ITT Things that aren't funny that you laughed at (67)

65 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9907 23:15

i think male frogs can pretty much nut all day without suffering any problems, if they're anything like most species. moreover i think homosex is pretty common among a lot of species too. neither is the gayness relevant to the girl frogs because to put it politely theyre probably getting fertilized whether or not they want to. it's probably more an issue of a chemicals causing e.g. lower sperm count or genetic damage.

amphibian extinction / pop decline is a legit issue but i'm not convinced that homosexuality had much to do with it, and tying that up with it for purposes of appealing to a homophobic audience was a bad look.

speaking of which, i'm not really convinced alex jones's audience is very homophobic either. butt sex is pretty popular ever since obama legalized the gay, hell trump's supreme court even did ENDA and basically nobody complained. jones often takes what should be a good point and does such a bad job of explaining it sometimes that it seems intentional

in conclusion i think alex jones is working for the illuminati

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