Which Linux distro should I use? (65)

58 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-08-31 09:33 ID:Heaven


>Getting help is much easier too.

From my experience, it absolutely is not.
Whenever I have a problem with Linux I can usually find an answer well documented on some wiki, or resort to pestering weird nerds on IRC for an answer.
Whenever I have any nontrivial problem with Windows I immediately realize that whoops, nothing is documented or maybe the thing causing problems was in a recent update and no one knows what to do about it, and I'm forced to look at totally useless gibberish written by Indians at Microsoft's support site. Half the time the only solution anyone comes up with is "just reinstall Windows".

Granted, running into nontrivial issues with Windows is much, much rarer, but it still happens.

Why in the world would anyone complain about compatibility issues and vitriolic culture only to then recommend anything BSD? Are you insane?

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