Hamas invades Israel (32)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2023-10-08 05:13 ID:LB9zg/hB This thread was moved here from /general/.

2023 is turning into a strange year. Now Hamas have launched their own special military operation. Meh fuck Israel anyway. I hope that country gets flushed down the toilet. Zio niggers and glowies everywhere defending them. Don’t forget they helped the FBI break into your smartphones and we’re giving over our taxes to support their retarded little experiment in the desert. It’s funny watching my tax dollars getting burned by angry Palestinians jumping on wrecked tanks and stomping on the heads of IDF soldiers.

So what’s next for 2023? I swear to god I’ll wake up tomorrow to see that Biden’s been overthrown in a coup by Hunter or Nazis are now back in power in Germany or Apple aren’t going to rape consumers with stupid prices. 4-ch is now the most popular site on the internet and Reddit is dead. Maybe Saddam Hussein is still alive somewhere and he comes back in Wolfenstein style robot suit to lead Iraq for a second Kuwait invasion?

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