LOTR (14)

1 Name: Bookworm : 2014-03-27 04:56 ID:T+AmmFo7

Best. Series. Ever.

Am I wrong?

2 Name: Bookworm : 2014-03-29 09:38 ID:YxgX+VeD

It was alright, I don't remember much of it, the last time I read it was when I was in elementary school I think. I recently reread the Hobbit and that was pretty good though.

3 Name: Bookworm : 2014-04-04 16:36 ID:4s39pJkD

I read it first in elementary school, then I reread it last year and realized how fucking awesome it actually is.

4 Name: Bookworm : 2014-05-10 02:23 ID:j6lGrkhW

Rereading the series. Just finished the second book. Agree with >>3.

5 Name: cockjizz : 2015-05-07 21:57 ID:U1Zx0DHz


Yes you are wrong. It was good, but definitely not the best. Still, it's a matter of opinion.

6 Name: cockjizz : 2015-05-07 21:57 ID:U1Zx0DHz


Yes you are wrong. It was good, but definitely not the best. Still, it's a matter of opinion.

7 Name: Bookworm : 2015-06-18 23:46 ID:EP43V4eR

I read The Hobbit and then LOTR when I was a teenager in the 80's. Some parts of the trilogy were really slow-going, and I didn't fully grasp everything, but still enjoyed it a lot. The Hobbit was completely enchanting, and I couldn't put that book down. I'd stay up late through the night to read it, over and over again.

But I also greatly enjoyed stories by Robert E. Howard (Kull, Conan), Moorcock (Hawkmoon, Elric), Lovecraft, various other pulp-era stuff that was later compiled into book format, and last but not least, the great Jules Verne.

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13 Name: Bookworm : 2021-02-04 01:37 ID:JV5CmiM5

Dwarves are Jewish

14 Name: Bookworm : 2023-07-26 01:08 ID:BnNPkbkw

Best series is Perry Rhodan.

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