Yesterday, I went to Yoshinoya... (416)

10 Name: lolocaust!rsvcwx6Axc 2004-12-05 15:38 ID:Heaven [Del]

By the way,please listen to me , >>1. Though it's not about the topic of this thread.
Yesterday , I went to Yoshinoya in my neighborhood which is gyudon shop.
Then,there was so crowded that I couldn't enter the shop.
And I found the banner , written "Gyudon now at a 150yen reduction"
I thought they were foolish! Crazy!
Why did they unusually come to Yoshinoya because of just a 150yen reduction,mad men?
A 150yen , only 150yen!
There had being some family , I was shocked. Do they often have lunch at Yoshinoya with their all

four family? They should be a simple mortal!

"Year , dad order huge serving!" One of them said. I can't watch more!
I wanted to tell them to make room for me in exchange for 150yen.
Yoshinoya should be more bloody.
It's good atmosphere that it's no strange to quarrel with a man who sit across U-table. Women

and children should get out there!

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