Computers should last a long time (30)

13 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2023-02-24 09:53 ID:X0FBb26M

I set up an email address years ago for them to write me if they actually wanted to. That was, "too hard" for them and they tried to insist to just write them on Facebook. But, I'm the bad guy for ignoring all of them. I also have a landline that they could easily just call me on. They further complain that I'm just too hard to get a hold of because I don't have a cell phone. I gave up and just simply refuse to talk to them if they want act like retards. I started to even get demonized because I didn't want in "family photos". I told them, "If you want a real family photo, that's fine. I'm not against that at all. It's only when you decide to take that photo on a cell phone then decide to upload it onto social media that it's not okay with me. I actually care about privacy and don't come to visit to be masqueraded on your shitty social media feed to the rest of the idiotic people you are in contact with that I simply don't even want to associate with in the first place.". They decided to upload old pictures of me on there without my permission and that was the final straw. I don't even bother with them at all now. Fucking all of them are just simply braindead. I give them a way to talk to me, I try to express myself and how I feel about what they try to do without my consent. No respect at all towards me. Instead I just get trash talked about because I'm not like them. Friends, it's pretty much the same story. They just simply didn't want to take an extra step to stay in contact with me. Despite again, giving them my home phone number, an email address to reach me at, and the fact I told them they could stop by my house any time they wanted to hang out or needed me. Half of them have to pass by my house whenever they go anywhere and head back home. They wasn't self-aware in the least towards privacy. I tried and tried with them for years until it just was a dwindling domino effect with me only having one friend left. I was hopeful to a degree because he didn't have a cell phone either and was a "PC elitist" type. Talking about how shitty mobile devices were. We'd still get in our rebuttals because he didn't want to drop using Windows because of "muh games". Ignoring any attempts at discussing WINE as an example. Even still getting him to talk to each other through emails was tough as well. We were at the point where we were talking to each other on a small forum that I had helped with until the person running it gave up on it. I couldn't get him to use IRC and he just always tried to get me to use Discord. So, I tried to get him to use Riot/Matrix before the change to Element. I was willing to give that a try at the time. Nope... He refused to try something that he wasn't familiar with just for the sake of not wanting to learn a new platform. It was then that I just gave up trying. Told him flat out, if he wanted to get a hold of me he can just call my phone or stop by the house. He went batshit crazy in 2020 and refused to even hang out with me if I wasn't wearing a mask and then in 2021 didn't want to be around me because I was against getting the vaccine. Ultimately that ended our friendship. Plus he ended up selling his PC and started becoming a retarded slave to a phone. Now just being a happy little naive waggie thinking he's doing something good for the world full on embracing his normalfaggotry NPC lifestyle. I do get sad sometimes thinking about how I'm the only one out of everyone I've ever known that chose not to sellout who I truly am with them set embarking on the path to technological and just general slavery to the system that's against all of us.

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