Yesterday, I went to Yoshinoya... (416)

250 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6089 02:08

Anyway, listen to my story.
The other day, I went to a nearby Yoshinoya. A Yoshinoya.
And there was a huge crowd, so I couldn't find a place to sit.
And after a closer look, I saw that the banner read something like 150 yen off.
Seriously, are you morons? Idiots?
Hey, losers. Don't suddenly show up at Yoshinoya because of a goddamn 150 yen price drop.
It's 150 yen. A hundred fifty yen.
And there's even a family here.
Four people having a family dinner at Yoshinoya, huh?
Must be one hell of a special occasion.
And then the dad's like, okay, I'm gonna make mine a jumbo.
Just shoot me now.
Hey, guys, I'll give you 150 yen, so scram.
Yoshinoya is supposed to be a more brutal place.
Nothing odd about getting in a fight with the person opposite you at one of those U-shaped tables.
Knife someone, or get knifed yourself.
That's the atmosphere we want around here.
Women and children should get lost.
So I finally found a place to sit when the guy next to me ordered a large bowl with extra soup.
And I snapped again.
Now look here. Extra soup ain't the "in" thing no more, dumbass.
Don't come in here looking like you're all that and ordering no extra soup.
I want to know if you really want that extra soup.
Put you on the rack. For a whole hour.
Yeah. You probably just ordered that for the hell of it.
As a regular of Yoshinoya, I can tell you that the current fad is extra onions. That's the thing.
A large bowl with egg. Extra onions. That's how we roll.
If you just order extra onions, you get more onions.
Which means you get less beef.
So, get extra onions and an egg, and you're set.
But once you've ordered it, your name will be on their list.
A double-edged sword.
Can't recommend this to an amateur.
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