[CHAT] Fuck Discord! Matrix FTW! (28)

17 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2023-02-20 16:08 ID:Heaven

where can I find a not dead irc even?

Does irc expose your ip to other users?
I don't like how it doesn't store logs, you have to be online 24/7 to not miss discussions, or store logs on third party site.
Plus there are some codepage issues, which doesn't concern you if you never speak anything but english. But I had an experience when irc swallowed everything I wrote and only shown "?" to the people on the other side, because I configured codepage wrong. Jabber is better, fuck irc. Jabber is more wordy though, xml instead of plain text.

All means of communication eventually fall victim to spammers, criminals, and governments. With the rise of ai tech you will see complete technocracy in developed countries eventually, while less developed ones will be irrelevant in most ways.

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