UNIX redone (254)

157 Name: #!/usr/bin/anon 2006-02-12 22:26 ID:Heaven

Seriously, how do you come up with this garbage? "Sense of superiority"? "Pretending"? I:

  • type fairly quickly;
  • have poor hand-eye coordination (i.e. can't use a mouse);
  • find fixed-width fonts easier on my eyes than variable-width.

Is it so hard to believe that someone has these characteristics, and therefore prefers a different method of interacting with computers than you?

But yeah, obviously I inconvenience myself in order to get a "sense of superiority", and gays make a conscious choice to be perverts, and the minority doesn't matter. And 2 plus 2 is five. And ignorance is strength.

Seriously, "sense of superiority"? What the fuck, man?

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