Hamas invades Israel (32)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2023-10-08 05:13 ID:LB9zg/hB This thread was moved here from /general/.

2023 is turning into a strange year. Now Hamas have launched their own special military operation. Meh fuck Israel anyway. I hope that country gets flushed down the toilet. Zio niggers and glowies everywhere defending them. Don’t forget they helped the FBI break into your smartphones and we’re giving over our taxes to support their retarded little experiment in the desert. It’s funny watching my tax dollars getting burned by angry Palestinians jumping on wrecked tanks and stomping on the heads of IDF soldiers.

So what’s next for 2023? I swear to god I’ll wake up tomorrow to see that Biden’s been overthrown in a coup by Hunter or Nazis are now back in power in Germany or Apple aren’t going to rape consumers with stupid prices. 4-ch is now the most popular site on the internet and Reddit is dead. Maybe Saddam Hussein is still alive somewhere and he comes back in Wolfenstein style robot suit to lead Iraq for a second Kuwait invasion?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2023-10-08 14:19 ID:Heaven

3 Name: Anonymous : 2023-10-08 14:51 ID:Heaven

Nice blogpost!

4 Name: Anonymous : 2023-10-09 01:48 ID:LB9zg/hB

lol Israel dropped the soap and got fucked up the ass. Hamas boys flew in on gliders to take their war brides. Zoomers kidnapped, IDF slaughtered, hipster festival destroyed, Israeli general kidnapped in his underwear. Jews are gonna have no mercy on Palestinians now. Their gonna go for full irony and do the genocide. Nevar forget lol

Just hope those Jew girls in Gaza are getting pleasured by arab dick. That’ll really drive the chosen people mad inshallah

5 Name: vc munition : 2023-10-09 07:49 ID:aKUvTQZN


6 Name: vc munition : 2023-10-09 08:48 ID:Heaven

>muh tax money

I swear even at the brink of a cosmic horror invasion that's all you NAggers will ever blab about.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2023-10-09 09:18 ID:Heaven

It's time to go back to 4chan.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2023-10-09 11:13 ID:Heaven

OP first.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2023-10-10 00:29 ID:n4xJwafi

Why do the best militaries always get fucked in the ass by rag tag guerrillas? You’d think they’d have fixed that by now. Like study all the guerrilla tricks and know how to defeat them but they keep getting assblasted. If Syria tried to invade the Israelis would have beat them like a domestic abuser.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2023-10-10 08:57 ID:Heaven


i think i smell a phoneposter...

11 Name: Anonymous : 2023-10-10 09:17 ID:Heaven

I don't disagree.

12 Name: Anonymous : 2023-10-10 14:23 ID:n7hgLwxZ

Where do I see the raw combat footage?

13 Name: Anonymous : 2023-10-15 10:32 ID:YkhwoFcY

>I swear to god I’ll wake up tomorrow to see that Biden’s been overthrown in a coup by Hunter or Nazis are now back in power in Germany or Apple aren’t going to rape consumers with stupid prices. 4-ch is now the most popular site on the internet and Reddit is dead. Maybe Saddam Hussein is still alive somewhere and he comes back in Wolfenstein style robot suit to lead Iraq for a second Kuwait invasion?

You just listed my greatest hopes. I think it's possible but unrealistic that isreal can be defeated. What do you think a world without isreal will look like?

14 Name: Anonymous : 2023-10-17 02:12 ID:qq+6qXTU

15 Name: Anonymous : 2023-10-17 20:15 ID:bPPlIUo1

>4-ch is now the most popular site on the internet

4chan is already one of the most popular sites on the intertents.

16 Name: Anonymous : 2023-10-21 03:22 ID:YS3RV4SW

what is a 4chan?

17 Name: Anonymous : 2023-10-21 11:57 ID:Heaven

No one's forcing you to buy Apple products, your mind has been poisoned OP!

18 Name: Anonymous : 2023-10-23 01:44 ID:WH3uW8wH

When the Israelis were striking hospitals, schools and ambulances, Reddit mods kept the stories from making the front page until it became impossible to ignore. Israel has gone full irony and will do the genocide and our lousy politicians will cheer and give them all our tax money.

19 Name: Anonymous : 2023-10-23 13:40 ID:Heaven


20 Post deleted.

21 Name: Anonymous : 2023-10-23 19:40 ID:WH3uW8wH

Oh look its the juden

22 Name: Unverified Source : 2023-10-26 01:14 ID:DzEu/wCH

So when is Israel going to invade then? Don’t tell me they are pussying out already

23 Name: Unverified Source : 2023-11-02 03:30 ID:DOtWhVot

They lost 300 guys so far. It ain’t looking good chief.

24 Name: Unverified Source : 2023-11-14 03:00 ID:9rdbOcQh

I thought this was a joke but looks like they are really going to do it this time. Watch as the Arab world sits and does nothing. Don't move your tanks Salman, God forbid!

25 Name: Unverified Source : 2023-12-31 01:11 ID:qt6qEIZl


>I hope that country gets flushed down the toilet.

Based on the sentiment of the majority of the world, it just might. Well, not actually because Joos are powerful, but they were severely underestimating how people would react after they launched an invasion and attempt to slaughter every last Palestinian in the era where every single second of a war is now caught on video by everyday people.

The only people who really seem to be on their side right now are retarded propagandapilled Christian right wing morons in the US and Europe and hilariously BJP supporting Indians although they don't really care about their support because nobody likes India, especially a bunch of retarded Hindu nationalists.

They'll win because obviously they are a superior military force and are led by Zionists, but they sure made the majority of the planet hate the Joos once again. Nature is healing, as they say. The smart thing for the inevitable retaliation by Islamist groups would be to NOT attack North Americans or Europeans on their own territory like they usually do. Don't start suicide bombing subway stations in Berlin or London because that would damage the opinions of everyday people who are actually sympathetic to the Palestinian struggle. Instead, direct it at Joos only. Unfortunatly the Moslem terrorist groups generally don't strategize well on the psyop front, so they'll just end up digging their own grave again until the US starts firing MOABs on Gaza for fun.

Will be interesting to see where it all goes. Compared to when I watched the Second Intifada unfold, the popular support has heavily shifted to the Palestinians/Muslims where in the past everyone hated them.

26 Name: Unverified Source : 2024-01-09 00:12 ID:Y7OFDOym

>Israel intends to show 'October 7 horror film' at ICJ hearing - The Jerusalem Post

I genuinely think that Israel will be trashed in this trial. I wonder how the US will go about anulling the verdict. Probably it'll just be something boring such as them just calling it antisemitic blood libel but we'll see.

27 Name: Unverified Source : 2024-01-16 00:28 ID:ZM0l4Te8


>I wonder how the US will go about anulling the verdict.

Hague Invasion Act maybe? Israel and the US have ignored the ICJ before. If there's a guilty verdict then that would make Biden complicit in genocide and a wanted international war crimminal. Uncle Sam won't stand for that. The irony of Biden, a guy who rails about Trump being a fascist, is now being accused of backing a genocide by UN officals. This guy is worse than Trump and Bush.

28 Name: Unverified Source : 2024-01-29 22:45 ID:0f8yqYw3

Looks like /pol/ has a lot of explaining to do

29 Name: Unverified Source : 2024-02-19 08:29 ID:IXV4HQcg


30 Name: Unverified Source : 2024-02-21 01:59 ID:RUKeV7NM

Looks like ths Israelis are using chemical gas weapons for maximum irony

31 Name: Unverified Source : 2024-03-02 00:10 ID:uK5W4T+d

Modern-day "jewish" "people" taking God on one-on-one and gettin' they ankles broken (Hamas will win)

32 Name: Unverified Source : 2024-04-26 15:54 ID:8zyhntBi

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