( ゚ ヮ゚) Ask Mittens! (366)

1 Name: !sD8cVq28Ts : 2006-07-24 18:03 ID:Ccn6ZFYR

( ゚ ヮ゚) I love being unoriginal! Ask me anything, why mittens are so cute, why scarves aren't as awesome as mittens and so on!

101 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-11 18:13 ID:quv0mleu

( ´Д`) You missed 100get!

102 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-11 19:44 ID:Heaven

( ゚ ヮ゚) No, it was intentional. I didn't want you to get it!

103 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-12 01:29 ID:Heaven

( `Д´) That's a BAD mittens!

104 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-12 01:40 ID:6Rf2wGlU

               /⌒丶        /⌒\
              /´   ヽ      /、   ヽ
              | /    .\ │ / /    |  
          .    |     .| / ̄\  | .    |  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
              |     ─( ゚ ∀ ゚ )─ノ    ,|< CAN SAITAMA HAVE HATS TOO
          .    |     | \_/      丿  \______
              ノヽ`   ノ/ │ \ `   /
             / ξ,/ソ          \ /
            (       ,/    `´   |ミ
             \   イ  ´         |
              \  ヽ \    八  ノ
                ヽ    ` ー ´人` /
                 \     / ´,、ヽノ
                ノ⌒    /      |
               /            ノ_
               | ノ     ヽ.     \
            /⌒l |.               \
            /  l,丿 ,       ∩       \
           |  /  ´       ω         \
          丿 /   ,     ./   ヽ   ヽ    |
         /  |,   |    /      )\      ヽ
         ヽ ノ    ヽ__,/      . (  _\_     |
         (_)__)|___,/          (__)_)_)ヽ、__/

105 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-12 02:15 ID:Ccn6ZFYR

( ゚ -゚) I'm..so sorry, I didn't thin--( ゚ ヮ゚) Of course you can! HATS FOR ALL.

106 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-12 13:15 ID:WhXmJAGB

Mittens, are you related to "Mr. Mittens"?

107 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-13 22:45 ID:Ccn6ZFYR

( ゚ ヮ゚) No, but I'm fucking his wife!

108 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-14 02:12 ID:q+a4pZ8N

Mittens, please be quiet. I'm trying to sleep.

  (  ・ω・)
  _| ⊃/(___
/ └-(____/
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

109 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-14 17:07 ID:8fZffEoc

( ゚ ヮ゚) sorry, do you have a question?

110 Name: !5IPeTpj7so : 2006-08-15 01:41 ID:G6AhZe1V

( ゚ ヮ・) Why does everything think I'm dead I just went to play Oblivion....

111 Name: !sD8cVq28Ts : 2006-08-15 02:33 ID:Ccn6ZFYR

( ゚ ヮ゚) GLOVES!! You're back~!

( ゚ -゚) I was so worried too..why did you make it seem like you died?..

112 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-15 03:09 ID:dsj/z84i

  (::::( ゚ ヮ・)ノ

I didn't die, i went to the dump and found this marvellous wig

113 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-15 03:25 ID:G6AhZe1V

  (::::( ゚ ヮ・)ノ

Anyways when you play Oblivion it takes alot of time. So I faked my own death. I got caught though when I got out of the coffin to recharge my laptop....

114 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-15 12:08 ID:G6AhZe1V

  (::::( ゚ ヮ・)ノ

So...Do you like....My new wig?

115 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-15 13:48 ID:QjxVkDER

  (::::( ゚ ヮ・)ノ

The pool is WHAT?

116 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-15 15:51 ID:0n7bjCM0

( ゚ ヮ゚) I LOVE your new wig! The pool is full of motherfucking snakes.. on a plane!

117 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-15 18:23 ID:G6AhZe1V

  (::::( ゚ ヮ・)ノ

I feel ill something has been making me shout memes...You know memes are mind viruses...My mind is infected... Mittens what should I do?

118 Name: !sD8cVq28Ts : 2006-08-15 22:42 ID:Ccn6ZFYR

( ゚ ヮ゚) Mind viruses? Well, when my computer acts wierd, I run Norton Antivirus. Do you have a disc drive, Gloves?

119 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-16 00:47 ID:l281399x

  (::::( ゚ ヮ・)ノ

I dunno, lol

120 Name: !sD8cVq28Ts : 2006-08-16 02:23 ID:Ccn6ZFYR

( ゚ ヮ゚) Well I'll just jam this disc into your ass and see what happens.

121 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-16 05:25 ID:Nt150OeA

  (::::( ゚ ヮ・)ノ

Hold your horses little lady

122 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-16 06:50 ID:G6AhZe1V

  (::::( ゚ ヮ・)ノ

I have no ass...I don't even think I have legs... Seriously what's that thing sticking out of my head... Some sort of arm... On top of that my brain is now infected. Still atleast I have a wig....

123 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-16 17:28 ID:U8Wb/6zS

  (::::( ゚ ヮ・)ノ

I love gl... glo.... socks!

124 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-16 19:50 ID:WeZXstdh


125 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-17 00:48 ID:G6AhZe1V

( ゚ ヮ・)ノ Perhaps this is all a dream. I can't even tell what's real anymore.... Mittens what should I do?

126 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-17 01:53 ID:Heaven

 D A D D Y  C O O L

   /''''''   '''''':::::::\
  . |(●),   、(●)、.:| +
  |   ,,ノ(、_, )ヽ、,, .::::|    
.   |   `-=ニ=- ' .:::::::| +
   \  `ニニ´  .:::::/     +
,,.....イ.ヽヽ、ニ__ ーーノ゙-、.
:   |  '; \_____ ノ.| ヽ i
    |  \/゙(__)\,|  i |
    >   ヽ. ハ  |   ||

127 Name: Spicay : 2006-08-17 11:01 ID:Xa2lwUWc

( ゚ ヮ゚ )ノ Daddy Cool wins any arguement.

128 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-17 14:16 ID:vT/qucvz

( ゚ ヮ゚ )ノ WHO THE HELL AM I?!

129 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-17 17:14 ID:l281399x

( ゚ ヮ゚ )ノ I'm socks!

130 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-17 20:59 ID:G6AhZe1V

  (::::( ゚ ヮ・)ノ

This place is a mad house....

131 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-17 21:38 ID:Heaven

( ゚ ヮ゚) I love all of you, ugly or otherwise!

132 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-19 04:40 ID:Heaven

E V E N  D A D D Y  C O O L ?

   /''''''   '''''':::::::\
  . |(●),   、(●)、.:| +
  |   ,,ノ(、_, )ヽ、,, .::::|    
.   |   `-=ニ=- ' .:::::::| +
   \  `ニニ´  .:::::/     +
,,.....イ.ヽヽ、ニ__ ーーノ゙-、.
:   |  '; \_____ ノ.| ヽ i
    |  \/゙(__)\,|  i |
    >   ヽ. ハ  |   ||

133 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-19 14:12 ID:fCrLL6x6

( ゚ ヮ゚) Of course! Daddy Cool, you're one of my favorites!

134 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-19 23:10 ID:FR935IR0

             _____                    ___
     Thanks, Mittens       γ'フ       <   >       (ヽ
                        イ ('i, ,/        ̄ ̄         ヽ`)'フ
                       ( 'i,`ミ' ヽ i     /\___/ヽ       )γ),ノ)
    (.`ヽ(`> 、            (\ヽ,,_ ` ':  . /''''''   ''''''::::::\     / .:' ノ
     `'<`ゝr'フ\           .ヾ' ..,,    '; ' |(●),   、(●)、.:|   ノ' ,:' ''",フ
  ⊂コ二Lフ^´  ノ, /⌒)        ゝ- .,,,   .:   |  ,,,ノ(、_, )ヽ、,, .::::| ''",,::'   "つ +
  ⊂l二L7_ / -ゝ-')´        ,,-'', ',,,..    .:' / |   `-=ニ=- ' .:::::::|´ ''"ヾ、  彡'
       \_  、__,.イ\        `ツ、,,ー- .:' (,,,,, \   `ニニ´  .:::/  、,,_,,ノ'⌒ +  +
        (T__ノ   Tヽ        , -r'⌒! ̄ `":::7ヽ.`- 、   ./|   '-=-'"     +
         ヽ¬.   / ノ`ー-、ヘ<ー1´|  ヽ | :::::::::::::ト、 \ (  ./ |   ,,_,,,ミ^ヾ  +
          \l__,./       i l.ヽ! |   .| ::::::::::::::l ヽ  

135 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-31 21:46 ID:MzFKIqmY

( ⌒д⌒) Mittens? Are you home?

136 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-31 22:56 ID:62pGqWTl

( ゚ ヮ゚) I am, Kindness-san.

137 Name: !4ZVpsV5fk. : 2006-09-01 01:58 ID:MzFKIqmY

( ⌒-⌒) Mittens! Look what I got!

138 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-09-01 03:10 ID:Heaven

( ゚ ヮ゚) A Tripcode?

139 Name: !4ZVpsV5fk. : 2006-09-01 06:11 ID:MzFKIqmY

( ⌒-⌒) Teehee.

140 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-09-01 15:03 ID:Heaven

( ⌒д⌒) Mittens, what was life like before the war?

141 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-09-01 15:32 ID:uGxU8MDf

( ゚ ヮ゚) Well, it was like this:

    |  ('A`)
   / ̄ノ( ヘヘ ̄ ̄ ̄

    |            ・  . ・
    |         三    三
    |            ̄ ̄
    |  ('A`)
   / ̄ノ( ヘヘ ̄ ̄ ̄

    |          (・)   (・)
    |              ○
    |            三 | 三
    |            __|__
    |            ===
    |  (   ')
   / ̄ノ( ヘヘ ̄ ̄ ̄

    |        ∴∵∵∵∵∴
    |       ∴∵(・)∴∴(・)∵
    |       ∵∵ / ○\∵∵
    |      ∵∵∵/三 | 三|∵∵
    |       ∵∵∵| __|__ |∵∵ tanasinn
    |      ∵∵∵|  === .|∵∵
    |       .∴∵ \__/∴∵
    |  (   ゚)     ━(〒)━
   / ̄ノ( ヘヘ ̄ ̄ ̄

142 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-09-01 22:23 ID:XZDnvAKG

( ⌒д⌒) Mittens, I don't think...

143 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-09-02 00:24 ID:9NqZ3Ls0

   <#`Д´> < 9pは嫌ニダ!
   ⊂   ⊃   世界最低は嫌ニダ
   | | |   ウリはチンポを大きくする忍術使うニダ!

  ・  そして

   ∧_∧                           ∧_∧ニダーは絶えず文明の斜め下をいく
  <;`Д´>    本当ニコンア方法デ大キクスルノカ?    (・∀・ )  発想なんだね
  (    )      (゚д゚ )                  (    )
   | ωつ――――ノヽノ |                 | | |
   し ⌒J        < <                 .(_(_)

   ∧_∧  ぬああああ!!             ∧_∧
  <#`Д´>                         (・∀・ ) ワクワク
  (    )          (゚д゚ )            (    )
   | ω==≠つ――――ノヽノ |           | | |
   し ⌒J            < <           .(_(_)

   ∧_∧                       ∧_∧
  < `Д´>      ブチッ!!               (・∀・;)
  (    )  ∴:;         (゚д゚;)       (    )
   | ω==ゝ”ヽ=つ――――ノヽノ |      | | |
   し ⌒J               < <      .(_(_)

                            ∧_∧  君のせいじゃないよ
                 どうしよう…!  (・∀・ )
                    (゚д゚  )    (    )
 ::○:,,.,:: ∧_λ :        ノヽノ |     | | |
とヽ⌒と<lliil。;;;;。>つ    __j < <     .(_(_)

144 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-09-02 00:28 ID:9NqZ3Ls0

       / 中\  
   ζ  ( ;`ハ´)let me translate
   ┗─⊂ U )    

Nida's tiny chinko is tiiiiiny

"This will make it bigger!" Nida says
ORLY says his friend.
The observer comments "Tiny culture means tiny penis."

At the end, the guy says "OHNOES I DID IT WRONG", the observer replies: "You killed Nida. You should celebrate."


Meanwhile, at the bottom of a harbor in Shanghai:

(x∀x )

145 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-09-02 02:40 ID:vPKOjbOL

( ⌒д⌒) Mittens, what the crap is going on?!

146 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-09-02 04:47 ID:aOFeXDb2

So what's with the 'mittens' thing? Is it a fetish??
     ∧_∧  (´<_`  ) Don't bother the depraved Anija
     ( ´_ゝ`) /   ⌒i
    /   \     | |
    /    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ |
  __(__ニつ/ lolMac  / .| .|____
      \/____/ (u ⊃

147 Name: !sD8cVq28Ts : 2006-09-02 06:37 ID:Ccn6ZFYR

( ゚ o゚) !

( ゚ ヮ゚) Hello Sina! I didn't expect you to come and visit so suddenly. All I have is spam on crackers to serve as a snack, is that okay?

148 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-09-02 15:34 ID:JZBTI0f3

( ゚ヮ゚) I hate mittens!

149 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-09-02 15:59 ID:yrmbYMIq

( ゚ ヮ゚) That's because you're socks!

150 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-09-03 10:21 ID:9NqZ3Ls0

       / 中\  
     ( ;`ハ´) ♪I don't mind, where's the nearest dealer ma?
   ┗─⊂ U )    My buzz is wearing out le...♪

151 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-09-03 13:04 ID:Heaven

( ⌒-⌒) Sina, you should stay off the stuff. If you don't, the British will soon subjugate mighty China!

... Besides, you act like an idiot after you've had some opium.

152 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-09-03 23:38 ID:9NqZ3Ls0

       / 中\  
   ζ  ( ;`ハ´)not anymore le. I grow my own now le!
   ┗─⊂ U )  If the money stays in the country, so
    (⌒__,,,(⌒) will the power le.

153 Name: !sD8cVq28Ts : 2006-09-04 23:35 ID:Ccn6ZFYR

( ゚ o゚) You stopped singing!

154 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-09-05 00:26 ID:9NqZ3Ls0

       / 中\  
   ζ  ( ;`ハ´)♪only because my buzz had to come back le♪
   ┗─⊂ U )  

155 Name: !4ZVpsV5fk. : 2006-09-05 05:08 ID:Heaven

( ⌒д⌒) Mittens, let's go back to http://www.sageru.org/
(  ̄д ̄) I don't affiliate with people who do drugs.

156 Name: !sD8cVq28Ts : 2006-09-05 23:17 ID:Ccn6ZFYR

( - ヮ-) Sigh..Okay, Kindness-san.

157 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-09-06 03:32 ID:9NqZ3Ls0

       / 中\  
   ζ  ( ;`ハ´)♪suit yourself le♪
   ┗─⊂ U )  

158 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-09-06 16:57 ID:MJxNgfkL

       / 中\  
   ζ   ( ;`ハ´)♪stop posting fucked up asciis♪
   ┗─⊂ U )  

159 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-09-09 10:30 ID:FxJZZVw6

  ( ´∀`) omaemona
  (    )   
  | | |

160 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-09-10 00:52 ID:Nrc3LxCW


161 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-09-12 01:37 ID:pQC1xXh+

ヽ( ゚∀゚)/ Thor!
(  )
> >

162 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-09-12 21:07 ID:pQC1xXh+

   ∧ ∧     ∬   Wow, that was random nida
_と''__   ノ_, ∀   
    .(___/~), .| .┷┳━
 ̄ ̄ ̄ .し'J ̄ ̄|  ┃
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/....┻

163 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-09-12 21:42 ID:Heaven

     / 中\
.    (`ハ´ ;) Yes that was quite.. odd...
    ⊂ U )  .....!!!

  ((⌒⌒)) *fwabyooooon*
  / 支\
  (# `ハ´)< You theif! How dare you steal my pipe!

164 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-09-15 05:54 ID:MzFKIqmY

   . /      \
   /  _ノ  ヽ、_  \
  / o゚((●)) ((●))゚o \    MITTENS!!!
  |     (__人__)    |    
  \    |ェェェェ|     /   
    \  ` ⌒´  /

165 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-09-15 20:03 ID:9NqZ3Ls0

       / 中\  
   ζ  ( ;`ハ´)♪got a new pipe le♪
   ┗─⊂ U )  

166 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-09-16 15:13 ID:pQC1xXh+

( ゚ヮ゚) Say Mittens, whats your second favorite thing besides mittens?

167 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-09-16 15:49 ID:Heaven

( ゚ ヮ゚) Mm, its a tough choice, but I'd have to say Socks is my 2nd best favorite.

168 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-09-16 15:51 ID:Heaven

 /     ⋀ ⋀    /
/    /(^( ゚ヮ゚)^)  OMIGOSH RLY?!!!!!!
 ≡ / )  /   /
  ≡ (_ノ_ノ.   /
.  /  / /   /   /
   / /   /   /
  / /   /   /

( ゚ ヮ゚) Yep, and I guess my 1st favorite thing is everything else, hehe.

                  ⋂   ⋀ ⋀
             (´⌒;;) ⊂´⌒つ゚ヮ;)つ (´⌒;;)

169 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-09-17 05:24 ID:pQC1xXh+

( ゚ ヮ゚) Just kidding. My #1 favorite is Mittens of course!

170 Name: AWal : 2006-09-18 17:55 ID:1AeTyij0

How many different mittents do you own?

171 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-09-18 21:02 ID:Ccn6ZFYR

( ゚ ヮ゚) Do ya *really* want to know?

172 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-09-23 15:01 ID:3XpMxkXx

( ゚ ヮ゚) Actually I don't own any mittents or mittens for that matter, I'm just a big hoax!

173 Name: !sD8cVq28Ts : 2006-09-23 15:42 ID:Ccn6ZFYR

>>172 ( ゚ -゚) is made of LIES, HATE and FRENCH.

( ゚ ヮ゚) I own over a THOUSAND pairs of mittens

174 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-09-23 15:57 ID:pQC1xXh+

Hey Mittens, why do you hate France so much?

175 Name: !sD8cVq28Ts : 2006-09-24 15:11 ID:Ccn6ZFYR

( ゚ -゚)Because they believe mittens are unstylish.

176 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-09-26 13:12 ID:wLQVcT5q

       / 中\  
   ζ  ( ;`ハ´)♪Mittens, where are you from le?♪
   ┗─⊂ U )  

177 Name: !sD8cVq28Ts : 2006-09-26 20:09 ID:Ccn6ZFYR

( ゚ ヮ゚) A rip in time and space.

178 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-09-29 01:21 ID:pQC1xXh+

( ゚ ヮ・) Wow! Does that mean you do time-traveling and stuff?

179 Name: !sD8cVq28Ts : 2006-09-29 02:19 ID:Ccn6ZFYR

( ゚ ヮ゚) Yeah! I originally came back in time to kill my past self for a reason which I will not disclose at this time. But then it totally backfired on me so now I'm stuck here.

180 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-09-29 02:55 ID:pQC1xXh+

( ゚ ヮ・) It all totally make's sence now!

the jiffylube,

the broomhandle,

the blender,

And the mittens.. my god the mittens..

181 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-10-01 17:15 ID:Heaven

( ゚ ヮ・) Actually, you lost me at "origionally".

182 Name: !sD8cVq28Ts : 2006-10-02 20:50 ID:Ccn6ZFYR

(゚- ゚) It wasn't..always mittens.

183 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-10-05 04:43 ID:pQC1xXh+

( ゚ ヮ・) What would it be like if robots took over the world?

184 Name: !sD8cVq28Ts : 2006-10-05 20:17 ID:Ccn6ZFYR

( ゚ ヮ゚) AWESOME!

185 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-10-22 04:11 ID:FnYiBLfJ

( ゚Д゚)Good Mittens, you looked kinda cool for a moment there (>>182)

186 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-10-22 15:31 ID:Heaven

( ゚ ヮ。) ?

187 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-10-22 18:31 ID:F49z9FSF

('ಠДಠ') Whar dah white wemin at?!

188 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-10-22 18:58 ID:pQC1xXh+

( ゚ ヮ。) I'm always cool, >>185

189 Name: FBI : 2006-10-22 20:01 ID:zd9rh+47

('ಠДಠ') Where the hood, where the hood, where the hood at?

190 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-10-23 02:33 ID:Ccn6ZFYR

( ゚ ヮ。)

( ゚ ヮ。)つ ゚

( ゚ ヮし) ミ。

( ゚ ヮ゚)That's better!

191 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-10-23 04:52 ID:MzFKIqmY

( ゚ ヮ゚)

( ゚ ヮ )つ ゚

( ゚ ヮし) ミ。

( ゚ ヮ。)That's better!

192 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-10-25 01:12 ID:Heaven

( ゚ ヮ。)

( ゚ ヮ。)つ ゚

( ゚ ヮし) ミ。

( ゚ ヮಠ)That's better!

193 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-10-25 01:37 ID:pQC1xXh+

( ゚ ヮ。) "An eye for an eye will make the whole world go blind" ― Gandhi, (1869-1948)

194 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-10-26 13:56 ID:Heaven

( ゚ ヮ ) 。。。

195 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-10-27 15:12 ID:Heaven

( ゚ ヮ・)つ゚ Here you go, I found this one laying on the table.

196 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-10-27 15:57 ID:Ccn6ZFYR

( ゚ ヮ )! Thank you gloves!

( ゚ ヮ )つ゚

( ゚ ヮし)

( ゚ ヮ゚)

197 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-10-29 11:56 ID:MzFKIqmY

( ゚ ヮ゚)

( ゚ ヮ )つ ゚

( ゚ ヮし) ミ。

( ゚ ヮ。)That's better!

198 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-10-30 12:48 ID:J+h8GC74


199 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-11-17 16:55 ID:pQC1xXh+

( ゚ ヮ。) Wanna see where I keep my mittens?

200 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-11-17 22:29 ID:/vU+8PXG

( ゚ -゚) that's alright, Gloves.
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