[Applause]Everytime we finish a book we post here[Praise] (148)

29 Name: Bookworm : 2010-09-10 00:39 ID:rO6gRqPQ


Forgot to say I finished Wizard and Glass. I also finished Wolves of the Calla. Starting Song of Susannah now.

Though I was tempted to read Salem's Lot instead because the main character of Salem's Lot is a character in Wolves of the Calla and possibly the rest of the series. I've decided to read Salem's Lot after I finish the Dark Tower series.

Wizard and Glass is probably my favorite book in the series so far. Wolves of the Calla was pretty good too, but it was just so... fucking... long... with so much build-up that the climax was pretty anti-climactic.

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