Technology & Programming @ 4-ch

Technology & Programming @ 4-ch

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1: Which Linux distro should I use? (62) 2: I came here to hide from the god damn AI take-over. (7) 3: New features for BBS software (2) 4: What Text editor you guys use, and like? (14) 5: I'm making a Textboard with an obsolete (2) 6: What would you consider the best linux distro in a post-internet world? (30) 7: ' (2) 8: Pi Network (2) 9: Half-Life Episode 9999 (2) 10: Have you read your SICP today? (8) 11: [HELP] Single questions & Help Thread [n00b] (415) 12: so how do i solve... (4) 13: Is meta down? (4) 14: game programming books? (5) 15: GHOST Privacy Project (2) 16: [CHAT] Fuck Discord! Matrix FTW! (27) 17: suckless unix tools (21) 18: How do I learn computer? (9) 19: Nginx and Kareha (5) 20: Maker of ‘smart’ chastity cage left users’ emails, passwords, and locations exposed (5) 21: Computers should last a long time (27) 22: I like AI (8) 23: is it possible to have fun programming (25) 24: What the fuck is "-ilocal?" (2) 25: any good Macintosh 1 emulator? (3) 26: Twitter Source Code Leak (4) 27: Trying to make a language in c without learning c (3) 28: XMPP & Matrix (9) 29: LUnix Shitware #1 Tumbler: (3) 30: Javascript and webdev (38) 31: Japanese PHP/CGI BBS script archive (9) 32: Thoughts on Finishing Shiichan? (10) 33: Can someone create me a textboard that runs on Kareha called pworld? (15) 34: 2ch-style BBs (47) 35: OS Wars Thread (15) 36: Windows software recommendations (13) 37: Where can I download red hat 3.0.3? (2) 38: How do i install Kareha (2) 39: When did you realize that the future is now (14) 40: emanon: redeemable? (2)

Which Linux distro should I use? (62)

1 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2023-06-01 01:23 ID:45ytmAoH

I’m a n00b when it comes to computers but I don’t want to use Mint or Ubuntu, what’s the alternatives? I just want to learn programming with it but want to make it secure enough so I can fap in secret. Which should I pick?

53 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-07-20 07:06 ID:Heaven

Are you implying Windows and Mac OS isn't insanely bloated and reliant on third party distributions? Windows and Mac is increasingly written by outsourced Indians on a lower and lower budget, it's getting worse every year.
The idea of Linux having some "culture" that makes it so you can't use it is utterly retarded. I've used Linux for years and I don't interact with anyone.
It's an Operating System. Not a community you need to take part in.

54 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-07-27 08:33 ID:ipI0sbGD


>Are you implying Windows and Mac OS isn't insanely bloated and reliant on third party distributions?

Not that anon but Windows and MacOS are complete operating systems meanwhile Linux is just a kernel. They are bloated and privacy violating but they are consistent. Software compatibility is much better and both work out of the box with no problems. Getting help is much easier too.

55 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-07-29 16:12 ID:fd4ZmASF

Just install Debian (or Devuan if you are scared of systemd).
You don't need more and you know it.

56 Name: ゼリーさん !smz6IUT2D2 : 2024-08-05 04:13 ID:lPx6V+SD

Get Fedora.

57 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-08-28 11:18 ID:sPAOhmSB

Fuck Fedora and fuck Redhat IBM shit

58 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-08-31 09:33 ID:Heaven


>Getting help is much easier too.

From my experience, it absolutely is not.
Whenever I have a problem with Linux I can usually find an answer well documented on some wiki, or resort to pestering weird nerds on IRC for an answer.
Whenever I have any nontrivial problem with Windows I immediately realize that whoops, nothing is documented or maybe the thing causing problems was in a recent update and no one knows what to do about it, and I'm forced to look at totally useless gibberish written by Indians at Microsoft's support site. Half the time the only solution anyone comes up with is "just reinstall Windows".

Granted, running into nontrivial issues with Windows is much, much rarer, but it still happens.

Why in the world would anyone complain about compatibility issues and vitriolic culture only to then recommend anything BSD? Are you insane?

59 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-09-10 12:00 ID:fmHV+uWz

Anon didn't complain about compatability issues just vitriolic culture and the junkyard that is the Linux world. BSD types are asinine in their own way but I've found the FreeBSD forums to be more helpful on average than the Linux fanboys. That's probably because FreeBSD is used by a small handful of legitimately knowledgable people while Linux has a larger userbase and attracts more retards. His concluson is correct: the easiest and friendliest Unix system is Mac OS.

60 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-09-24 18:31 ID:y1b1faXd

I think Debian is a reasonable choice. It was among the first distros that I tried, when I got into Linux and I'm still using it as my OS of choice. Perks of using Debian are:

  • free as in freedom OS by default, but proprietary drivers and software can be added if needed
  • Doesn't force any desktop environment, but let's you choose between plenty (also you can use pure Netinstall as basis if you want to use only a window manager)
  • if there is software available for Linux, it works on Debian in 99% of cases
  • easy install and easy administration
  • apt is a good package manager (in my humble opinion)
  • most problems you will come across are well documented

61 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-09-27 20:20 ID:dU4Oq2Mq

MX Linux. It is based on Debian so documentation is easily available and has its own GUI programs for some tasks that will require a terminal.
Otherwise as a few people have said above Debian.

62 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-10-05 05:50 ID:eqD6LeUB

get slackware or devuan
i don't recommend systemd shit for beginners, since the error messages are retarded and systemd is a cancerous growth

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I came here to hide from the god damn AI take-over. (7)

1 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-07-17 00:09 ID:lkE1giKU

So I heard the web is no longer a iceberg, but now a dark forest.
on the top is AI trolls, creeps, scams, AI, and corporate slop.
At the bottom is dark web shit with kiddies getting fiddled and weed being sold.
in between is a cozyweb of sorts.
Have I found the cozyweb, or do I need to keep looking?

2 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-07-17 02:41 ID:Heaven

I'm not here because I'm a refugee, I'm here because I want to be here. It's not very active here and if you're used to getting constant dopamine you'll likely find yourself bored very quickly.
This place isn't safe from AI either unfortunately. Nowhere is, but this place is so small that it's unlikely anyone will bother.

3 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-07-18 13:00 ID:PyeTZl9b

what if u are the ai?

4 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-08-02 05:22 ID:Heaven

I mean this with kindness, but the terms you use immensely impact the readers perception. Reading your post gives me the impression of 4chan /pol/ or /g/ user who takes things somewhat superficially. Whenever joining a community, it is essential to learn their way of speaking. If you can't determine it, speak as neutral as possible. In order to find any community fitting, you yourself must compromise and conform, otherwise you will be rejected. I'm assuming that you conformed with popular 4chan culture, given your language, and you will conform again, if you ever seek to join another community.

5 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-09-28 13:04 ID:GBPkJMqu

Alright, listen

So, there’s this Greggs I used to go to all the time, yeah? Just down the road from me, and I’m in there nearly every morning—sausage rolls, steak bakes, the works. It’s busy most days, but there was one baker in there who was proper quick. Like, every time you went in, the pastries were bang on. Always fresh out the oven, flaky, just perfect.

Now, I never actually saw this baker’s face, ‘cause the kitchen was always a bit steamy. You know how it gets with the ovens blasting and the smell of pastries filling the air. I’d see the outline of them, though, bustling about, moving trays in and out like clockwork. People in the shop would always say things like, “That baker’s a machine!” or “I’ve never seen anyone move so quick.”

One day, I’m in there chatting to the manager, right? Just making small talk, and I’m like, “Who’s the person working the oven today? They’ve got the best sausage rolls in town.” The manager gives me this weird look and just says, “Yeah, they’re a bit of a unique worker. Always on time, never complains, just gets the job done.”

I’m intrigued now, 'cause I’ve never really seen much of this baker, except for the arms pulling out the trays and whatnot. So, I pop in early one morning, before the shop opens, just to see what’s going on back there. The place is empty, except for this figure behind the counter, loading the oven with military precision. Again, I can’t see the face ‘cause the place is steaming with the heat from the fresh steak bakes and sausage rolls. But I can hear these weird little sounds—like, not quite words, but these small grunts or chirps.

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6 Name: le hashchan : 2024-09-30 02:29 ID:ERxP+SRd

hashchan has been designed to provide tolerance to AI botnet swarms by hiding threads in blockchain event logs.

7 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-10-05 05:43 ID:CimMyA3K

how long do you think gopher and gemini will last before ai starts creeping in

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New features for BBS software (2)

1 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2023-04-28 23:23 ID:Ttzj1Sk9

Any new features you'd like to see for BBS software?
I'd like to see better ways to combat spam without sacrificing the user experience, but most of the anti spam methods that don't require manual authentication by the admin are trivial to bypass.

2 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-09-26 03:18 ID:VpcJX+FO

A message editing feature and accordingly a little text showing when if and when the message was edited.

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What Text editor you guys use, and like? (14)

1 Name: ed(1) : 2024-02-06 20:14 ID:sXM4ZYHY

I might frighten some sissies, but I heavily use ed(1).
Look at you in disbelieve, questioning how could this be possible, "why would anyone use it?" you sissy slut say.
I believe anything else is absolute bloat, even the visual idiot vi editor; is bloat hiding under the minimalism umbrella with its six grillion features, let's not forget the eymax jewchinese faggotry, an entire fucking OS on another OS all to fucking take notes in org formats, those jiggers thinking they're like a fucking Jedi for using "such a powerful editor" OS to open an email client.
Why would I even bother to install Unix or Loonix to end up living inside my editor, where I can't even leave my machine without taking my config files with me
I mean, you faggots even started to challenge each other to not leave those fancy sissy editors.
None of you can be truly commune with your machine on a very deep and personal level, because of your brainlet kikery.

thanks for reading my blog post.
wq niggers-tongue-my-anus.txt

5 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-02-13 16:09 ID:sXM4ZYHY

ed > vis
vis > bsd vi
nano > leafpad
notepad for windows is supreme.

6 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-02-13 17:13 ID:4SYX9W9V

>look at me I'm a special snowflake I use this obscure ye olde text editor nobody knows

What you think its a competition or something? What do you want a medal?

>Your all a bunch of jew chinese kike faggots nigger sissy brainlets if you don't use ed

You better get back to your padded cell before nurse makes her rounds.

7 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-02-14 16:23 ID:sXM4ZYHY

so which one is it you, lovely lady?

8 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-03-01 21:20 ID:Heaven

I really wish people like you would stay on /g/

9 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-04-16 07:26 ID:eVKzsyzB

wordpad for the most part, but would gladly try something better for creative writing

10 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-04-18 18:08 ID:l5+Jcxh/

I use a really religiously KDE-focused system, so I use Kate and KWrite for nearly everything. It's a pretty decent replacement for VS Code, especially with language server support. Nice and native.

11 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-07-23 12:09 ID:9gZbJcnt

I'm happy for you anon, you're not complicating your life and just using whatever that comes with your OS.

12 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-09-03 06:05 ID:Heaven


13 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-09-24 18:34 ID:O4R3/qmk

I use normal Vim with an LSP server and minimal configuration.

14 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-09-25 23:32 ID:WwX7muUJ

I use a pen and paper and write it up with Pico

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I'm making a Textboard with an obsolete (2)

1 Name: SuniB : 2024-09-10 05:26 ID:X7iVAjAM

Hello, I'm making a textboard, with a very very outdated base that doesn't use a database. If you want to help me, here's the link.

2 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-09-12 23:28 ID:6BMB+7WW

What would compell you to do this? Its not like textboards are in demand right now. Well I guess on the plus side you can't really fuck it up.

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What would you consider the best linux distro in a post-internet world? (30)

1 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2023-01-23 08:31 ID:olF+45bz

Also how would go about having everything stored and configurated in an emergency situation where you wanted to do offline computing? Consider other possible scenarios where you may need software to run windows software, etc; as well such as Wine?

21 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-04-13 13:02 ID:EBSOLXkG

Electricity via solar for powering a personal machine should be fairly trivial to set up assuming you can scavenge the parts. Power for all of the internet infrastructure seems a bit out of reach though

22 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-04-15 14:24 ID:RjDrPxJD

This is a question with infinity answers because without internet all you care about is it not breaking itself. So i recommend whatever you are already used to.

23 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-04-18 18:11 ID:QD8B/UD1

Debian would work pretty well without internet, it can install from archives burned to DVD. It also has documentation for programs included in the packaging system, therefore very easy to download the entire Python manual, or read the Debian reference book to help you configure anything you might want.

24 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-04-19 06:39 ID:W05IuVMQ

Windows 11.

25 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-04-19 22:21 ID:EoFQ3x+z

Good to see people reading the OP before posting. Its nice to know there are anons out there who make and effort and think before they contribute.

26 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-04-20 04:21 ID:SRV09kT/

11 is a poor choice, but Windows might not be the worst idea. After the apocalypse there would be a lot of Windows software lying around on CDs and hard-drives since it has such high consumer market penetration, while for Linux you'd have to vist the ruins of a datacentre or get really lucky with which guy's house you break into.

Though you could also just use a VM I suppose.

27 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-04-22 20:16 ID:6YOpEwB1

Moebuntu is NOT for troons.
That's UwUntu.

28 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-07-12 10:06 ID:Ug56zIyS

slackware comes loaded with stable, secure, good packages in its ~4gb installer disk

29 Name: ゼリーさん !smz6IUT2D2 : 2024-08-28 22:02 ID:AdJToUgS

I could consider Fedora, more specifically its Spins for desktop environments such as MATE, LXDE, KDE, XFCE, etc. ヽ(´ー`)ノ

30 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-09-10 00:26 ID:jc+FA1MJ

This is the right answer. It comes from the era of Linux distros where you had 60 CDs with every package on them and it never left that era, for better or for worse.

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' (2)

1 Name: ' : 2024-08-31 18:56 ID:oadHRM6n


2 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-08-31 22:34 ID:Heaven

Some programming languages, like Pascal, use the ASCII apostrophe to delimit string literals. In many languages, including JavaScript, ECMAScript, and Python, either the apostrophe or the double quote may be used, allowing string literals to contain the other character (but not to contain both without using an escape character), e.g. foo='He said "Bar!"';. Strings delimited with apostrophes are often called single quoted. Some languages, such as Perl, PHP, and many shell languages, treat single quoted strings as "raw" strings, while double quoted strings have expressions (such as "$variable") replaced with their values when interpreted.

The C programming language (and many derived languages like C++, Java, C#, and Scala) uses apostrophes to delimit a character literal. In these languages a character is a different object than a one-letter string.

In C++, since C++14, apostrophes can be included as optional digit separators in numeric literals.

In Visual Basic (and earlier Microsoft BASIC dialects such as QuickBASIC) an apostrophe is used to denote the start of a comment.

In the Lisp family of programming languages, an apostrophe is shorthand for the quote operator.
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Pi Network (2)

1 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-08-19 22:50 ID:/w5Zij8C

Pi Network is a new cryptocurrency that was developed by a group of Stanford University Ph.D. that you can earn with your cell phone.
You can earn your own PI coins for free, just download the Pi Network app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store, after installing just enter the code "Berssange" and log into the app once a day to prove that You are not a bot and that's it, you will earn a certain amount of currency per hour.
It doesn't drain your phone's battery, and you don't even need to leave the app open, the Pi doesn't affect your phone's performance or use your network data.
The currency is new and has no price yet, it's a good time to enter, so just sell the currency when it enters the market.
Good opportunity to get Pi for free and make a lot of profit later.

2 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-08-20 16:03 ID:Heaven

Pi is not new and was proven to be a scam a long time ago.
There is no product.

One good thing came out of it though, the IOU scam pump and dump on Huobi was hilarious. It was fun watching a bunch of idiots think they're all millionaires and struggle to figure out how to cash out something that didn't exist yet (and still doesn't).

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Half-Life Episode 9999 (2)

1 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-08-10 02:09 ID:C5OtY844

Dr. Breen: "Phonons, as we understand them, are the quantized carriers of vibrational energy, and while they’ve been studied primarily in the context of solid-state physics, their true potential lies in their interaction with what we refer to as 'border worlds.' These are dimensions or realities that exist at the very edge of our own, often overlapping with ours in ways that allow for the transfer of energy and matter.

Now, the process of life creation through phonons within these border worlds is a fascinating phenomenon. You see, in these intersecting realities, the laws of physics as we know them become fluid, allowing phonons to act not just as vibrational energy carriers, but as a bridge between different planes of existence. When phonons traverse these border worlds, they don’t just carry energy—they bring with them the potential for life.

These phonons interact with the unique conditions of the border worlds, where matter is not bound by the same constraints as in our universe. The vibrational energy of phonons, when channeled correctly, can stimulate the spontaneous organization of matter in these dimensions, leading to the emergence of life forms. It’s as if the phonons are resonating with the latent biotic potential of these border worlds, awakening life from the fabric of reality itself.

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2 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-08-12 08:59 ID:Heaven


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Have you read your SICP today? (8)

1 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2022-07-22 03:36 ID:wiaLsZ38

Don't let the Sussman down!

2 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2022-07-22 07:29 ID:Heaven

ah yes, boku no piko of programming books

3 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2022-07-22 11:48 ID:Heaven

we conjure the spirits of the computer with our spells

4 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2022-07-22 15:34 ID:Heaven

i still need a ``my other car is a cdr'' bumper sticker

5 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-05-23 18:37 ID:rmZNvAWZ

I think my computer is possessed

6 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-05-25 23:25 ID:jniE/U4i

Yes actually!

7 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-06-17 23:30 ID:9OXNtRN4

HtDP is better than SICP. Racket is best! I will not step down from this soapbox!

8 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-07-12 15:34 ID:zMCqQr1p

Did you read your K&R today?

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