, --- 、_
/ , -ー‐'"´´´ ヾ.三ヽ
,' / ヾ三ヽ Agent Smith has 4get
j | / }ミ i
| | / /ミ ! >>1-3 Give up.
} | r、 l ゙iミ __」 >>5 Are you surprised, Mr. Anderson?
|]ムヽ、_ ∠二、,ィ|/ ィ } >>6 There is no spoon.
|  ̄`ミl==r'´ / |lぅ lj >>7 You are malevolent software.
「!ヽ、_____j ヽ、_ -' レ'r'/ >>8 Did you hear that sound?
`! j ヽ j_ノ >>9 It's OK by Smith.
', ヽァ_ '┘ ,i >>10 Come back here, Mr. Anderson.
ヽ ___'...__ i ハ__ >>11 I will reload you tonight.
ヽ ゙二二 ` ,' // 八 >>12-1000 You will all become me.
ヽ /'´ / ヽ
|ヽ、__, '´ / / \
> Product Not Found!
> We're sorry, but the item you are looking for cannot be found.
> Please use either our search tool, or browse the virtual aisles by clicking on a department icon above.
> Thanks again for visiting Walmart.com!
I will crawl on your internet.
get some beano, you fruit.
>>5: Yeah... Fortunately, I nabbed a screenshot of it. Check it out:
This thread is proof that there was a time when it wasn't 1993 on DQN. And that QUALITY has DELCINED since day of past!
What is so funny?
Fuzakete warau mujakisa ni
Chotto urayamu kurai de
Nee atashi donna kao shiteru?
Umaku waraeteru?
>>11 yeah as you can see it was 1929.
Hello, I'm bumping threads with DQN or LOL in the title.
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