[CHAT] Fuck Discord! Matrix FTW! (28)

1 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2021-09-24 07:17 ID:bSKKF4mb


IRC is cool and all but it's 2021. Fork in the road:
Discord OR Matrix.

We currently don't have a proper Matrix server of our own yet, but that doesn't matter because you can just join whatever server you want and then connect to channels, or make channels to share with others. Matrix is like IRC -- channel based, channels are atoms, the admin "owns" their own channel to some degree -- users are free to create new channels, and unlike IRC, permissions management is simple AND real end-to-end encryption is possible.

Unlike Discord, where the "channel group" is created first and then contains its exclusive channels within it (with a shared power structure), Matrix users can also freely create "channel groups" for relevant channels, for private use or social use, to help organize similar channels by concept or intention. This radical inversion of the paradigm is naturally more in line with VIP values and return a more natural, bottom-up sense of vision to this space that corporate entities seek to seize and exploit to maladaptive ends.

Remember IRC? It's dead now, RIP IRC. Come now to the future.
Let's make channels together and build the virtual spaces we lost.

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