[shortstories] Shortstories Online (14)

1 Name: Bookworm : 2006-01-04 00:11 ID:pnLGppJR

ITT we post links to short stories by notable authors that are available online.

I'll kick this off with "Super-Frog Saves Tokyo" by Haruki Murakami

ps. request borges if you have any

11 Name: Bookworm : 2006-01-18 02:27 ID:Heaven

For fuck's sake, dude, just stop speaking in riddles and tell us why the fuck you hate the Murakami guy. I'm sure the problem would go away if you just stopped being an abstruse asshole and told us what your stupid problem is!

12 Name: Bookworm : 2006-01-20 05:56 ID:Heaven

Yeah, just saying "no" doesn't convince anyone. Actually, it makes me want to like Haruki Murakami. The superfrog story at >>1 was entertaining.

13 Name: Bookworm : 2006-02-04 04:07 ID:Heaven

>>10 failed.

By being circumscribed you manage to make the thread damn near all about this guy, whereas I don't think people would have cared to much otherwise.

14 Post deleted.

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