Groovy (52)

22 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-10-17 21:35 ID:QE2i++lf

>libgcj is a JVM. It executes java bytecode.

Well so it is. But it does JIT just like every other JVM.

>You're an idiot. >>12 already pointed this out.

Your inability to understand what a first class language is, and that Sun's project is to allow the ability (since none exists) to make dynamic languages first class languages in JVM does not make me an idiot. Classically that would be the other way around.

>You're wrong. If Java and .NET are about the same in the best case, but Java is much better than .NET in the worst case, then comparing the worst case is how you explore that.

The idiocy continues. To compare 2 implementations they should be equal. This situation is like comparing Opera 5 Beta to FireFox 3.03 final. Your best case worst case shit is stupid. Its comparing a best case for Java against a worst case for .Net. As stated before, the benchmarks for the best case for both go both ways between Java and .Net. Do you have some 80% finished JVM from 3 years ago to compare Mono to? That would at least be fair. (but even if you did, that would be an exercise in stupidity)

When Novell gets Mono to a more recent version that is 100% feature complete then maybe a mature JVM can be compared to Mono.

>You're a fucking knob if you need namespaces to tell the difference between web applications and desktop applications.

HAHAHAHAHA, you honestly have absolutely no fucking clue about what you are talking about.

>There's no value for an application to have equal access to both

HAHAHAHAA, just right off the top of my head I can think of one very practical scenario where it is a case that an application made for a desktop needs access to web libraries. How about a fucking webserver. Visual Studio comes with a simple websever for debugging written in .Net that uses both desktop and web libraries to execute and sever pages. The desktop library references are for the control interface. The web ones are to, you know, actually render the fucking pages.

Or what about consuming a webservice. A desktop and a web app will make the calls in the same way. There is no practical value in making a distinction in the library calls. Because its a web service it belongs in the web namepsace.

Dude, you seriously need to give up programming.

>Bits don't rot: Using memory doesn't make things go slower "after a while".

HAHAHA, wow. Lets go over some basics here. Computers have limited memory and processor resources. No computer is unlimited in this respect in any practical way.

Very simply, the more memory you use, the more likely it is that parts of that memory are going to be placed in virtual memory (paged to disk). Accessing virtual memory is many fold slower than accessing the primary memory.

So "after a while" of allocating memory, if there isn't much in the way of free memory (as there wouldn't be if a program is allocating more memory which is something they tend to do) some of that memory is going virtual and therefore slowing down performance.

That is very basic stuff.

Java and .Net use a Garbage Collector to remove unused items from memory. This can be a very advanced topic, especially for you, so I will keep it as simple as possible. When a chunk of memory is no longer used by one of these apps, it is not freed right away for reasons beyond you. It will eventually be freed by the GC. If the GC isn't freeing up unused memory, there is less space in the primary memory. Do you understand the implications of this. They were discussed a little bit ago.

Fuck you guys are stupid. At least the first guy wasn't a total fucking waste of existence.

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