1 Name: Barnaby Worthingford 2004-12-08 07:59 ID:eLMl9c/Q [Del]

3 Name: Barnaby Worthingford 2004-12-08 08:48 ID:Heaven [Del]

Let's try to understand this image

First, what do we see? The most recognizable item is the head in the center of the image. It has blue hair with two white circles on either side, and and ambiguous expression of either extreme joy or extreme terror. (One may say this mirror's the viewer's own emotions upon seeing this piece.) On top of the head, there is a marroon colored mass which appears to have a fuzzy texture, but does not fully cover the hair as a hat might. The head appears to be severed, but it is implied that this head is the source of the statements around it. So, we may assume that the body is covered in snow, and the head is poking above it, although this would be difficult to imagine considering the shape of said snow. It appears to have a deep canyon to the left of the head, with a small cliff extending over it. This cliff could infact be interpreted as a snow covered arm as well. It also brings us to question the scale of this image. This could in fact, be a gigantic severed head on top of a mountain, judging from the shape of the snow. The sky (or, we assume it represents sky) is a pale green color, and utterly cloudless.

4 Name: Barnaby Worthingford 2004-12-08 08:48 ID:Heaven [Del]

Now, we can move on to the text. Each statement is enclosed in a square, not a word bubble, but we can assume the head is saying these things. Reading from left to right, the default for English language, we can see each statement increasing in terror and urgency, though all the text is emphisized with underlines. Lack of proper initial capitals and required punctuation heightens the rushed aspect of the situation. However, the last line makes a dramatic switch in tone.

The line "snow!!!!!!! he hee" adds the most mystery to this piece. After building up with so much fear and an idea of murder, why suddenly such a happy statement? We can try to look to the artist's statement to get a glimpse of it's meaning.

" I got really bored one day and painted a picture of this girl getting atacked by snow trying to hide
Did it on paint... I draw better on paper... "

Now we understand that the girl is being attacked by the snow ITSELF. This adds a lot of humor to the piece. She being attacked by snow, which happens to have a cannon full of snow, and will murder her. So, her hiding within the snow itself is utterly pointless, though humorous and thought provoking.

Please, tell me your thoughts on this artwork.

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