59 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5294 01:30

Unfortunately, the whole song can't fit in the comment field, by 1029 characters, so the first line of the chorus is slightly abridged:

>>1-8 are banned for being stupid. This thread is now about FALCON PUNCH. by DQN-kun

Damn it all to hell and back...
We've caught many localized resources for Germany, French, Swedish, Italiano, Spanish, Russian, Portugal, Chinese and English;-) already. We're gratitude for your work.
Kill all niggers.

Yes!Let's see if I can choose the correct formatting this time.
You are a CAD sir, and I say Good Day to You!

We've caught many localized resources for Germany, French, Swedish, Italiano, Spanish, Russian, Portugal, Chinese and English;-) already. We're gratitude for your work.
I killed JFK.
Now I shall reign in blood!

Yes!Let's see if I can choose the correct formatting this time.
You are a CAD sir, and I say Good Day to You!

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