【モウフ】A blanket is yummy.【ウメー】 (38)

1 Name: I AM A PROUD MEMBER OF THE SOCIETY OF THE DQN 1993-09-4221 04:20 ID:zj6MHVwW [Del]

Eat a blanket!

2 Name: I AM A PROUD MEMBER OF THE SOCIETY OF THE DQN 1993-09-4221 13:41 ID:AFXakn1h [Del]

Mmm, blanket.

3 Name: I AM A PROUD MEMBER OF THE SOCIETY OF THE DQN 1993-09-4221 22:39 ID:3NS38KhC [Del]



4 Name: I AM A PROUD MEMBER OF THE SOCIETY OF THE DQN 1993-09-4221 23:45 ID:shRerABO [Del]


5 Name: I AM A PROUD MEMBER OF THE SOCIETY OF THE DQN 1993-09-4221 23:48 ID:q/G+MiQT [Del]

(*´∀`)=3 blanket!

6 Name: I AM A PROUD MEMBER OF THE SOCIETY OF THE DQN 1993-09-4222 01:20 ID:0BvtZdd0 [Del]

These blankets are the best that money can buy. If you order blankets at the world's finest restaurants, blankets of this quality are what you will be served. The fabric is exceptionally tender and practically melts in your mouth. You will know you are experiencing something special when you serve these blankets. A fine bottle of wine and a simple side dish and you have a gourmet meal which cannot be surpassed. The blankets are hand trimmed and cut 1" thick. They are packaged 4 to a package and each blanket will weigh about 5 ounces. Usually two blankets per person is adequate unless your guests are exceptionally hearty eaters.

7 Name: I AM A PROUD MEMBER OF THE SOCIETY OF THE DQN 1993-09-4222 10:21 ID:w2DEAVox [Del]

wtf is this shit?

8 Name: I AM A PROUD MEMBER OF THE SOCIETY OF THE DQN 1993-09-4222 11:38 ID:mhrHIyY2 [Del]

>>7 needs a blanket to eat.

9 Name: I AM A PROUD MEMBER OF THE SOCIETY OF THE DQN 1993-09-4227 17:23 ID:V5X+XgYP [Del]

Eat a blanket!

10 Name: I AM A PROUD MEMBER OF THE SOCIETY OF THE DQN 1993-09-4227 18:01 ID:Heaven [Del]

Needs more blanket!

  /  =゚ω゚)=3      ))
  /つ( ̄`ヽO_ノ⌒ヽ   
ノ   )        \ ))
(__丿\ヽ ::    ノ:::: )   
    丿        ,:'  ))
  (( (___,,.;:-−''"´``'‐'

11 Name: I AM A PROUD MEMBER OF THE SOCIETY OF THE DQN 1993-09-4227 20:10 ID:xWEw8R2r [Del]


12 Name: I AM A PROUD MEMBER OF THE SOCIETY OF THE DQN 1993-09-4228 05:51 ID:at5b8S8r [Del]


13 Name: I AM A PROUD MEMBER OF THE SOCIETY OF THE DQN 1993-09-4228 08:07 ID:Heaven [Del]

tastes like chicken lint.

14 Post deleted by user.

15 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4245 13:47 [Del]

                       | ̄ ̄ ̄|| ̄ ̄ ̄|\
                       |      ||      |\|
                  | ̄ ̄ ̄     ||      ̄ ̄ ̄|\
                  |   .○ヽ   ||   / ○    .|\|
    ┏┓    ┏━━┓    |____.  ヽ---||---/ ..___|\|               ┏━┓
┏━┛┗━┓┃┏┓┃    \\\|   ヽ  ||  /  |\\\\.|               ┃  ┃
┗━┓┏━┛┃┗┛┃┏━   ̄ ̄l   ヽ ||. /   .|\| ̄ ̄ ̄ .━━━━━━┓┃  ┃
┏━┛┗━┓┃┏┓┃┃  | ̄ ̄ ̄     ヽ||/    || ̄ ̄ ̄|\.           ┃┃  ┃
┗━┓┏━┛┗┛┃┃┗━|           ||     .||      |\|━━━━━━┛┗━┛
    ┃┃        ┃┃    |___     ||     .||      |\|             ┏━┓
    ┗┛        ┗┛   \\\|      ||            |\|             ┗━┛
                    ̄ ̄|      ||            |\|
                      \\\ \\\\\\\\|
                         ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄~

16 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4313 17:19 [no]

My blanket is very yummy.

17 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4313 17:21 [no]

My blanket is unko flavor

18 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4313 20:51 [no]

my blanket is automatic
my blanket is binary
my blanket is callous
my blanket is dimensional
my blanket is esteemed
my blanket is forlorn
my blanket is grinding
my blanket is horrible
my blanket is illegal
my blanket is jam-packed
my blanket is killing you
my blanket is livid
my blanket is murderous
my blanket is nonplussed
my blanket is original
my blanket is pure
my blanket is quivering
my blanket is reinvented
my blanket is superior
my blanket is torrid
my blanket is ululating
my blanket is vulnerable
my blanket is whipped
my blanket is xing
my blanket is yellow
my blanket is zoomorphic

19 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4314 03:13 [no]

my blanket wants to be the blanket with the most cake

20 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Tractor 1993-09-4314 12:22 [no]

My blanket
My blanket is not visible
My blanket exists in a savage state
My blanket confers omnipotence
My blanket will follow the free tendencies of desire
My blanket its like a rosary around the neck
My blanket stretches as far as the eye can see
My blanket seeks all your reflected images
My blanket My blanket is sufficient unto the day
My blanket is nothing but a crossroads
My blanket keeps its promise for everyone
My blanket is a pill dropped in a glass of water
My blanket is the household crow
My blanket leaves in a shadow of perfumes
My blanket is an illusion on a surface of memory
My blanket is a finger resting on the controls of a broken machine
My blanket is too soft to be honest and too honest to be true
My blanket turns as it pleases toward all horizons
My blanket is perfect sadism, at least as a method
My blanket is a flower beaten by the rough fever of the wind
My blanket can be rearranged in all possible combinations
My blanket is a bueatiful chimera
My blanket is an idealist without taking part in any ideal
My blanket takes the shapes and colors of demoralizarion and confusion
My blanket crouches to intercept shadows
My blanket is not in the habit of saluting the dead
My blanket will always find buyers
My blanket is at most a thinking reed
My blanket has drawn the symbol of the infinite
My blanket is not incompatible with a certain nobility of thought
My blanket is watching over a blue glass
My blanket writes sad and ardent love letters
My blanket is a hierarchy, like any other
My blanket is a door someone opened
My blanket implies that there are others behind it
My blanket is a dark intention
My blanket never waits for itself
My blanket is hard as the incredible hammering and no questions underneath
My blanket is a reference point
My blanket is neither my shadow, nor my double, nor my half nor another myself
My blanket is blood at water level
My blanket is half of a destiny
My blanket has nothing to do before dying
My blanket leaves an exquisite corpse

21 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4314 16:52 [no]

my blanket is soft
my blanket is a husband and wife team
my blanket is "cloth soft" too
my blanket is suffering from alzheimer痴
my blanket is gone she
my blanket is a magic blanket because blanket's mom is magic princess
my blanket is unique
my blanket is there don't wash my blanket
my blanket is so warm
my blanket is now 5 ft 5in
my blanket is now about a row shy of being 4 ft long
my blanket is white
my blanket is all that's keepin' me warm
my blanket is important to me because it reminds me of all the good times i've had with it
my blanket is my favorite
my blanket is wet
my blanket is love
my blanket is there
my blanket is draped over me like a poncho
my blanket is blue and my comforter is beige
my blanket is now flat and skinny
my blanket is cool tho
my blanket is really warm" hahahahahah posted by
my blanket is a fuzzy elmo blanket and i love it
my blanket is thick
my blanket is too warm
my blanket is something warm to snuggle with at night and a multitude of costumes during the day thanks to the
my blanket is laid
my blanket is missing and upon further inspection
my blanket is soaked
my blanket is a sweet quilt eli's mom made for me in 1994
my blanket is my castle
my blanket is all over the news
my blanket is wrapped around you most in the midst of struggles and tears and danger
my blanket is heavy wool
my blanket is gone
my blanket is the sky"
my blanket is the sky i wanna hand jive
my blanket is the darkness
my blanket is an angel
my blanket is warmer
my blanket is so special to me
my blanket is lost and my warmth gone
my blanket is blue or pink
my blanket is the most comfy blanket in the world
my blanket is all torn
my blanket is still missing
my blanket is on my bed
my blanket is pain
my blanket is currently an example of my stream
my blanket is blue by hilda offen when mum says goodnight
my blanket is yours when the cold wind blows
my blanket is in the dryer right now i need to
my blanket is in there and my cars are there
my blanket is off
my blanket is electric
my blanket is _________
my blanket is
my blanket is a cape that allows me to fly
my blanket is in here somewhere
my blanket is coming along nicely
my blanket is too cheap
my blanket is in the car all the time
my blanket is wraped so tightly around me
my blanket is dirty
my blanket is lovely; garrett is nice
my blanket is pretty old
my blanket is very heavy
my blanket is so cold leaving just an emptiness begging to be filled forget what i said noone id rather hold come give me one last
my blanket is blue 〜 0099408732
my blanket is coiled around me now
my blanket is your soil so expand your narrowness for this fearful entrant and shield from me all of your
my blanket is white and very soft
my blanket is funny
my blanket is frayed and all the toons are re
my blanket is still wet from the tears that you wept
my blanket is made of down feathers
my blanket is my ally
my blanket is too comfortable for me to be typing
my blanket is the snow
my blanket is wrapped around my shoulders
my blanket is big
my blanket is too well tread
my blanket is the news of yesterday
my blanket is all crooked
my blanket is remnants of dinner from the night before
my blanket is nailed
my blanket is tucked securely
my blanket is soft and cool
my blanket is old
my blanket is still in the dryer

22 Name: blanket!m3QOFIfoN2 1993-09-4315 06:35 [no]

my tripcode is blanket.

23 Name: blanket!m3QOFIfoN2 1993-09-4315 16:30 [no]

Hahaha disregard that, I suck cocks.

24 Name: blanket!m3QOFIfoN2 1993-09-4315 16:56 [no]

Hahaha disregard that, I suck blankets.

25 Name: blanketblanket!MOfJtQeZlQ 1993-09-4316 06:11 [no]

o rly?

26 Name: !1VtP7h0ICM 1993-09-4316 07:36 [no]

yeah, rly.

27 Name: !ibLaNkeTcc 1993-09-4318 11:40 [no]

my tripcode has a blanket

28 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4328 03:12 [no]

모포 맛있다

29 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4328 19:24 [no]

>>27 has hueg cpu powers

30 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4328 20:14 [no]

( ´3`)〜♪ I did nothing there.

31 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4417 08:37 [no]

Needs more blanket!

  /  =゚ω゚)=3      ))
  /つ( ̄`ヽO_ノ⌒ヽ   
ノ   )        \ ))
(__丿\ヽ ::    ノ:::: )   
    丿        ,:'  ))
  (( (___,,.;:-−''"´``'‐'

32 Name: revol : 1993-09-4818 01:37


33 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5317 08:33

( ☀v☀) Hello. I am "Mr. Likes To Bump Mysterious Threads". I do believe this thread is shrouded in mystery, so I would like to bump it. That is why my name is "Mr. Likes To Bump Mysterious Threads".

34 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5317 09:18

This thread is not shrouded in mystery. This thread is shrouded in a blanket.

  /  =゚ω゚)=3      ))
  /つ( ̄`ヽO_ノ⌒ヽ   
ノ   )        \ ))
(__丿\ヽ ::    ノ:::: )   
    丿        ,:'  ))
  (( (___,,.;:-−''"´``'‐'

35 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7323 04:09

Is it fun to poop?

36 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-7588 19:53

      |u'''^u;'  |
      |∀ `  ミ  ダレモイナイ・・・
      |  ⊂  :,    モサモサ スルナラ イマノウチ
      |     ミ
      |    彡 
      |    ,:'

        もさもさ   |  '゛''"'''゛ y-―,     
               ミ ´ ∀ `  ,:'     
             (丶    (丶 ミ     
          ((    ミ        ;':  ハ,_,ハ
              ;:        ミ  ';´∀`';,  
              `:;       ,:'  c  c.ミ  
               U"゛'''~"^'丶)   u''゛"J

     ,―-y'"'~"゛´  |   もさもさ
     ヽ  ´ ∀ `  ゛':
     ミ  .,/)   、/)
     ゛,   "'   ´''ミ  ハ,_,ハ
  ((  ミ       ;:'  ,:' ´∀`';
      ';      彡  :: っ ,っ
      (/~"゛''´~"U    ι''"゛''u

37 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8462 18:50

Pillowcases taste better than blankets, especially if those pillowcases have waifus printed on them.

38 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8463 09:16


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