>while Lolita to a certain extent is a victim there were parts where she clearly was the initiator and wanted it as well.
This is probably what makes the book controversial nowadays. Since we usually expect victims to be blameless and innocent and children to be asexual. Its hard for people to accept that abuse isn't some night stalker jumping out of the bush or some horrible ordeal that the victim always hates and victims too can have hand in their own molestation. I'm pretty sure most kids who are trafficked or raped on camera for CP fappers don't think they are being hurt or think its normal because of all the positive rewards they get from their adult abusers.
Lolita is a good commentary for why modern sex and relationships suck. We are all Humberts now. Not in the sense of being molesters, but because our approach to relationships is always narcisstic and selfish. A partner is just a means to an end and therapy books, professional relationship advice, and self-help lit all encourage people to be self-interested narcissistic bastards.