Do you support independence of Taiwan? (53)

37 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2012-01-31 17:14 ID:I3/F+3tW

And also our country does not have a dictator! Also very surprisingly I realized most Tibetans are very happy about being Chinese when I actually went there and talked with people there. They actually like China government, way more than other Chinese do. The reason is they don't have to be slaves anymore and got their wives raped by owners, their kids eaten like a chicken or their own skull cut in half to make a bowl. And this precisely same reason make those Tibetan nobles ppl escaped and try to make Tibet independent again.

What I'm trying to say is, next time you guys want to talk shit about my country, please, do some serious research or just go there and see what's really happening instead of watching those stupid and brainless TV news. Then you are qualified to say something, or just $HUT THE F**K UP. Thank you very much!

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