Yesterday, I went to Yoshinoya... (416)

41 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4673 21:53

Whatever, just hear me out, okay? It's not really related to this thread, but hear me out anyways. Basically, wow, what the hell was that? Nothing even seemed to make sense. The girl gets her wish granted? Even though she DESTROYED IT, and already said she came to terms with the way her life was, she still ends up going back and basically redoing the selection (at least that's what I assume she was doing by going back to her time period and dying like that)?
How did the other girl survive that attack? Don't tell me that was her period on the wall.
And the guy, still being an idiot, ruins all chances with this girl by saying he loved the other girl. Bad move.
Further still, the third girl came back. That just TOTALLY destroyed the ending. I was hoping she was in another room when the second girl was attacked, and she was torn to shreds or something.
And finally... I dunno what it was, but... that was not sad for me. At all.
I'm feeling let down by this... I hope there are some answers to my questions, cause I USED to like the series before this.

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