> A 4chan meet is being arranged for Friday 4/29/05 in the Stanford/Palo Alto area.
> If you are in the area and would like to attend, please email mod@4chan.org for more information, or JUST LET US KNOW YOU MAY BE ABLE TO ATTEND. If we receive enough hits this will probablly happen, if not, it won't!
somebody plz 2 go there and infiltrate. or maybe beat them up, since we got all the brainless bullies who got banned from there, amirite?
@@/ijij @@I am going there.
@@| /MÆÆL
@ //@| |
@t@ .t
i bet attending requires a $100 mandatory 'donation'
You have been banned from 4chan.
If you believe this is a mistake, you may dispute the matter by e-mailing banned at 4chan dot org. It is possible you are accidently being affected by a ban meant for somebody else. Please explain exactly why you think you were banned, and state a reason(s) why you think you deserve to be unbanned in the e-mail. You must include the name you usually post as (Name !Tripcode), the country you reside in, as well as your external IP address. According to how the server sees it, your IP address is:
Rude, poorly written, or offensive e-mails will be ignored.
4chan users and the men who stalk them - next, on Oprah!
> your IP address is:
@@i@@@@j @_QQQQQ
@@b b@|
@@/ijij @@I am DQN
@@| /MÆÆL
@ //@| |
@t@ .t
Well, did anyone go?
lol internet
Banned for life, is that a joke or something? All i was doing was trolling.
who cares, it's 4chan
Hello, I'm bumping threads with DQN or LOL in the title.
I tried to go but my time machine is bust and getting to 12 years in the future is hard, did anything of interest happen other time-travelers?
expand dong