Why only China dislike Japan? (110)

1 Name: Citizen 2006-02-23 18:18 ID:6EUbClcj This thread was merged from the former /politics/ board. You can view the archive here.

2 Name: Albright!LC/IWhc3yc 2006-02-23 18:42 ID:Heaven

Not only China, but Korea too. Golly gee, why could that be?

3 Name: Citizen 2006-02-23 19:44 ID:m95uqoeo

There're key territorial disputes between China and Japan over offshore oil/natural gas reserves.


China's energy consumption is rapidly growing as the econonmy takes off and demand for energy and petroleum-based products. The impending global energy crisis makes Japan China's top competitor for energy consumption in the region that also happens to have little military power to contest PRC if a military crisis arises. This is one of the most important reasons for rivalry between Japan and PRC.

As we know, PRC is an oligarchical state with state-controlled media. Anti-Japanese propaganda trickle down through mass media and the education system to mobilize the nation for the - perhaps inevitable - conflicts over oil/gas and other forms of energy.

From the first article, Russia's international reputation is also declining, quite possibly and partially due to its stance on its oil production and the way Russia seems to play political football with its petroleum exports.

If there's any constant in most global conflicts arising in the 21st century, it's probably oil.

4 Name: Citizen 2006-02-23 19:56 ID:cyVPgkfV

Interesting that 36% of French people found that Japen had a negative influence on the world. What did Japanese people ever do Frenchies???

5 Name: Citizen 2006-02-24 05:26 ID:kZgdmpbQ

well maybe because jappan attacked china and korea, its all in the history books ppl

6 Name: Albright!LC/IWhc3yc 2006-02-24 13:26 ID:Heaven

>There're key territorial disputes between China and Japan over offshore oil/natural gas reserves.

ya, that must be the reason, lol

7 Name: Citizen 2006-02-24 18:36 ID:Heaven



8 Name: Citizen 2006-02-24 21:56 ID:cBFZt+tS


not the japanese ones!

9 Name: Citizen 2006-02-25 19:10 ID:Heaven

Or maybe because the Chinese government encourages dislike towards Japan as a means to defuse anger towards itself?

10 Name: Citizen 2006-02-26 07:05 ID:K7Kw5SLr

China never liked any of the major powers, it's just a matter of degree.

11 Name: Citizen 2006-02-27 19:51 ID:FZTyUt/d

historical & cultural problems
i can speak all c/j/k & received minor in the far eastern history & i can think of few of the issues with chinese

  1. durgin WWII, japanese did what nazi did to chinese

2. unlike germany, japan has not been recognizing war crimes...probably because of yamato spirit which encourages to do whatever necessary to win or to keep the honor (kamikaze ring a bell?)...maybe because japan considers herself as a victim of WWII rather than the offender

3. generally speaking, chinese is being looked down by japanese although it had been the other way around

4. contstants insults from the extreme rightwing radicals including the congressmen's tributes to the shinto symbolizing the justification of WWII

5. the bombardments of japanese pop cultures

12 Name: Citizen : 2006-03-05 15:13 ID:IqouxmKl

Because china is fasist nation.
Look their military ambition!
Look their massacre in Tibet,and foolish "Great Leap Forward”
and "Cultural Revolution" now their economy&poor politics!
For Chinese Obscurantist policy,People are all brainwashed "All bad things are caused by JAP!”
Japan is curtain that conceals their incapacity.

13 Name: Citizen : 2006-03-06 02:58 ID:22ZQr++a


The worst thing about neocons is that you can find them in every country.

14 Name: Citizen : 2006-03-07 04:41 ID:fVmlKcXs

Japan has done some pretty rotten things to the Chinese, and they don't apologize for it. Hell, they don't acknowledge it. Nonetheless, the Chinese government, much like the North Korean, uses a common hate as a tool of power, thus amplifying the hatred.

15 Name: Citizen : 2006-03-07 07:20 ID:i003qh/4


Same with neolibs who believe selective restrictions in pursuit of happiness is good for all.

16 Name: Citizen : 2006-03-07 14:15 ID:Heaven

Americans, shut the fuck up with the "neocons" and "neolibs" already. The words are pretty much meaningless outside of the US.

17 Name: Citizen : 2006-03-07 19:59 ID:FLx1x8yP

Newsflash: No one's political terms are universal!

18 Name: Citizen : 2006-03-07 22:07 ID:Heaven

Neo-liberal dosen't mean anything remotely similar to what you think it does, in the US or elsewhere. Id est, you are an ignorant piece of shit.

19 Name: Citizen : 2006-03-10 07:05 ID:LxkYHQbo

Chinese who receives the brainwash education of an anti-day comes to Japan, and the heinous crime is violated.

◆在日外国人のうち、最も犯罪率が高いのは「中国人」です。 日本で犯罪を犯し、拘置所に収容された在日中国人は、一万人あたり76人です。
It is "Chinese. " that the crime rate is the highest among foreign resident in Japan. It perpetrates a crime in Japan, and the country people of Japan and China accommodated by the prison of the living are 76 people every 10,000 people. This reaches 2.5 times that brutal South Korean, and goes up to 14 times the Japanese.

Moreover, it rises in 19 the past, and the foreigner who is perpetrating a crime most in Japan is "Chinese."

年度    外国人検挙総数   中国人検挙数    国籍別の検挙順位
year Foreigner arrest Chinese arrests Arrest order

Heisei 17  23363件       8466件(36%)   1位:Chinese
(The first half of the year)

平成16年     47128件      16950件(36%)   1位:Chinese 平成15年     40615件      16708件(41%)   1位:Chinese
平成14年     34746件      12667件(37%)   1位:Chinese
平成13年     27763件      12131件(44%)   1位:Chinese 平成12年     30971件      16784件(54%)   1位:Chinese 平成11年     34398件      15458件(45%)   1位:Chinese 平成10年     31779件      10451件(33%)   1位:Chinese
平成09年     32033件      08501件(27%)   1位:Chinese
平成08年     27414件      07310件(26%)   1位:Chinese 平成07年     24374件      08904件(36%)   1位:Chinese
平成06年     21574件      05916件(27%)   1位:Chinese 平成05年     19671件      04032件(20%)   1位:Chinese 平成04年     07457件      02417件(32%)   1位:Chinese
平成03年     06990件      02204件(32%)   1位:Chinese 平成02年     04064件      01841件(45%)   1位:Chinese
平成01年     03572件      01895件(53%)   1位:Chinese 昭和63年     03906件      01798件(46%)   1位:Chinese
昭和62年     02567件      00945件(37%)   1位:Chinese

Chinese dislikes American.
The American should warn Chinese.

20 Name: Citizen : 2006-03-11 04:46 ID:9+Z6IOLG

Japan should ignore them.
Now China is just spreading their stupidity all over the world.
They will collapse sooner or later. Never mind.

21 Name: Citizen : 2006-03-11 04:59 ID:7dIjqdwt

Simply put Asians tend to discriminate against other Asians everywhere. Last year me and a Chinese friend of mine applied at the same perfume counter at the mall run by Koreans. Next week they hired another Korean. We didnt even get a damn interview.

22 Name: sage : 2006-03-11 06:12 ID:nz2Tb4RU

The same old xenophobic rhetorics: black people in the U.S. commit more crimes, ergo they must be a violent people, etc. Let's not forget which race/ethnicity of people denotated the only two atomic weapons on civilian targets in history to date.

Instead of quoting the number of crimes commited by Chinese and Koreans in Japan, how about showing the extent of employment discrimination, social stigma, and the xenophobic attitude of the ethnic Japanese against all types of "foreigners," including indiginous people like the Ainu? What about all the social and economic ceiling in place for those who are not ethnically Japanese? What about the similarly hostile law enforcement/judicial forces that actually incarcerate more non-ethnic-Japanese precisely because of their race or ethnicity?

Look, the Chinese people have faults, and many of them have been inculcated with irrational anti-Japanese sentiments. But using the same rhetoric against them doesn't make one's argument anymore valid. If anything, it only shows how hollow it truly is.


Perhaps there's something in Asia so conducive to nationalist/fascist thinking, that is responsible for the extensive right-wing extremist movements in Asia. (The most populous and threatening nationalist-fascist movement is in China, of course.) If it's worth guessing, two factors may be: a nationally-perceived wrong or threat (9/11 in the U.S., WW2 in China, Ameri-European influences in post-WW2 reconstruction in Japan, and western corporate exploitation in the Middle East for the so-called Islamo-fascists), and an overinflated sense of military, economic, racial/ethnic, and/or ideological superiority.

The funny thing is though, even though the neocons in the U.S., the right-wing extremists in Japan, the ultra-nationalists in China, and the Islamofascist in the Mideast ultimately share the same political ideology, they just can't along.

23 Name: Citizen : 2006-03-11 06:15 ID:nz2Tb4RU


Bump for failed sage, idiot.

24 Name: nanacy : 2006-03-11 15:24 ID:QXfAopu1

maybe I can understand what you mean, maybe some fears i have are also shared by you. but,,,

the opposition because of nationalisms is most counterproductive way. I thinks the US, maybe the neo-constructive(?) is eager to divide the east Asia, and they succeed. But the situation is more complex so much, too much.

I think Japanese are very unconcerned to racial, religion, (and gender) discriminations (except some business situations),
that cause some lighthearted atmospheres and careless saying of discriminations.
I like this lighthearted atmospheres, the naive-ness, which allow such a free from religion, racial malady, but,,,,

about ainu, Japanese are not British, they just don’t persistence to ethnicity.
if studying and bringing down ainu culture and language were valuable enough to get money and power, they just did that.
and, I think Japanese don’t have xenophobia to ainu. they were just assimilated.
(they have just be exploited, like kumaso and emishi about 1400 years ago, and ryukyu about 300 years ago.)

now, Japanese have a xenophobia just to rude or wicked foreigners. I'm sure that.

"when in Rome, do as the Romans do", is important thing, isn’t it?
not precise to one’s ethnicity is sometimes important thing to live in foreign society, isn’t it?
However, for example, the Koreans are so eager to insist on one’s nationalism, which is causing some fear of Japanese. sometimes they are so much short tempered, which refuse rational talks.
you know, their government is using anti-Japan–nationalism as centripetal force, plus Confucianism, they seem to teach their people that they can do anything they want to Japanese. some incidents in Korea tells this tendency enough.
Chinese are also nationalistic because of their government’s policy and so hungry to be wealthy which cause some criminals. That is also cause some fear.

maybe almost all Japanese do "when in Rome, do as the Romans do", that is one of the character of Japanese, the obedient tendency.
But, some foreigners doesn’t do that in Japan.
In Hokkaido, Russians had rude attitude in the public bath, which cause that public bath to refuse foreigners. that incident was called discrimination by a linguist.
was that public bath wicked? I can’t think so. that bath wanted to protect oneself, but he mistook the way.
the same situation is applicable to some real estate agents’.
I know some agents neglect to rent apartment for foreigners, because they’ve already experienced many problems. some community and NPO are starting to make efforts to go along with foreigners, but it has just started.
if conscientious foreigners hate such discriminatingly situation, you also should tell advice to not only Japanese but also foreigners.

the host country always has xenophobia to new comers, except who/where have lots of experience to accept immigrants.
(However, some EU countries have such kind of xenophobia against Muslims,,,)
Japanese now face the realities of accepting immigrants, they’ve been semi-mono-ethnic society.
I think they just want protect oneself and their communities like other countries.

25 Name: 19 : 2006-03-11 21:28 ID:LxkYHQbo

It is significant to doing as of now from the history. It is same Japanese Ainu and people's in Ryukyu getting the mixed blood repeated now. We have 600,000 Korean residents and and 100,000 overseas Chinese in Japan. For the second generation and III, the person who has consideration as the Japanese is most.
The problem is an anti-Japanese and an anti-American education done in South Korea and China as of now. A nuclear missile of China is turned to Japan and the United States as of now.
Does not the American feel the sense of crisis?

26 Name: deadguy12 : 2006-05-03 12:02 ID:Rc9X1HNX

Dude do you really wanna know why koreans/chinese hate Japanese?
Because japanese government changes the history during WW2
you know that?

27 Name: Citizen : 2006-05-03 18:03 ID:x3sJmkHA

You guys are all fucking retarded. How the hell is China gonna Nuke US? They don't have a reliable method of Nuking a country that far away.

28 Name: Citizen : 2006-05-03 18:45 ID:bl7HHQN6

Google Japanese Unit 731. Trying to cover up the Japanese torture of chinese brings shame on Japan and the justified hate of chinese people who suffered. I think trying to cover up the past is childish and can only bring misery and repeat. Look at US in Iraq, repeating their Vietnam, with no hope of winning.

Also Japan is hosting foreign military occupation forces on it's bases. Namely american forces that continue to threaten and impose american foreign policy and control of oil and energy resources around the world. US is using Japan as a base, similar to Israel. Only their target is China. Japanese can not be truly independend until they get rid of american bases. Like US general once said: "Having a military base in a country, is like having a gun pointed at the head of their leaders." - You don't fuck with people who point a gun at your head. - Japanese can't fuck with americans because they are occupied by american military.

China has launched satellites orbiting the planet. There is nowhere they can not hit with their nukes. Stupid american, learn before opening mouth.

29 Name: Citizen : 2006-05-03 19:49 ID:dFX98pti

"China has fewer than two dozen warheads that can reach the United States, while the U.S. has more than 6,000 that can hit China,"

I doubt even those couple warheads that China has are even reliable.

30 Name: Citizen : 2006-05-04 20:48 ID:iG/5kAzn

China won't nuke the US.

31 Name: Citizen : 2006-05-22 11:23 ID:Heaven


Since you're an expert on China's military power, right?!


Most thought provoking, intelligent post ever made.


lol ur mom

32 Name: Citizen : 2006-05-26 12:25 ID:bgmeW/hs

>>18 is correct, neoliberalism is an economic theory whereas neoconservativism is a political/foreign policy theory. You can be both a neoliberal and neoconservative, as many neoconservatives are.

In my finding, Asian shopkeeps, restaurant owners etc. often hire family members or friends first. Very often those hired are on student visas or are recent immigrants, so it's not really a racial thing.

>now, Japanese have a xenophobia just to rude or wicked foreigners. I'm sure that. "when in Rome, do as the Romans do", is important thing, isn’t it?

Yes, but foreigners in Japan suffer stigma even when behaving well. Japanese culture is very complicated and difficult to learn, having evolved over almost 2000 years compared to America's ~250.

33 Name: Citizen : 2006-05-27 05:04 ID:cEO+mE4X

Isn't it the US that makes them hate each other?
The last thing the US would want is the Asian version of EU.

34 Name: Reverand Waffle : 2006-05-29 19:38 ID:0wtUUMrx

Sino-Japanese relations were actually on the mend for a while, until the Japanese dissiminated a new history book for their school system, which pretty much glaze's over what actually happened during WW2. So much so, that it actually re-ignited the hostility that had almost gone away.

35 Name: Citizen : 2006-06-01 05:15 ID:ClIIMRtm

While I am all for respecting history and making sure it is accurately documented for future generations...to hold anamosity over something that happened so long ago AND continue to blame the generation of Japanese or Chinese who weren't even involved in it, just makes this whole thing seem kinda childish, don't you think?

36 Name: Citizen : 2006-06-04 03:27 ID:bONGA9UM

>>32 > Japanese culture is very complicated and difficult to learn, having evolved over almost 2000 years compared to America's ~250.

That's so stupid. Their culture is not magically more complex because they lived in the same place for a long time.

37 Name: Citizen : 2006-06-24 00:07 ID:f52NqbZz

Ya you're right it not "magically more complex" but it is naturally more complex as it has had longer to develope, it's only common sense. It's just like evolution ie.. Japanese human equivalent, American ape equivalent. OOPS forgot to include the word culture in the last sentance ;-)

38 Name: Citizen : 2006-06-24 09:32 ID:bONGA9UM

No, because when people migrated to America, they bought with them their cultures. So the Japs didn't have more time to develop whatever culture they have. Also there were plenty of cultural revolutions. Also how does someone measure the complexity of a culture.. In conclusion, this is stupid and the Japs are very xenephobic -- it's not about them wanting everyone to emulate their culture if that person wants to live in Japan.

39 Name: Citizen : 2006-06-28 20:41 ID:oilH5w0W

Compare one single culture that has evolved over 2000 years to a big whack of cultures that jostled with each other for 250.

40 Name: Citizen : 2006-06-29 10:33 ID:bONGA9UM

You think American culture just came out of nowhere? They bought a lot of Europe with them. American culture evolved too from European and whatever cultures that have existed for x-thousand years.

And I am sure that Japan was unified for all their 2000 years amirite. There was no big culture shock and cultural revolutions when America knocked on their doors.

41 Name: Citizen : 2006-06-29 10:34 ID:bONGA9UM

Ugh..I can believe I am talking about culture. It's such a loose concept..

42 Name: Citizen : 2006-07-14 10:50 ID:NBGh0uJS

Most People don,t know that commie is bunco artist.
And people are often ・・・・・yes often deceived and walk to hell.
If you don,t want to go to hell, Do not listen any whisper of devil or commie.

43 Name: Citizen : 2006-07-22 07:26 ID:lBuBCLRv

If chinese people become more and more foolish and patriotic.
They would not complain about rotten mandarin,bad deterioration of environment,using great money for military expansion,miserable working conditions,and rich comminist party member.
China often fails their agenda,but succeeded obscurantist policy .

44 Name: Citizen : 2006-09-09 17:31 ID:f/sFPS3D

I think that Japanese people' ideas for Korea and China are Changing.
I am a Japanese the textbook for history had not so thick.
But we were showed films and essays about WW2 and i felt guilty for
the Victims.

Then I saw Japanese PMs apologized for Korea, China and other countries, I also read how Japanse ODA was used to manage wildly.
I thought that they will forgive Japan someday.

but i started feeling questions for Korea and China.
the other countries in Asia are very kind for Japanese people.
But still China and Korea is strict for Japan.
They always says you most do apology and compensation.
we have been doing so. for example Japanese company created huge
steel company send loads of money as ODA. Just a month ago PM Koizumi showed his apology for Asian victims at WW2.
But still they shout `apology and compensation'again and again.
Is there the real end? we will not be forgiven forever?
My question is geting bigger and I suspected that they might just
want to threaten us and make their people be satisfied.

China says that Japanese Army killed more than 500000 people at Nankin in China. so where are their tombs?
Korea says that more than 20000 young girls were forced to do sexial service for Japanese Army. so where are their babys?
Or just their birth control was perfect at the war?
N-Korea says that more than 8000000 people abducted to Japan.
but how could they come to Japan. Many ships were used for the war and
Amerecan Marine seeked Japanese ships very hard.

There are so many legendary stories from Korea and if they are true why Japan has lost?

45 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E : 2006-09-10 08:25 ID:Heaven

> But we were showed films and essays about WW2 and i felt guilty for the Victims.

Did you personally have anything to do with WW2?

No? So why did you feel guilty then?

46 Name: Citizen : 2006-09-11 09:29 ID:uFsC50Xd

Because he must be a sick person.
Are there any American people who feel guilty for the victims
of atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima? The answer is NO!

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