UNIX redone (254)

154 Name: #!/usr/bin/anon 2006-02-12 16:12 ID:nFs8KYS/

That's because you have a filesystem that's case sensitive even though we treat lowercase and uppercase letters conceptually the same.

We can also use a case-insensitive command line subsystem, like Win32's.

I wholeheartedly agree with you, and I'm a programmer.

However, for some reason, case-sensitivty seems to be a quite religious issue for some Linux people. Even when they need to support case-insensitive anything, they make sure that case-sensitivty is default and to enable insensitivity you need to use some ugly, long, or half hidden switch the like of --really-i-want-case-insensitivity-please-ok-i-suck-i-know-sorry . Even the CRT pseudostandard functions are longer (strcasecmp as opposed to stricmp in most other CRTs). It's as if they wanted to punish people for wanting case-insensitivity.

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