Yesterday, I went to Yoshinoya... (416)

11 Name: lolocaust!rsvcwx6Axc 2004-12-05 15:38 ID:Heaven [Del]

When I sat on the seat at last , the next said "Large serving with much sause dip , please".
I exploded in anger to hear that!
Guess what , "with much sause dip" is not popular at all these days. He should be stupid!
Why did he say "with much sause dip" in proudly face?
I wanted to ask him if he really wanted to eat gyudon with much sause dip. I wanted to cross-

question. I wanted to cross-examine for about one hour!

He only wanted to say "with much sause dip" , did he?
I , an expart of Yoshinoya , think the latest vogue among us is "with many onions". That's what I


Large serving with many onions. This is the order which experts do.
When you order it , you have a lot of onion , but the beef is a little instead. It's good.
And large serving with Gyoku(an egg) add to this. It's excellent!
But if you order this , you will be risked of being marked by clecks after next time. So it's like a

double-edged sword.

I can't advise inexpert men to order this.
Well , you inexpert men should eat set lunch of beef and salmon instead.
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