[Posthumous course] Teacher/Student Thread! [C&P] (771)

100 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2011-11-08 14:41 ID:0hFsSZLU

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@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@| |i@L„DMj//ƒSensei, I got the bomb and I disarmed it!
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@@@@@@@@@@^ @@ @_@ƒ You saved Bizzaro Sensei's dimension, but you used a computer during class.
@@@@@@@ @@bb@@bb @_ You have 3 minutes before I send you to the boiler room.
@@@@@@@ @@bb@@bb @ @_QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ@@
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@@ ||PPPPPPPPPPP|| @||
@@ ||@@@ Teacher's desk@@@ || @||
@@ ||@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@||

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@@@@@@@@ @ l@| | |@ @ | @lR2:D2Ζ|\\|Ζ=|@ .:.:
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ ‚u_Ι | @@ |@ ‚Œ „‘„Ÿ„Ÿ„’|\\|Ζ=|­:.:.:.:.
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@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@| |i@M„DLj//ƒ Oh for gods sake! That's what I get for being a hero!
@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@_@@@ @ |@@@_QQQQQQQQQ
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@@@@@@@@ @ l@| | |@ @ | @l87:01Ζ|\\|Ζ=|@ .:.:
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ ‚u_Ι | @@ |@ ‚Œ „‘„Ÿ„Ÿ„’|\\|Ζ=|­:.:.:.:.
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@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@| |i*LΝMj//ƒ Oh well, at least I got >>100.
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