Computers should last a long time (30)

24 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2023-08-04 17:07 ID:ILbf4knj

I get you dude. I've felt the same way, I used to be on Discord only to stay in touch with my old friends, I thought that maybe they'd make an effort to email me so I gave them my address and left. I never got any email from them. And that's not even the first time this has happened where I lost a whole cluster of friends because they wouldnt bother to stay in contact through other mediums.
The most concerning thing to me isn't that normal people are dumbfucks, that's pretty normal. What really swept me off my feet was entering a CS course this year thinking that I'd meet other people like myself or even better than I, then finding out that nobody has anything more than a year of python experience, or playing with ubuntu, if they've even done either of that.
It fucks me off to no end, and makes me feel more alone because I cannot find a single person who I can maintain a conversation with where I'm not spoonfeeding them basic programming concepts.
maybe next year will be better?
Seriously though... these are meant to be the people who will be my work peers? who will have massive influence on software into the future? That makes me uneasy, because they are so disinterested and so ignorant.

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