Why only China dislike Japan? (110)

1 Name: Citizen 2006-02-23 18:18 ID:6EUbClcj This thread was merged from the former /politics/ board. You can view the archive here.

45 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E : 2006-09-10 08:25 ID:Heaven

> But we were showed films and essays about WW2 and i felt guilty for the Victims.

Did you personally have anything to do with WW2?

No? So why did you feel guilty then?

46 Name: Citizen : 2006-09-11 09:29 ID:uFsC50Xd

Because he must be a sick person.
Are there any American people who feel guilty for the victims
of atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima? The answer is NO!

47 Name: Citizen : 2006-09-12 18:06 ID:f/sFPS3D

I am 24. so off corse I've never done anything for that war.

can you imagine how we are educated about that war?
teachers always says that that war was wrong and we must always be feeling sorry for Asian people and against nuclear weapons and war.

we are too pure when we are told and Japanese Media is always weak
about China and South Korea. especially asahi news paper has never
critisized Chinese political system.

And Korea and China always say if thier ancesters did wrong thing, their descendents must pay reparation.

i really thought we must always sorry for them. it is like brainwash a bit.

But now we have internet and some of Japanese people noticed they are making storys and just threatening us.
it is much easer than past to check out thery storys are true or not and we can exchange opinions.

then a lot of young Japanese are getting angry because we started
thinking that we are betrayed by our Media and knowing Chinese and Korean ways.

48 Name: Citizen : 2006-09-29 05:11 ID:S1cz/5S1

i'm sure the hate towards japan would wear off sooner or later in a few decades. i am a chinese in southeast asia and from what i've seen, the chinese here don't hold resentment towards japan. even my grandparents who suffered and were witnesses to their own relatives being victims of the japanese occupation don't hold grudges, besides that they're relatively supportive of my japanese language studies and liking for japanese pop culture as well.

49 Name: Citizen : 2006-09-29 16:11 ID:WFDJQUtA

All your examples (including Unit 731, "comfort women", Nanking etc.) can't account for the berserk fury that Korean and Chinese nationalists vent on Japan. Korea has a very peaceful history compared to that of many European states. If European countries hated their former oppressors with similar intensity, there'd be a WWIII brewing there right now.
The thing is, China and Korea have adopted a holy victim mentality. Even though Japan (unlike many former imperialist countries) expressed apologies for war crimes, China and Korea must turn a deaf ear. They must keep up the hate, since it's a unifying national cause. Their state religion, if you will.

The offending textbooks were read by less than 2% of pupils. In general, Japanese war crimes are treated as fairly as the bombing of Dresden in British textbooks or My Lai in American ones. The Chinese and Korean backlash was a massive overreaction that was even encouraged by the government in China. As with the Takeshima affair, the crisis was mostly fabricated.


I agree. If the angry young Chinese and Korean men are true patriots, they should stop blaming others for their problems and help their countries in a more constructive way. Also, from my perspective, their displays of "hurt feelings" make them seem a bit effeminate with their tantrums. My advice to Koreans is that you can get more foreign sympathy if you stop acting like little girls.

50 Name: Citizen : 2006-10-02 05:16 ID:f/sFPS3D

thank you for your response.
i expect Chinese and Korean people who live in the other countries will understant the real situation in Japan.

Could you check this page, if you can read Chinese character?

It is S-Korean government's official web-page in English and it says about Japanse Army's crime about comfort women.
this page shows 2 advertisement using Chinese character and the contents are below;

1, advertisement for confort wemen (recruit hurriedly)
age :17-30
working place : ○○rest place (not battle field)
payment: more than \300 (you can owe money if it is less than \3000)
application time: 8:00a.m. - 10:00p.m.( you need to sent your career)
Imai Introduction office

2, advertisement for confort wemen for Army (recruit hurriedly)
working place : ○○army's rest place (not battle field)
qualfications: age 18-30 and sorry i can't read Korean.
term to recuit: October 11 - November 8
day for departure: will be Nobember 10
working term and condition: will be decided your opinion
required people's number: dozens of people
applilicant must call this office....

\300 is worth \12,000,000 ($100,000) in presence.
it is natural to think those women worked for money with their will.
the probrem is living ex-confort women insist that they were abducted and made confort women forcely by Japanese Army.
Also one of them's verbal evidence is chancging every time.
Korean government do negative campain against Japan still now and requires apology and reparation.

the number of Victims in Nankin which Chinse goverment is increasing every year.

we just think that Korea and China threat Japan making stories.

51 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E : 2006-10-02 13:16 ID:Heaven


> If European countries hated their former oppressors with similar intensity, there'd be a WWIII brewing there right now.

It's a pity many cultures haven't figured this obvious reality out yet. Everyone has something on someone. Being angry about past generations isn't constructive, unless you're a merchant of death.


> the probrem is living ex-confort women insist that they were abducted and made confort women forcely by Japanese Army.

Many of them probably were. But so what? War is war, and rape is pretty damn trivial compared to everything else. How often do we hear German and Soviet women complain about what the opposing armies did?

I'd be surprised if there ever was a war or conquest that didn't involve a large dose of soldiers forcibly having their way with the native flora and fauna. They pretty much go hand-in-hand.

52 Name: Citizen : 2006-10-03 03:09 ID:f/sFPS3D

what do you think if prostitutes start insisting we are raped and we require apology and reparation?

off course rape is not allowed ablodutely but they agreed and those women earned loads of momey. that was much different from rape.

also at Veitnam War,S-Korean soldiers raped so much women and the babyes between them are 3,000-30,000 and became social problem.
the meeting between tops of Veitnamese and S-Korean, sometime Veitnamese PM mentioned this problem but Korean Presidents have never show their apology and paied reparation.

Korean attitude is very unfair, not?
Japanse PM showed apology again and again and paid so much money.
soonly Korean forget those facts and start requiring apology and reparation.

53 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E : 2006-10-03 10:42 ID:Heaven

> off course rape is not allowed ablodutely but they agreed and those women earned loads of momey. that was much different from rape.

I don't think it has anything to do with prostitution. Rape has a clear definition, and who the person raped was or did has nothing to do with whether they were raped or not. If they didn't engage in sexual intercourse willingly, then it was rape. Do they suffer less just because they've been classified as some kind of undesirable?

However, while I feel for any women who suffered in war, what's going on with China and Korea right now is just propaganda. As I said before, rape and war go hand-in-hand, and always have. Indeed, they go so much in hand that I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out that we evolved this whole war thing so men could impregnate the other side's women.

The Europeans suffered far worse at their own hands than China or Korea did with Japan, yet you don't hear the Europeans rattling sabers today. They're more interested in creating a new political and economic superpower by getting along. Maybe having whole cities flattened and tens of millions killed gives them a little perspective; rape is barely worth a footnote after that.

> Korean attitude is very unfair, not?

Political maneuvering and redirection in the name of population control. It's the same old story: give the masses a scapegoat.

54 Name: Citizen : 2006-11-20 06:02 ID:ZJ3ILNYY

Japan has issued over 20 official apologies.

You wanna know why China's a hotbed of anti-Japan sentiment? It's because the government encourages the blind hatred. Better to have the people obsessing over Japanese textbooks and shrines than, you know, getting mad about Tianamanen square and internet censorship and unlimited police powers.

55 Name: Citizen : 2006-12-09 05:35 ID:bx4HeeCN

It's pretty funny that know-it-alls claiming "Japan did horrible things to china during WWII." I'm not sure if you realize the communist china has made you a puppet relaying their shameless propaganda. I'd really like to see a credible, neutral party confirming the evidences of these massive "incidents."

Wake up! They fabricate and exaggerate. They are so without shame that they'd build museums about that fabrication. Why would anyone believe news and information coming out of a country with no freedom of speach or press, murders their own and neighboring countries (e.g. Tibet) TODAY and populated by people who are so mislead that they'll riot on cue (I wonder what that was all about) over info. coming out of a contry with freedom press and speach and populated by people who won't riot nor burn flags is beyond me.

People are so, so naive sometimes...

56 Name: Citizen : 2006-12-09 16:14 ID:J+1ibPQP

The South Korea government doesn't support to the refugee from North Korea, and
it supports it to Kim Jong Il.

57 Name: strong guy : 2006-12-11 13:58 ID:HkYudTb1

You all still don't understand why they hate japanese??? that is because the japanese government are still not willing to admit for what they did during that time, even until NOW!!!!!they even try to distort the history about it and teach to their younger generations.

58 Name: Someone : 2006-12-16 19:41 ID:EmI8xWOx

Japan has issued over 20 OFFICIAL APOLOGIES.

59 Name: Citizen : 2006-12-17 07:34 ID:bx4HeeCN


How can Japanese government teach their young about something that was fabricated by commies in China or at the least, irrelevant in the greater view of the history.

There was a war. We all know that. China, as often is the case in history, was too busy infighting for individual gain and as a result, was being eaten alive by various imperial powers of the world (you gotta know Opium war of 1840 and what followed?). Japan couldn't have China eaten alive by Russia and needed a buffer (thus the peninsula and manchuria).

You are giving me the same old moronic argument. Give us the evidences not an endless stream of misinformed (see 58), emphatic assertions. China has so little credibility in the international community for that to be effective anymore.

And by the way, stop genocide in Tibet. Apologize to Vietnam for that "punitive war."

I'm sick of this Chinese rant. Show some integrity in your argument and learn to have some sense of shame for making untruthful statements.

60 Name: Citizen : 2006-12-17 08:08 ID:bx4HeeCN

To neutral observers,

It should be clear to you that it is in China's best interest to drive a wedge between US-Japanese alliance. This alliance between two major navel and air forces in the world is the biggest obstacle to their endless territorial ambition (Taiwan and other south-pacific nations).

Naturally, China will shamelessly try anything to weaken this alliance. Depicting Japanese as barbarians is one of the tactics they use in this information warfare. Their munitions are kind of dated and weak, for they have to go back 60-odd years to find an instance where Japan was involved in the war or conflict. Despite this, China can easily carry this out because there is no freedom of speach or press in that country. The government can create an endless supply of puppets who thoughtlessly repeats what their government taught them. Disseminating misinformation is much easier under totalitarian rule.

As ones who enjoyed freedom of speach and press since birth, we have been trained to "hear people out" before making a judgement. This is a fine approach when the other party shares the same value system but not when you are dealing with information coming out of a totalitarin government or those under the influence of such a system. You simply cannot give such information the same weight as the ones that has gone through the process of scrutiny common in the worlds with freedom of speach and press.

Critical thinking is important, and sometimes "STFU" is the right answer.

61 Name: Citizen : 2006-12-17 19:10 ID:GDGwGiZj

Agreed. Only American-Japanese solidarity can stymey China's Pacific ambitions. An American-Indian alliance would be beneficial as well. China MUST NOT BE ALLOWED TO EXPAND, their regime is notorious for human rights abuse. The Chinese Communist Party is directly responsible for at least 30 million civilian deaths, using pseudo-Stalinist tactics like artificial famines, extensive prison camps, and indiscriminately violent police and military personnel. To allow such a nation to extend its influence beyond its immediate frontier is unacceptable.

62 Name: Han : 2006-12-18 07:47 ID:hW8SlNgo

Ummm, its kind of ridiculous to decide that an entire nation of people are violent, sadistic bastards. We have been trained by modern society to reject Imperialism and territorial expansion because they are contrary to the ideologies of those currently in power over society and the world economy. China is a growing economic, political and military power. As the United States' power gradually wanes, we will see China take a greater and greater position on the world stage. In effect, we are looking at a world with more than one super-power.
You can deny it if you like, but China will gain power. And this will be more in line with history than our current world order. Just wait and see.

63 Name: Citizen : 2006-12-18 17:28 ID:FKFNudll

Japanese people are happy to have imperial family in Japan,
so i cannot be against imperialism.

Anyway i guess N-Korea's Nuke problem is the turning point for the history.
if they do not abandon the weapons and try to export them abroad like Iran, there will be no excuse and the present N-korean regime will be fade away from the land.
then what will China choose? Can China stand to face US-troops at the N-Korean border or is China going to take care the North/two Korea?

also China has so many people and even the high develop ecomomical growth, there are so many unemployed people and the land is polluted by the industry. people are exchanging information using internet and the political system is critisized by people.
China depands on so much foreign money.
if some big issu happens in China and foreign companies run away
from China, just polluted land will leave.
Future is very unknown to predict as >>62 wrote.

64 Name: Citizen : 2006-12-18 17:55 ID:GDGwGiZj

Was anyone listening? Until some big changes take place within china itself, the CCP will continue to abuse human rights. The government of China, its one party system, its gigantic police force and military, all make it a very unpleasant potential superpower. I, for one, will not accept China as an equal power until it is a democracy. Then, we shall see waht sort of nation they are.

65 Name: Citizen : 2006-12-18 19:25 ID:hW8SlNgo

Whether or not you like the policies of the CCP has no bearing on its power. China will become a power equal to or greater than the US because of economic and military success, not whether you approve of everything it does.
And please note, the US violates human rights, has a political system that prevents any additional parties from gaining power, has an enormous military and is the most politically influential country in the world. Not only that, it isn't really a democracy (or much of a Republic either.) China's sins are simply get better media coverage.
Something tells me you live in the US.

66 Name: Citizen : 2006-12-19 07:27 ID:FKFNudll

I cannot believe China can continue the system of the CCP.
I cannot even believe this system is communism.
Chinese histry is endlessly repeating separate and reunite the nations in the same land.
I've felt the leader Mao Zedong was just a emperor and just made people misunderstand the nation has the communism.
because he denied the last emperor and made his regime.
30years before he died and now Chinese regime is changing. it is belong Beijing or Shanghai. in the inland of China, the officers are using too much power and people are getting angry. There are too big ecomomical gap between people and Chinese people don't believe communism.
again this country might be separated and has three or more nation will rebirth in China, i expect.

67 Name: Citizen : 2006-12-19 18:15 ID:GDGwGiZj


Attempting to morally equate the People's republic of China to the US is an excercise in futility. Not really a democracy? Are you mad? The leftist/rightist bloc parties are perfect for preventing extremist elements from gaining any sort of meaningful plurality. Politics in the US have always been exceptionally moderate, which is the least I can say for european parliamentary democracies, in which communist/socialist or Fascist/Nationalist parties frequently gain seats with votes in the 25-30% range, only because their more moderate opponents are spread out among various parties.

To compare us to them in terms of human rights is nothing short of an insult. We are the single largest donors of human aid, in terms of dollars, on the planet. The legal system of the United States is, despite its flaws, enormously better at defending human rights than the odious legal system of China, which is geared towards the suppression of dissent. 
We, however, celebrate dissent. It is virtually a national passtime. There is not a single issue in the body of american politics which does not cause people to raise their voices at each other. No issue is truly taboo.
In China, you may be harassed by the police for the rest of your life, simply for speaking out against a corrupt beaureaucrat, party official, or military commander. Your opinion is not welcome. If you prove to be too vocal, you can be imprisoned, humiliated, or simply be made to disappear. china still maintains an extensive forced labor camp system, known as the Laogai. At least 50,000 of chinas own citizens labor under grievous conditions, essentially as slaves, to produce any number of goods.
America recieves some of the heaviest scrutiny in the world, because we allow it. We are large, influential, and powerful. It is natural that citizens of other nations would feel ill at ease because of our dominance. They are skeptical of us, unable to fathom that, despite our heritage (western civilization), we are a nation apart. We will protect you, we will extend an offer of friendship to you, so long as you do not threaten us with harm. That is America's sole desire; to prevent harm to itself, by any means necessary. We do not seek empire; we have seen the harvest of blood and tears that empire brings. Determining our own destiny is what brings the American people satisfaction. Our borders will never expand. We have what we want. 
Why is this so difficult to understand? Given a choice, the American people would retreat back behind our borders and remain separate forever. But this is not the case. All over the world, people awake with the desire to destroy us, it consumes entire nations with its deadly fervor. Blame America, Hate America. Every friday, Iranian clerics pray to their bloody handed god to destroy America, and their government actively pursues this. North Korea has made a national cult out of anti-americanism. Latin America is rife with those who denounce our wealth and influence, and seek to sap us of our strength, pouring millions of tons of drugs and weapons through our porous borders. The world is not safe for America, therefore we must be armed to defend ourselves.

68 Name: Citizen : 2006-12-19 18:18 ID:GDGwGiZj

Whoops, sorry about that. ^

69 Name: Citizen : 2007-01-18 15:52 ID:9ZvrCuR4

Is there the person who can translate this page?
This page is very dangerous.
I leave that I look to judgment of each person.
The person who looked wants you to talk along contents.


70 Name: Citizen : 2007-01-18 16:11 ID:+AzWqk7y

A 2 party republic does not amount to a democracy.

I'm not a fan of the Chinese government either, but I'm so sick of Americans holding their false democracy over the rest of the world.

In a true democracy, people actually have the choice of voting for more extreme left or right wing parties.

Oh, and by the way...

I'm a socialist.

Have you got a problem with that?

Americans are still scared that communists are hiding under their beds.

Seriously, get over yourselves.

I can't wait to toast marshmallows in the embers of your republic.

71 Name: Citizen : 2007-01-20 06:39 ID:ubsdiPSE

> In a true democracy, people actually have the choice of voting for more extreme left or right wing parties.

Which they do in America. Most people just don't expect them to win and would rather cast their vote where it matters.

Besides, how is America's system any worse then the huge, unwieldy multi-party coalitions that inevitably arise in 'true democracies' (assuming by those you mean Europe)?

72 Name: Citizen : 2007-01-20 19:12 ID:+AzWqk7y

US politics are NOT moderate.

The change of Administration in 2000 brought about a change of attitude towards Europe in the US Administration and a corresponding change of European attitudes towards the USA.

The Enterprise of Iraq in particular has brought home to Europeans just how far the Neoconservatives in the USA have taken America along the road to fascism, something we in Europe fear, because many of our countries have actually been occupied by fascist dictators.

Yes, most Americans know about Herr Hitler. But countries like Spain and Portugal had to endure for even longer under Franco and Salazar.

We in Europe have also learned, the hard way, about the dangers of low-medium intensity insurgencies.

We know that they cannot be defeated, even temporarily, by military means alone. There we very much disagree with the Bush Administration's approach to the "war on terrorism".

We fear the consequences will spill over into Europe - in fact that process has already started - and Europe is much closer to the Middle East than the USA is.

73 Name: Citizen : 2007-01-21 12:13 ID:7en/qVQl

All countries that were victims of Japan's ww2 crimes hate the country to this day simply because japanese are cowards who can't admit their own crimes and live in a self-build fantasy world where they were the good guys.

Same goes to turkey and their genocide to the Armenians.

74 Name: Citizen : 2007-01-21 16:07 ID:FKFNudll

well, i was surprised when i read an article which told a jurnalist who insisted Armenian genocide was killed.

I am not good at Turkish history. so i cannot tell so much.
about China, i wonder their insistence is true.
because the story is too big.
where are the victims tombs?
how old Japanese army killed Nanking people who were much than the residents at the term?

i found a conclusion of China and Korean insisitence and i will translate.

One solder could kill more than 100 people using a Japanese sword and had many spares,
using only bayonets and pisitols could kill more than 800,000 people who were more than after the explosion of an atomic bomb,
the army could have so much weapons and bullets to kill native people with no reason in each colony,
and more than 3,200,000 native workers were forcly worked,
and around 1,000,000 people were dead but Japanese Force could control them perfectly with no rebellion,
at a zone on a border, they could forcely make people build totally 19 fortresses which were about 4,700 km and the underground fortresses were about 1,700 km,
after the constractions, they could kill 10,000 workers and have high engineering technology which could make the width of Yangtze River less than 2m ,
on Okinawa, even after the landing of the US Force, Japanese Force could keep the system of orders perfectly and could order the citizens to die,
Japanese Forces could judge to send conform women to Indonesia which belonged to the Netherlands before WW2,
they could have enough foods and be powerful to rape conform women who were more than the number of Japapense solders and one solder could rape more than 20 conform women on a day,
at the moment, there was no porno video, they were creative enough to do Gansya,
in Korea they have eoungh time to destroy not only cultural institutions but also dictionaries and cooking books,
though Japan made an anexation but colony to protect, they knew Feng shui very well to change the flow of the energy with burying
steal stakes on tops of Korean mountains,

75 Name: Citizen : 2007-01-21 16:09 ID:FKFNudll

the rest is below:

after the destroy of all excellent Korean constructions, towns, railways without using them, they could have enough money and materials to build damn Japanese builings newly,
they could have enough ships to send about half of Korean people to Japan by shuttle service,
in China, they could set fire to many houses, gather and burn the bodies of killed citizens at one place with enough oil with no remains,
they were very good at alchemy enough to make fuel from human fat,
just 700,000 Kanto-Force were powerful enough to make 200,000 Chinese conform women satisfied between the combats,
though they were moving in wide and steep Chinese continent, they
could keep moving so fast like gold medalists and Chinese solders and citizens had no time to escape,
in Shandong, they could have bacteriological weapons which could kill more than 420,000 people and the number was more than the mumbers of victims in Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the two atomic bombs,

76 Name: Citizen : 2007-01-21 16:10 ID:FKFNudll

the final rest.....

they could destroy all highways in rural and urban areas perfectly, and they could vanish all plants patiently and precisely where no people lived aroound there,
just 11 years old kid was enough strong to fight in a field,
after the war, they could keep enough armaments to bring people meaninglessly,
they were so lucky enough to win Korean Anti-Japan groups easily which had excellent technology,
they had magical power which could make the Korean population twice killing so many people,
after the losing war, they could have political and deplomatic
ability to cause Korean War faking GHQ,
in the Chinese first comfort place, dai-ichi saloon, had a high technogical air conditioner,
they had great technology and invented poison gas which can work
even after a half century,
they could product more than 2,000,000 chemical weapons which needed so much money and bury all over China,
they could modify people's memory which they don't have......
the reason Japan lose is the biggest mistery on the human story....

i ve got tired with translating....
anyway this is made by China and Korean insistence.

77 Name: Citizen : 2007-01-21 18:13 ID:Heaven

ITT we cry over thing that we cannot change.

ex; hitler.. why dont we blame every single german for what his reich did? yeah, lets do that.

78 Name: Citizen : 2007-01-26 09:40 ID:Heaven

>turkey and their genocide to the Armenians.
>japan and their genocide to the Chinese.

These smell like the "global warming" issue. It's impossible to search for actual facts anymore.

79 Name: Citizen : 2007-01-31 17:36 ID:p6kPNmui

All those Japanese haters are victims of thier older generation's indoctorination against the Japanese who most of them don't have anything to do with the past directly now.

Thesedays insiting anti-Japanese sentiment has become nothing but mere a convienient tool for the Chinese or South Korean gorvernment to avert the citizen's attention from its formidable internal issues.

Chines and South Koreans have never been told about how a striking amount of money Japanese gervornment has been donatng to thier development and how often it apolozied to them over the decades.They simply haven't been informed about that whatsoever.

I'm rather concerned that the both gervernments never knows how to move forward and stubbornly continue intimidating Japan for the past forever.

80 Name: Citizen : 2007-02-02 20:28 ID:Heaven

Wow, just...wow. Do you people over there really BELIEVE any of that shit you posted?
Your brand of acid, Sir, is illegal on a galactic basis.

81 Name: Citizen : 2007-02-12 08:18 ID:MfkOVRqW

As a Yank, when i was in school when the presadent chose to use the A-bomb during WW2. He chose to use it becuase useing the A-bomb to end Japan's part in the war would kill off less lives then if they didnt use the A-bomb and fought a prolonged war.

But i guess differnt ideas, expectancys, and teachers make a ton of differnce.

82 Name: XyZ : 2007-02-25 20:36 ID:ZirniwOX

20 official apologies? No. They weren't official apologies. All the official apologies have been shot down on the Japanese parliamentary floor.

83 Name: Citizen : 2007-02-27 01:44 ID:uBGJlC6i

Why should they apologize anyway? Japan is not ruled by emperors anymore; it has a completely different government. The current government should not have to apologize for the actions of some emperor.

84 Name: Citizen : 2007-02-27 10:19 ID:Heaven


as long as the current government chooses to identify itself with the wartime rulers and venerate those fallen in service of that regime, it very well SHOULD be forced to apologize.

85 Name: Citizen : 2007-02-28 17:02 ID:Heaven


The Three China Cards Books By GORDON G. CHANG February 28, 2007
James Mann's "The China Fantasy: How Our Leaders Explain Away Chinese Repression" (Viking, 127 pages, $19.95)

"The China Fantasy: How Our Leaders Explain Away Chinese Repression"

( His thesis is simple: China is not democratizing, and for decades our leaders'
pronouncements have been dead wrong about the nation ruled from Beijing.)

And there is this: "If China's political system stays a permanently repressive
one-party state, that will mean that American policy toward China since 1989 has been
sold to the American people on the basis of a fraud ? that is, on the false premise
that trade and ‘engagement' with China would change China's political system."

86 Name: Citizen : 2007-03-04 13:39 ID:/kRvXn97

Japanese lover : Those that have been touched by Japanese money, video games, hentai, anime, or mangas.

Japanese hater : Those that have been raped by the Japs, and everything else not mentioned above.

87 Name: Citizen : 2007-03-10 12:33 ID:p+d+7MyP


Hey! Do not fabricate stoties!
When does the Japanese raped?

88 Name: Citizen : 2007-03-10 23:52 ID:D+OY3XM9


Grudges die hard.

89 Name: Citizen : 2007-03-12 06:26 ID:8T2gRt58

>>88 signed

90 Name: chinaman : 2007-03-18 22:30 ID:GdxOb9rh

20 million civilians slaughtered
sex slaves
civilians buried, burned alive
continous provocation from japs
japanese president visiting the shrine honouring the war criminals of WWII
always hiding the truth and denying the truth
no money paid for the damage done (how much would you pay anyways for 20Million lives?)
...and more

and personal reasons
like mine: my grandfather stared at a jap, and he was hit on his back with the butt of the rifle the jap was holding.

japs are lucky being a puppet of USA. if it wasn't for them, there wouldn't be a japan. think: japs are surrounded by countries they invaded in WWII. korea, china, phillipines to name a few.

91 Name: Citizen : 2007-03-19 00:25 ID:9VRE5yON


>japanese president visiting the shrine honouring the war criminals of WWII

Prime Minister, and the Yasukuni Shrine is not a shrine for war criminals, but a shrine for all soldiers over the years that fought for Japan (including Koreans and Chinese), as well as a shrine for all soldiers who died for their country. Originally the shrine excluded war criminals. However, to a large degree many war criminals in World War II in the Pacific were exempted from trials because of agreements between General MacArthur and the war criminals, exchanging human testing data for exemption.

>no money paid for the damage done (how much would you pay anyways for 20Million lives?)

Also false, Japanese have paid money to both China and othe nations it invaded during World War II. However these reparations were made largely to the governments and economies of the nations, and not to every individual person.

>always hiding the truth and denying the truth

Well that depends. Only a handful of Japanese textbooks remove or edited history, and the degree of revisionism varies from location to location. Osaka, for example is a human rights center and has a generally left leaning response, as opposed to some of the more hawkish rightish people who deny any and all crimes.

>continous provocation from japs

Delicious, delicious irony.

>and personal reasons

No shit. Have some apolojuice. If that was the worst of your experiences with the Japanese, how was your parent's experiences with the red guard?

92 Name: Citizen : 2007-03-19 05:11 ID:z1K/B6lt

↑very objective!
I agree with >>91.

93 Name: Citizen : 2007-03-20 21:08 ID:D+OY3XM9


Also, several prime ministers have delivered direct apologies, I guess they weren't good enough, though.


94 Name: canada : 2007-03-25 05:01 ID:F7rd8hv1

Japan does not deserve it's good reputation.
Iran denies holocaust = bad
Japan denies own mass murder of civilians = no one cares

95 Name: Citizen : 2007-03-31 08:45 ID:Heaven


↑Background of the 1993 apology to comfort women

Here is a video with English subtitles giving
a background to the apology and admission of
“coercion” in the 1993 Kono statement on comfort women.
The video makes it clear that the government never had
any evidence to suggest that there was coercion,
and that the Kono statement was based on uncritical
acceptance of testimonies and the feeling that such
things might be possible in war time.

96 Name: Citizen : 2007-04-09 11:54 ID:Heaven


97 Name: one : 2007-04-21 14:23 ID:OJr8zZTF

We should investigate thoroughly all Chinese and Korean insistence .
they are completely lairs .

98 Name: Citizen : 2007-04-24 01:55 ID:Heaven

lying liar

99 Name: Citizen : 2007-07-10 11:07 ID:Heaven

OK. This is probably waaaay off topic but here I go.
I see alot of China-flaming in this thread, about the government and all, but when you think about it, most of the products we use are manufactured there, and why? Because the government keeps the currency value low, though it's risen considerably over the past few years, it's still relatively low. And because all of us are benefitting from this, it kind of like betrayal now that you're attacking the country that made your life the way it is now. Unless you don't buy anything that comes from the mainland, you don't really have a leg to stand on when you're arguing about how bad its governing is. Also, what makes you believe that the media coverage that China gets on its, quoting >>61, "pseudo-Stalinist tactics like artificial famines, extensive prison camps, and indiscriminately violent police and military personnel." aren't exaggerated, if true? Unless you've been to China yourself and have seen solid evidence of that happening [though I've seen the latter on the news], your argument is totally void IMO.

Having said all this crap I'd like to state that I'm a neutral observer, and I'm not trying to argue in defense of the CCP in any way, but if there IS any news about the brutality of the Chinese regime, it would've gone through us [Hong Kong] before it reached you [wherever you are]. I've been in the mainland several times recently, and in none of these visits did I see anyone looking like they live in total, constant, perpetual fear of being prosecuted if they said anything to offend their "dictators". None of anyone I've seen kissed CCP ass. No one shouted Communist slogans [though I've seen banners displaying slogans encouraging certain activities, eg. safe driving]. Not a single one of my tour guides, SUPPOSEDLY mouthpieces and spies for the Communist government, tapping in to every anti-government statement that us tourists made, did anything like take notes, persuade us to "love the motherland" or anything like that. I'd say the picture of China that the media paints in most of your minds is, despite being to some extent true, grossly exaggerated, brutal and just ugly in general.

Thank you, and good day~

100 Name: Whaa : 2010-03-09 13:12 ID:NG8Tlmfh

There are chinese people in yasukuni shrine??

101 Name: Dubious CHink : 2010-05-08 19:40 ID:aIsijqRT


102 Name: Dubious CHink : 2010-05-08 19:48 ID:aIsijqRT

What? Now we have to thank China for our goodies? Hey, we give them work and a reason to live! And now they are using that to blackmail us like this? Shameless CHINKS! Bring our jobs back!

103 Name: Citizen : 2010-05-29 14:40 ID:lZh1US1j

I am Japanese I love China I know most Chinese like Japan very much. there are few cranks on both Japanese and Chinese side speaking ill of each other. Chinese and Japanese are 同文同種, the peoples of the same leter and race, right?

104 Name: Citizen : 2010-12-13 13:16 ID:Xs5ts0lC

China can divert people's dissatisfaction with the government away.
It's true of Korea.

105 Name: Citizen : 2011-07-19 10:10 ID:x1rt0m3L

ITT: Weeaboos rush to justify their holy land's war crimes.

106 Post deleted.

107 Post deleted.

108 Name: Citizen : 2013-10-28 13:10 ID:uhUJQlDB

Crazy Chinese

109 Name: Citizen : 2013-11-08 23:05 ID:Heaven

Three years late, but Yasukuni enshrines all who died in service to the Emperor during wartime, regardless of nationality. This includes many Korean and Taiwanese people.

There's also a smaller shrine on the same grounds, Chinreisha, which enshrines all war dead whether they served the Emperor or not.

110 Name: Citizen : 2013-11-23 13:59 ID:zmES0ChS

I am a japanese. I love chinese people.
I work with chinese everyday^-^


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