Thriller / Mystery / Suspense
It's probably my favorite genre next to science fiction and I was wondering if anyone knew of any good books that are easy to get (@ Barnes and Noble, Borders or something of the sort; nothing out of print).
I'm currently reading "Out" by Natsuo Kirino and I finished the translated Short Novels by Nisioisin "Zaregoto" and "Death Note: BB Murders"
Note: It doesn't have to be translated Japanese novels, it just so happens those are the most recent books that I have read because a friend recommended them.
Sherlock Holmes, I'm not even kidding they're fucking good. Start with "A Study in Scarlet", it's the first one.
What about agatha christie?
Edgar Allan Poe
HP Lovecraft
Perry Mason novels are great. Especially if you like "Phoenix Wright" games.
For unadulterated noir, Dashiell Hammett and Raymond Chandler are damn fun to read.
For solid, interesting mysteries, I don't think the Nero Wolfe stories can be beat. All the right lessons were taken from Holmes, and without the somewhat strained "and then there was A VERY MYSTERIOUS THING THAT WAS OBVIOUSLY A CLUE" of other famous authors. Even without the mysteries, though, I'd read the stories simply for the interaction of the primary cast and the atmosphere. I cannot recommend these highly enough.
I guess these fall under the category of mysteries as well (although they would as easily fit parody, fantasy, and science fiction), but Randall Garrett's stories of Lord Darcy are top-notch. His alternate universe (magic was scientifically studied, electricity wasn't) is good, the actual mysteries are good, when he's lampooning something and you understand it, it's very good.