Are pedophilia and child pornography wrong? (23)

1 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2012-05-12 00:28 ID:EoMyNKuq This thread was merged from the former /debate/ board. You can view the archive here.

I think that pedophiles get far too much of a hard time. Like other paraphilias and sexual orientations, many pedophiles cannot help how they feel. The press has a tendency to use "pedophile" and "child molester" synonymously, when they aren't always one and the same. Pedophilia is a recognized mental disorder, but many pedophiles are missing out on proper support because of the stigma and paranoia surrounding pedophilia. Is being a pedophile wrong in itself?

What about child pornography? From what I gather, most child pornography isn't Uncle Bill raping his niece, but rather "child modelling" photographs from where/when it is/was perfectly legal. The children and their parents consented. For material that has already been produced, should mere possession be illegal? Will it encourage further production and increased child molestation, or will it give pedophiles an outlet for their desires? What about lolicon, which is increasingly being covered by the same laws in many countries?

2 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2012-05-17 04:21 ID:Heaven

inb4 spam and rage.

3 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2012-05-28 17:16 ID:Heaven

It is arbitrary for us to restrict paedophilia and child pornography, but this is irrelevant. I like the current model of nonsexualized childhood. It allows development of the human being in ways more complex than the tendency towards sex.

Get out, scum. The oppression may continue

4 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2012-06-01 21:12 ID:Heaven


>nonsexualized childhood.

But children, while not sexualized directly, look up to sexualized role models. Little girls don't want to be princesses any more, they want to be Katy Perry and sleep around, even if they don't fully understand what that means.

5 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2012-06-05 07:00 ID:Heaven

This is entirely correct, but these are clearly recent developments edging on conventional systems of morality.

You are generalizing about unanimous identification with this by the way. While widespread, I am confident this is not absolute. What relevance does opinion have in a moldable infant have regardless?

6 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2012-06-10 14:25 ID:Heaven


This is what happens when somebody starts believing that, against evidence, evolution is possible and that there is no God, your morals twist.

I have been a very heartless person and I cannot see as non-wrong such crap. And there are morons that have made me look at hintings of it. You just need to be VERY VERY EVIL NATURED to pretend it cooudln't be wrong on some very sick perspective.

7 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2012-06-19 05:18 ID:jAufVJai


>From what I gather, most child pornography isn't Uncle Bill raping his niece, but rather "child modelling" photographs from where/when it is/was perfectly legal. The children and their parents consented.

That's not what I heard. Do you really think that in this day and age, when even cell phones have 5MP cameras, people who are aroused by children would be content with ancient grainy and often relatively blurry photos?
Also, children cannot consent to this sort of thing. This is not a legal fiction. I'm all in favour of lowering the age of consent in some places, but the boundary line still has to be drawn somewhere after the onset of puberty.


>This is what happens when somebody starts believing that, against evidence, evolution is possible and that there is no God, your morals twist.

You are a moron. Where's your evidence for the existence of God? Where's the evidence against the possibility, nay the fact, of evolution? Morality has nothing to do with believing in a big beard in the sky.

8 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2012-06-19 15:06 ID:Heaven

9 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2012-06-26 03:31 ID:mY1LaNFP

10 Name: >>7 : 2012-06-28 09:28 ID:jAufVJai

11 Name: >>7 : 2012-06-28 09:28 ID:jAufVJai

Bah, I keep forgetting to reset the post formatting. URL should be obvious enough though.

12 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2012-09-07 12:03 ID:b2DG0wLP

Being a pedophile? No.
Molesting children? Yes.
Getting your rocks off at CP? No.

13 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2012-10-09 14:05 ID:Heaven


14 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-10-08 04:17 ID:odIPlsin


15 Post deleted.

16 Name: Anonymous Hebe Fan : 2019-01-15 22:06 ID:AVg2Cg4A

Agreed but what about loli. I mean I know shota is absolutely haram but Stanley Kubrick. True Story?

17 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2019-02-08 14:35 ID:wPXiDWba

There's way too many people crying "pedophile" on the internet these days that it's starting to lose its meaning. While there are legitimate cases of actual child abuse, porn, and grooming being inflicted on real children through places like Twitter, Tumblr, and Discord, it becomes a joke when people use said cases to justify their argument on why loli and shota should be banned.

18 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2019-06-17 03:27 ID:lw6DklXe

19 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2019-09-16 14:51 ID:dB4XClka

>MCMICHAEL claimed this post was a joke

20 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2020-08-06 16:13 ID:Cg1K9ML5

This p. much, "pedophile" is to the right wing what "Nazi" is to the left wing, i.e. a lazy mud-sling for "people I disagree with who are therefore evil incarnate regardless of the (in)applicability of the term's actual meaning".

21 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2020-12-27 09:28 ID:ZcqLtDOX


Pretty much this.

22 Name: Unverified Source : 2022-01-08 07:36 ID:Heaven

Everyone is a pedophile, change my mind. Give a "not pedophile" a cute naked little girl clinging to him, and see if he will be able to just ignore that. Whenever he will fuck her or not is a different question though, men are usually capable of self control. Hell, he might not even get hard.

Left vs Right is meaningless, it is politics supersimplified for retards, so that they can feel involved and angry at something while understanding nothing. Give me concrete names.

23 Name: Unverified Source : 2022-01-12 06:55 ID:Heaven

if somebody is a pedophile but doesn't act on it they should seek aversion therapy while there is still time. once they molest somebody though or start collecting underage pornography they should be sentenced to surgical castration/nullification and life in prison. if they just collect nonviolent drawn loli and shota they may not need to be jailed, but the cops should probably keep a close watch on them. if you have straight shota featuring hot women with underage boys then I would advise you to try and edit the underage boys out of the picture.

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