What Text editor you guys use, and like? (10)

1 Name: ed(1) : 2024-02-06 20:14 ID:sXM4ZYHY

I might frighten some sissies, but I heavily use ed(1).
Look at you in disbelieve, questioning how could this be possible, "why would anyone use it?" you sissy slut say.
I believe anything else is absolute bloat, even the visual idiot vi editor; is bloat hiding under the minimalism umbrella with its six grillion features, let's not forget the eymax jewchinese faggotry, an entire fucking OS on another OS all to fucking take notes in org formats, those jiggers thinking they're like a fucking Jedi for using "such a powerful editor" OS to open an email client.
Why would I even bother to install Unix or Loonix to end up living inside my editor, where I can't even leave my machine without taking my config files with me
I mean, you faggots even started to challenge each other to not leave those fancy sissy editors.
None of you can be truly commune with your machine on a very deep and personal level, because of your brainlet kikery.

thanks for reading my blog post.
wq niggers-tongue-my-anus.txt

2 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-02-09 07:45 ID:hDxxYolY

Visual Studio for programming and whatever the default is for everything else

3 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-02-10 21:02 ID:sXM4ZYHY


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4 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-02-11 12:16 ID:72SozfAL

bsd vi, notepad, and leafpad

5 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-02-13 16:09 ID:sXM4ZYHY

ed > vis
vis > bsd vi
nano > leafpad
notepad for windows is supreme.

6 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-02-13 17:13 ID:4SYX9W9V

>look at me I'm a special snowflake I use this obscure ye olde text editor nobody knows

What you think its a competition or something? What do you want a medal?

>Your all a bunch of jew chinese kike faggots nigger sissy brainlets if you don't use ed

You better get back to your padded cell before nurse makes her rounds.

7 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-02-14 16:23 ID:sXM4ZYHY

so which one is it you, lovely lady?

8 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-03-01 21:20 ID:Heaven

I really wish people like you would stay on /g/

9 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-04-16 07:26 ID:eVKzsyzB

wordpad for the most part, but would gladly try something better for creative writing

10 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-04-18 18:08 ID:l5+Jcxh/

I use a really religiously KDE-focused system, so I use Kate and KWrite for nearly everything. It's a pretty decent replacement for VS Code, especially with language server support. Nice and native.

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