>>1-san fails once again.
lol good job at spamming gikopoi link in DQN you fucktard.
It will ABSOLUTELY POSETIVELY help giko now!
Just fuckin start a conversation about it in Net Culture or something and make it alittle more interesting.
God, do i have to do everything myself..
I have not seen a fail this big since, well, since ever. Thank you >>1 for showing me this.
gikopoi resourse kit I suppose to use this thing??
Looks like gikopoi is officially dying on January 12.
Lets have a big party on 9983 or whenever the New Beer is !
Gikopoi Rewritten
Not the gikopoi... Haven't been to the place in years but not the gikopoi... It's like the end of Epoch. The dawn of the Japanese culture appreciation. Made obsolete by the zoomers. Replaced by what?.. By the Black Twitter memes...
Dark times
>Looks like gikopoi is officially dying on January 12.
Are you pulling my dick or are you just saying that because of flash """dying"""?
Nigga did shut thy big rampallian purple rampallian up thee smelleth liketh a whole rampallian bruh thee alas not with me, i'll killeth all yo wench rampallian family on god brooo dont playeth with me bro gage thee feeleth me nigger
Remember to New Years Gikopoi today!
I'm at the beach!
Me too!
>>21 I was in a conversation with someone when you arrived but I hope you enjoyed Mr. Bean!
Anyone DJing tonight? My New Years eve plans fell through and Gikopoi might be a nice way to spend it.
They change the tense of all verbs in your Wikipedia article the very second you die
Adobe can kiss my balls so much, put red lipstick on and pucker up
Had a great time on Gikopoi, thanks everyone who showed up for the great New Years celebrations.
Seems like there's another event for the EOL of flash, come by if you want to (and are able to)
We're all at the beach! Come hang out!!!
I'm tickled, I love their little faces
fun fun fun
( ß ƒŽß) Ohh it's all about Jesus!
SPINNIN' FOR JESUS (whom it is all about)
gikopoi ain't dying homeskillets, set up another playdate and we can all have a baller DQN party at the giko crib tonight or tomorrow.
>>39 It looks like it's dead now, there's just a Flash EOL info box. But there is a giko 2
Sounds like a you problem. Gikopoi works just fine for me and presumably anyone else that doesn't use the big GC and FF.
This weird website actually has a fix for this flash problem!
I agree with >>39-san, we should have a party again DQNers
(EÍE) I believe the correct term is DQNas, check your priv-
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I'm going for a walk with a friend on the 10,000th but I will drop in afterwards!