ∠ kekeke
     < `_ゝ´>    /  ⌒i    
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./ Samsung /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

122 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-08-19 05:15 ID:Heaven

Ugh when did veirifcation codes come in, god damn that makes the will to post anything drop by like 100 fold.

From what I remembered when I read it all 2 years ago, it was a pretty good thread and I laughed but then the posts stopped.

123 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-08-20 03:46 ID:Heaven

>>122 Blame it all on that !6uEugrVNa6
    asshole. He won't stop stinking up
    the board with his nida bullshit.
              ∧_∧     Be different if he was funnay.
      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠ But the fag is just plain obnoxious.
     (#´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i    
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./   DQN  /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

124 Name: !6uEugrVNa6 : 2008-08-23 21:57 ID:+iqMVU3F

>>123 got sand in his vagina kekeke

125 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-08-24 03:38 ID:Heaven

He got vagoo meh???

126 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-08-26 19:49 ID:Heaven

  __     __
 / ☣ \   / ☣ \
〔 (◣◎◢)〕 〔 (◣◎◢)〕 This thread is currently being fagged up by !6uEugrVNa6
 (つb づ   (つb づ    Quarantine procedures are taking effect.
 | | |   | | |     All civilians, please evacuate the area immediately
 (__)_)  (__)_)    and await further instruction.

127 Name: !6uEugrVNa6 : 2008-08-27 10:43 ID:+iqMVU3F

  __     __
 / ☣ \   / ☣ \
< (◣◎◢)> < (◣◎◢)> This thread is currently being fagged up by ID:Heaven
 (つ韓 づ   (つ韓 づ    Quarantine procedures are now under way.
 | | |   | | |     All Coreans, please evacuate the area immediately
 (__)_)  (__)_)    and await further instruction.

128 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-08-30 19:09 ID:fm2UXSzx

   I lost my laptop today

    ∧_∧  (´<_`  ) Good job asshole
   ( ´_ゝ`) /   ⌒i  
   /   \ /    | |
  /       \    | |
__(__ニつ____|____| .|____
              (u ⊃

129 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-08-30 20:42 ID:XfKynU8A

  Oh damn. We're conjoined.

    ∧_∧  (´<_`  ) The penis belongs to me.
   ( ´_ゝ`) /   ⌒i  
   /   \ /    | |
  /       .    | |
__(__ニつ____|____| .|____
              (u ⊃

130 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-08-30 21:46 ID:fm2UXSzx

   That freaky cat has my laptop
    ∧_∧  (´<_`  ) Damn you, SAoVQ
   ( ´_ゝ`) /   ⌒i  
   /   \ /    | |
  /       \    | |
__(__ニつ____|____| .|____
              (u ⊃

131 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-09-03 14:37 ID:CrfPygpr

    ∧_∧  (´<_`  ) 
   ( ´_ゝ`) /   ⌒i  
   /   \ /    | |
  /       \    | |
__(__ニつ____|____| .|____
              (u ⊃

132 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-09-03 14:38 ID:CrfPygpr

    ∧_∧  (´<_`  ) 
   ( ´_ゝ`) /   ⌒i  
   /   \ /    | |
  /       \    | |
__(__ニつ____|____| .|____
              (u ⊃

133 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-09-03 14:38 ID:CrfPygpr

    ∧_∧  (´<_`  ) 
   ( ´_ゝ`) /   ⌒i  
   /   \ /    | |
  /       \    | |
__(__ニつ____|____| .|____
              (u ⊃

134 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-09-03 14:40 ID:CrfPygpr

    ∧_∧  (´<_`  ) 
   ( ´_ゝ`) /   ⌒i  So you wanna do somethin' ma?
   /   \ /    | |
  /       \    | |
__(__ニつ____|____| .|____
              (u ⊃

135 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-09-04 19:24 ID:2tT6o5GC

*assassination* ∧_∧
    ∧_∧  (´<_`  ) 
   ( oゝO )  /   ⌒i  Eh
~ / ~ \ /    | | Did you just drop a silent one?
~ /        \    | |
__(__ニつ____|____| .|____
          (==⊃ ~~ brrrr

136 Name: !6uEugrVNa6 : 2008-09-08 03:47 ID:+iqMVU3F

      ∧_∧    <`<_´  > ∠ this is not amusing nida
     < `_ゝ´>    /  ⌒i    
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./ Samsung /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

137 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-10-01 03:26 ID:Heaven

  __     __
 / ☣ \   / ☣ \
〔 (◣◎◢)〕 〔 (◣◎◢)〕 This thread is currently being fagged up by !6uEugrVNa6
 (つb づ   (つb づ    Quarantine procedures are taking effect.
 | | |   | | |     All civilians, please evacuate the area immediately
 (__)_)  (__)_)    and await further instruction.

138 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2009-02-11 05:33 ID:/ZdE4pA6

People must really not like us.
      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠ It's because you keep spamming all the boards.
     ( ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i    
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./  Sony   /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

139 Name: Nida!COREAd/zHk : 2009-02-11 08:49 ID:Ecz47FCx

      ∧_∧    <`<_´  > ∠ kekeke
     < `_ゝ´>    /  ⌒i    
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./ Samsung /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

140 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2009-02-28 19:00 ID:iNqV47rU

      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) 
     ( ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i   You're using IE? How gay. 
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./ Compaq   /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

141 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2009-02-28 19:04 ID:iNqV47rU

It's the only fucking way I can post now.
Firefox can be such piece of shit, sometimes.
     ∧_∧  (´<_`  )∠Why even bother posting here?
バン   ( #´_ゝ`) /   ⌒i  This bored sucks ass since all
 バン ∩   \     | |  these Corean retards took it over.
    / /ミ  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ |
  __(__ニつ/  DQN  / .| .|____
      \/____/ (u ⊃

142 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2009-02-28 21:09 ID:Z4I07mAj

      ∧_∧    <`<_´  > ∠ we took over kekeke
     < `_ゝ´>    /  ⌒i    
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./ Samsung /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

143 Name: heh man!fi.Jek4HW6!!gGKYHXFO : 2009-03-04 01:03 ID:Heaven

      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠ What?! what is it?!
     ( ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i    
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./  Compaq   /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

144 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2009-03-07 01:21 ID:BZIloJV2

     Dude, it's mom again ! Now she's being fucked by.....
              (´<_` #) ∠ Shut up, I don't even wanna know.
       ∧_∧   /  ⌒i    
 ̄\  /( 。/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./ O=====B /. | |    
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

145 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2009-03-09 06:16 ID:uOrtAXq1

BBSPink isn't so bad.
      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠ If we find any pictures
     ( ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i   of Mom on there, let's
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |      blackmail her.
 ̄ ̄| /   ./ TOSHIBA /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄


146 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2011-04-10 10:16 ID:o71kkMiw

Hehe, I sent cutiepie_91 the pictures I found in >>144
      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠ Stop spending our money
     ( ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i   on dating sites you idiot.
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./   AGE   /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

                       ,-‐- 、
              ,..-──- 、       i    `ヽ、  
-‐ 、_         ,.:::':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::`ヽ、  |   、─ '   
   `゙'ー- 、,∠:::::::::::::::;.-‐-v' ⌒`ヽ,‐、ヽ.j  ┌.’
テ    ,   ,  _,., 二>          ゙、:、lヽ===========
゙ー‐''"´`'7"::`''"´::::::;:ゝ   ___ ゝ   ‐'ニヽ.弋l |
     /:::::::::::::::::::::{    //‐゙i   |l .il i. l | LOLINTERNET©
    /:::::::::::::::::::::::;-゙   | | l ・.l   l.ー'ノ ! | | MAHOU MATCHMAKING
   /::::::::::::::::::::::::( . : : : ..!ヽー'ノ ,...._,-'゙Lノ.: :| |
   /::::::::::::::::::::::::::丶: : : : : :`ー'  (_,ひJ : : :| |   
  i:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::7 : : : :    _      ./| |       lヽ======
  .l::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ゝ     ∠-‐-`  i‐/ | |       | |
  l:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::`ー''、     ,、__ノ/  | |       ``ー┬───┬
  |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::`ー─';;:.ィ    | |         | |     │
 .|:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: √ ̄      | |         | |     │
 .|:::::::::::::/"⌒i:::::::::::::::::::::::::::丿         ``━━━━━━.| |     │━
 .|:::::::::::::!   ノ:::::::::::( )::::/                       | |     │
─'──‐゙─'────"───────────────| |     │─
                                    ____| |     │_

147 Name: Kari : 2011-04-13 00:27 ID:hxfPoqF4

 wtf is 4chan even posting these days.....
              (´<_` #) 浴@Shut up, I don't even wanna know.
       ∧_∧   /  ⌒i    
 ̄\  /( 。/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./ ROFLMAO /. | |    
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

    ∧_∧  (´<_`  ) 
   ( ´_ゝ`) /   ⌒i  
   /   \ /    | |
  /       \    | |
__(__ニつ____|____| .|____
              (u ⊃

    ∧_∧  (´<_`  ) 
   ( ´_ゝ`) /   ⌒i  
   /   \ /    | |
  /       \    | |
__(__ニつ____|____| .|____
              (u ⊃

    ∧_∧  (´<_`  ) Did you seriously just rip that off...
   ( ´_ゝ`) /   ⌒i  
   /   \ /    | |
  /       \    | |
__(__ニつ____|____| .|____
              (u ⊃

      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) 
     ( ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i    
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./ ROFLMAO /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) 
     ( ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i  stfu, man. 
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./ ROFLMAO /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

148 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2011-06-21 17:06 ID:uCOSMcwq

I love this place
      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠ Why do you even
     ( ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i   pos anything in here? This place is empty.
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./   AMIGA   /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

149 Name: Kari : 2011-07-04 05:23 ID:rX7W2qzq

If I don't, no one will.
      ∧_∧    (´<_`  )  No one asked you to.
     ( ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i  
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./   APPLEII   /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

150 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2011-07-16 20:30 ID:SYReMtwB

But the Internet needs me.
      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠ The kitchen needs you!
     ( ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i      It's your turn to clean the dishes
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./    C64    /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

151 Name: Kari : 2011-07-17 17:29 ID:rX7W2qzq

But all the dishes in there are yours.
      ∧_∧    (´<_` )  Either clean my mess, or i'll show you those pics of mom again.
     ( ´_ゝ`) /  ⌒i  
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/.  |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./System7.5/. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |      ⌒ ̄

152 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2011-07-19 22:25 ID:BvtbS+D7

Hey check this out "Pattaya girls horny xxx"
      ∧_∧    (´<_` ) ∠ ... You're going to catch a virus again
     ( ´_ゝ`) /  ⌒i  
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/.  |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./ 8==B /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |      ⌒ ̄

              (´<_` #) ∠ Change the tab mom's coming!
       ∧_∧   /  ⌒i    
 ̄\  /( 。/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./ ^__^  /. | |    
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

 @# _、_@
  (#  ノ` )     ∧_∧
/.  ^      Σ(´Д`  ).。We're not gay...
| Y  ハァハァ    /   ⌒i ミ
| |   _∧_∧  /   | |ミ
    /(*´ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/  |ミ
  __(__ニつ/ FAPFAP  / .| .|____
      \/____/ (u ⊃

153 Name: Kari : 2011-07-24 04:15 ID:6qUvDMu4

ho shit, the school exploded.
              (´<_` )  think i might miss it a bit.
       ∧_∧   /  ⌒i    
 ̄\  /( 。/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./ ^__^  /. | |    
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

154 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2011-07-28 14:07 ID:Z/OeFf7j

 we've gone back in time...?
              (´<_` #) ∠ wtf r u talking about
       ∧_∧   /  ⌒i    
 ̄\  /( 。/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./ IBN5100 /. | |    
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

155 Name: Love : 2011-07-28 22:14 ID:Q+YVa5Nx

You guys really make my day.

● U ●

156 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2011-08-24 06:44 ID:2nTO3TIX

     ミ 彡
     ミ 彡
    ミ 彡
    ミ 彡
    ミ 彡 ∧,,∧    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
    ミ ミミ ゚Д゚ 彡 < Please stop that, umm please.
     ミ ミ   彡.   \____________
     ミ     彡
      ミ   ミ 彡
      ミ   ミ 彡
 \ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
  ||\            \
  ||\|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|| ̄
  ||  || ̄ミ 彡 ̄ミ 彡 ̄||
  ||  || ミ 彡  ミ 彡 .||
    .||ミ,,彡   ミ,,彡 ||

157 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2011-08-26 22:08 ID:kM4eUe+x

Stop what?
      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠ Pretty sure he's talking
     ( ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i   about the closet gay-ness
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./   APPLE /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

158 Name: I don't know what i'm doing lol : 2011-08-31 21:06 ID:SW0MeNPn

I am going to disregard that
      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠you should stop kidding
     ( ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i   yourself
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./   APPLE /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

159 Name: I don't know what i'm doing lol : 2011-08-31 21:25 ID:SW0MeNPn

What's that supposed to mean?
      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠Do you honestly care?
     ( ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i  
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./  MACOSX /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

I guess you're right
      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠Hey I just had a thought
     ( ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i  
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./  UBUNTU /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

Well this is a rare phenomena, please continue.
      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠Don't you think it's
     ( ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i   weird that we're
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |      looking at porn
 ̄ ̄| /   ./   DULL  /. | | together? I mean, we're
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____ brothers, seems pretty
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃ incest-y to me.
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠...
     ( ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i  
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./GENERICOM /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

I admit the concept is rather disturbing
      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠let us never speak of
     ( ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i   this again
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./GENERICOM /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

160 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2011-09-02 15:57 ID:nB2ZeNK7

My porn collection is GONE!
              (´<_` #) ∠ You have a porn collection?!
       ∧_∧   /  ⌒i    
 ̄\  /( 。/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./ p0rnz  /. | |    
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

Oh nvm I forgot I moved it
      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠ You're never going to get a girl
     ( ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i  
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./GENERICOM /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

161 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2011-09-02 16:01 ID:nB2ZeNK7

Why do you hang around anyhow?
      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠ I don't. You keep coming into my room because the door has a lock.
     ( ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i  
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./GENERICOM /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

162 Name: I don't know what i'm doing lol : 2011-09-05 04:22 ID:SW0MeNPn

What... no, this is my room.
      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠But we share this room.
     ( ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i  
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./  XBOX /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

So wouldn't you be coming into MY room?
      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠Touche.
     ( ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i  
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./  GAYSEX/. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

163 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2011-10-04 00:21 ID:W68ih8YK

Sooo...did you ever get a Facebook account?
      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠No, I have more fun trolling you all the time.
     ( ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i  
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./Zuckerburg /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

Why not? Everyone is on it now!
      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠Because 90% of everyone are idiots.
     ( ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i  
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./  Google ./. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

164 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2011-10-04 01:31 ID:W68ih8YK

Get serious. Oh cool, someone responded to my last status.
It says, "That is facinating, you should go to
for more info on this subject".
      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠Lemon Party? Is that like the Tea Party?
     ( ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i  
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./ Facebook/. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

Oh...shit...I just lost the will to live.
              (´<_`  ) ∠LOL it was about the Tea Party after all !
       ∧_∧   /  ⌒i    
 ̄\  /( 。/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./ oldgaymen./. | |    
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

165 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2011-10-18 14:11 ID:tNLCcS6T

  Oh hey look, there's a thread about us!
      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠ Bump that shit! It's on page 10!
     ( ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i  
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |    
 ̄ ̄| /   ./  FONT  /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

166 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2011-10-20 17:28 ID:vcYdaHkJ

     ∧_∧  (´<_`  ) So who in the thread made us use a
     ( ´_ゝ`) /   ⌒i  computer instead of a laptop?
    /   \     | |
    /    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ |
  __(__ニつ/  FMV  / .| .|____
      \/____/ (u ⊃

  I believe it was >>72
     ∧_∧  (´<_`  )
     ( ´_ゝ`) /   ⌒i  
    /   \     | |
    /    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ |
  __(__ニつ/  FMV  / .| .|____
      \/____/ (u ⊃

     ∧_∧  (´<_`  ) That bastard! Let's go get him!
     ( ´_ゝ`) /   ⌒i 
    /   \     | |
    /    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ |
  __(__ニつ/  FMV  / .| .|____
      \/____/ (u ⊃

167 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2011-10-20 17:31 ID:vcYdaHkJ

             / ) / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
            ./ / | >>42!!!
           / /  \          / ̄ ̄ ̄
           / /     ̄|/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| >>42!!!
         ./ /_Λ     , -つ   \
         / /# ゚Д゚)  ./_ノ        ̄∨ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
        /    \ / /   ⊂_ヽ、
        .|    へ/ /      .\\ Λ_Λ
        |    レ'  /、二つ       \ (# ゚Д゚)
        |     /.          . >  ⌒ヽ
       /   /             /    へ \
       /  /               /    /   \\
      /  /               レ  ノ     ヽ_つ
     / ノ               /  /
   _/ /                /  /|
  ノ /                 ( ( 、
⊂ -'                    |  |、 \
                     .  | / \ ⌒l
                       | |   ) /
                      ノ  )   し'

168 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2011-10-20 17:37 ID:vcYdaHkJ

 >>167, you idiot. It was >>72, not >>42.
  ( ・∀・)   | | ガッ
 と    )    | |
   Y /ノ    人
    / )    <  >__Λ∩
  _/し' //. V`Д´)/ ←>>167
 (_フ彡        /

169 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2011-10-20 22:19 ID:vcYdaHkJ

  Well, thanks to >>168, I won't be able to walk for a week.
     ∧_∧  (´<_`  ) ∠If only you couldn't talk for a week
     ( ´_ゝ`) /   ⌒i    as well. 
    /   \     | |
    /    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ |
  __(__ニつ/  FMV  / .| .|____
      \/____/ (u ⊃

       . . .
     ∧_∧  (´<_`  )
     ( ´_ゝ`) /   ⌒i
    /   \     | |
    /    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ |
  __(__ニつ/  FMV  / .| .|____
      \/____/ (u ⊃

   Oh hey look, Mittens thread is still up! Let's ask him something!
     ∧_∧  (´<_`  )
     ( ´_ゝ`) /   ⌒i
    /   \     | |
    /    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ |
  __(__ニつ/  FMV  / .| .|____
      \/____/ (u ⊃
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