UNIX redone (254)

203 Name: #!/usr/bin/anon 2006-02-19 02:09 ID:rprPjghx

> OS X has pretty much achived making a user-friendly system out of Unix. It can be done, with great results. Apple haven't done everything mentioned in here, because they've mostly focused on the interface, but the point is: There's no reason Unix has to be unfriendly.

I like how Apple's propaganda calls UNIX in OS X: "BSD Subsystem". Although OS X technically works on top of UNIX, unless you work with very, very low level stuff, then for all intents and purposes, you can pretend that UNIX is just another useful app/lib thing in the system. For non-programmers, UNIX is just that weird user-hostile Terminal.app

> no other OS comes close to Unix for running a server.

If you are an hobbyist, OS X can be enough in some cases.

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