[Youtube] QUALITY VIDEOS [DQN] (999)

401 Name: !ESpeoN/nPA : 1993-09-6916 10:21

If you weren't contributing anonymously, it could be easily proven that you don't have a slightest idea about quality. Also, who are you to determine what is quality? You are a part of a herd. And what was my offence? I refuse to mix with the herd.
Let me tell you, being in a herd is against the concept of elitism, and it can't be considered as ironic. It's degrading.
Back in the day DQN was a community of independent posters who shared their wit. But nowadays it can only be perceived as a museless herd. And the fact that I'm in disgrace is a proof.

FYI, these questions are rhetoric. I'm not open for a further discussion on this topic.

Precisely. (Punch Ctrl+W to complain!)

Here's your video of the day: http://youtu.be/v22FLMaReyk

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