Well, right now it is in France. But soon, I beleive it could spill over the borders into other nations. Ignored, poverty stricken people who are pushed to the back, and stepped on by the upperclass which comprises the government reached their breaking point at the expense of the death of two young boys. They finally snapped and the rioting began. I feel it will soon escelate into the European Revolution.
Decent, even when Unemployment is at over 50% Yes, but america is a horrendious place if unemployement gets near 10%
Disrespectful peasants!
STAND UP! King Alexander has entered the thread!
It's not at over 50%. Closer to 15% for immigrants and below 10% for people of French origin.
Why does the OP think something that affects some country as sneered upon as France will affect the rest of Europe? Hell most of us are secretly laughing at this whole fiasco.
I still enjoy the fact of the French leader stating after the night where car burnings had dropped down to only 164 (I think thats the right number) that "France was returning to normal" This statement was followed by "It became unexceptable when more than 200 cars were burned a night"
My question is... Is torching 100 cars a night a normal occurance in France? And if it goes to 200 thats when things are labeled as "Abnormal and Unexceptable?"
According to a newspaper article I read, 30000 burnt cars per year is the norm. It became a popular sport in the 1980s when the situation in the suburbs first escalated.
a bunch of hoodlums burning cars
how many cars are burnt in the US? in Japan the number is 2000 / year not including caused by a accident.
I live in Europe, and a Civil War is a bit far fecthed...
Stupid, ignorant, clueless Asian & American people... :P
Sorry about replying to the title without reading the posts;
If a nation (or something like the EU) has a common enemy, it will never fall apart. There is a very good enemy right now, muslims, so I see no chance of a break-up of the EU in the near future.
Actually there are two enemies. We don't like America either. We just tolerate you guys more ;p
> If a nation (or something like the EU) has a common enemy, it will never fall apart.
Ignoring how idiotic the rest of your statement is, this sure takes the cake, though. Have you never even heard of "divide and conquer"?
They died by being stupid fucks and climbing into a sub-station. I guess the warning signs were too authoritarian and they had to disobey to prove how smart and superior they are.
The "civil war" in the EU will not be between Christians and Moslems. It will be between the EU government and "right-wing extremists" and "racists" who object to being invaded and colonized by Arab "refugees" and subjected to Sharia law in the new Caliphate of Eurabia.
Jean Raspail's 1973 novel "Camp of the Saints" predicted almost exactly this situation.
Bulgarian here. We have militarized our borders with Turkey, effectively blocking a popular dry land migration route from the middle east to Europe. We're doing our part, but Greece refuses to do the same. They betray Europe even when it comes to the future survival of the European race. If a civil war does happen, you know who to blame.
Europe has been shitting on Greece for years about their debts, and now Greece will have its revenge.
Or maybe they're just being decent human beings and helping those poor refugees get into to your wealthy country so they can make Europe a better place by killing all the rich people and redistributing their wealth.
UkrainianSS have brain in ass!
This is relevant again…
I love how psychotic Euros are. I hope the EU descends into a civil war. The rest of the world is better off without you. Euros destroyed their own contient twice over literally for nothing and almost did it a third time. As soon as Putin invaded Ukraine a dozen EU psychos begun foaming at the mouth jumping at the chance to start a continent wide war again for some reason nobody really understands. Even the US would be better off without those slobs dragging Washington in their pointless wars over and over again. All they've ever done is bring the entire planet closer to nuclear war. Russia and the US should both disengage from Western Europe anyway. Life is so much better in Asia. We don't need Euros anymore. They can't even make decent semiconductors.
You would foam at your mouth if Russia started invading your countries too. You just gonna sit there and take it? Wait for them to take everything dear to you little by little? Russia (part of Europe, America, and Asia) is the psychotic country led by a mad man hungry for war and historical fame.
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I meant...
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What have you got against newspaper readers?
>>18 is still dead, you murderer.
Lay down your arms and surrender peacefully. The gendarmes will be here soon.
You will be tried at the Hague.