Yesterday, I went to Yoshinoya... (416)

334 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9052 16:49

Alright, so, the scene. We're in... I think it was South Carolina, or Tennessee? My friends and I have just finished playing in a card tournament (not a cool one, just Magic). We stop by Jack in the Box in the way home.

One of our guys has to pee. He goes in, and walks back out 5 seconds later. He's got that half smile half shocked look. "Guys, you have to come see this".

We walk in and it is just a disaster. The entire bathroom is a problem. There's a huge shit in 2/3 of the urinals, blood all over the floor... and the cherry on top is the coat hangar COMPLETE WITH FETUS in the toilet.

Well, I have to pee too, and the bathroom is already a mess, so my buddy and I back up and piss into the same urinal. We're pretty far back from it to, 3 or 4 feet away trying to get the highest arc. There are still a couple of our magic team in the bathroom watching this transpire. I don't remember who won. I think in a way we all did.

We exit the bathroom and an old black man sees us walk out. One of our group has already gotten our food, which is good. The old man goes in, and comes out with a look of pure... Disappointment and hurt. Like... "how could the human race have done this, and why would they do this to me?" and he looks into our souls with this look, as if we were responsible for all of it.

He goes to alert an attendant and I don't want to explain to the middle aged manager lady that we didn't abort into her toilet (we just pissed all over the urinal) so we grab our food to go and eat in the car. I'll never forget that guy's face though.

Anyway, that was my real life lesson in broken window theory.

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