UNIX redone (254)

104 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-12-04 22:02 ID:ho+qSQgc


> This thread has left a bitter taste in my mouth because many of the criticisms are based on a lack of understanding, or a lack of willingness to understand.

I think you misspelled "unwillingness to agree with me" at the end there. Trust me, we've had the supposed justification explained to us many, many time, and we are not ignoring them out of some sort of pigheaded denial of the world around us, we actually disagree with them. You can not simply dismiss those who do not agree with you as uninformed or unwilling to learn. As it happens, both me and dmpk2k are, if I may make so bold a claim, highly skilled computer users and programmers. We have many, many years of experience using both Unix and non-Unix systems. It is from exactly this experience that we formulate our criticisms of Unix as it now stands.

I really don't have the time to refute all your points, especially as many of them are refuted here, or even in >>1. If you try to read the thread, you will also notice a criticism of the mindset of many Unix users and developers that there is nothing wrong with Unix, and any problems experienced is due to the person complaining. This is not only incredibly arrogant and irritating, it also not a good attitude for a developer to have, if he wants people to use his product.

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